Ladies who will be ovulating around June 28th.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2011
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This is my cycle # 2 with ttc and I will be ovulating around June 28th. I had a clock like cycle of 30 days but last month when I started ttc I got a delayed af at 35 days. May be due to stress of ttc. I would like to know who all be ovulating around the same time and when are you planning to BD and for how many days. We can plan this journey together and share our emotions. GL to all.
I might be. Fertility friend has given me from the 27th-3rd to ovulate. I had irregular cycles before I had my daughter but now they seem to be 28 days. If it was up to my OH he'd BD about 4 times a day. I told him this is no good, so he's having every other day from now until I ovulate then the day I ovulate and the day after. Then he can have more or less depending what mood I'm in.
I hope to be, but I'd have to be verrrry lucky. This is my first cycle off bcp and I'm not temping or opk'ing so I have no clue what my body will decide to do and no way of knowing what's going on, or if I'll even ovulate this cycle at all. BUT the 30th will be CD14 for me, so it would be nice if my body would amazingly pick right back up and O then. I started my period when I was 10 and got on the pill when I was 16 and am now 24, so I've been on the pill for over 8 years now, but the 6 years before the pill my cycles were always regular from the very beginning. I think they were 28 or 29 days, but that doesn't mean much now. Since I don't know what will happen I am watching out for EWCM and just going to *try* to BD as much as possible, which is a challenge all on it's own as we don't very often right now and have crazy schedules where we don't always see each other every day and only go to sleep at the same time in the same place about twice a week. BUT if we do somehow manage to BD every day possible from here on out it will be CD's: 7, 10,11,12,13,15,16,18,19....hopefully we'll be able to catch it if I O.

Sorry for the ramble! :oops: Good luck!!
I should be ovulating on the 28th as well. We have been TTC since December 2013. This is my first cycle using OPKs.

If I actually do O on the 28th we will be doing it everyday up until I O, the day of and a few days after.

This TTC journey has taken its toll on me... Im so down in the dumps about not being pregnant yet, I feel like my body has let me down or hates me for some reason
FF says the 28th is o day for me!! Good luck!
I should be around then too! I am cd 3, have a 21 - 23 day cycle so typically ov around CD 6 - 8 so June 27 - 29!

mkyerby you never know, the 3 times I've come off bcp I've gone right back to my normal cycle, including just last month, I had my normal 23 day cycle!! good luck!!

Not sure when we'll bd... have to seduce OH, he has this thing about it has to be spontaneous.. blah blah blah doesn't want to "know" when I'm ov... but I'm older now and have had one heck of a year.. so I think that he's finally on-board... doc recommended that I wait until september but said it would be okay if I was preggo now so we figure to start since it will likely take us a few months :) I'm 38.

Good luck ladies!!!

I should be ovulating on the 28th as well. We have been TTC since December 2013. This is my first cycle using OPKs.

If I actually do O on the 28th we will be doing it everyday up until I O, the day of and a few days after.

This TTC journey has taken its toll on me... Im so down in the dumps about not being pregnant yet, I feel like my body has let me down or hates me for some reason

I know how you feel. I m also like you but I would like to tell you here that stress is one of the reasons in not getting preggo as it plays with our hormones. My cycle was clock like before my last cycle and had a clear skin too. Since my last cycle when we started ttc my cycle changed and my face is full of acne. I feel it's all due to the stress of conceiving. I know we cannot control it but try to be cheerful as much as possible. Even while BDing try to enjoy then thinking about conceiving. I may sound preachy n sorry if tht offended you. I told you all this coz I too feel the way you do...
I should be around then too! I am cd 3, have a 21 - 23 day cycle so typically ov around CD 6 - 8 so June 27 - 29!

mkyerby you never know, the 3 times I've come off bcp I've gone right back to my normal cycle, including just last month, I had my normal 23 day cycle!! good luck!!

Not sure when we'll bd... have to seduce OH, he has this thing about it has to be spontaneous.. blah blah blah doesn't want to "know" when I'm ov... but I'm older now and have had one heck of a year.. so I think that he's finally on-board... doc recommended that I wait until september but said it would be okay if I was preggo now so we figure to start since it will likely take us a few months :) I'm 38.

Good luck ladies!!!


Hi Kim,

I m nearing your age but don't know what do you mean by one heck of a year. I mean I know that conception and pregnancy after 35 is complicated. Do you mean the same?
hey artich

Haha no my age hasn't been a problem.. I meant by one heck of a year because I had a very unusual mc in the fall, and my uterus almost ruptured and they almost had to do a hysterectomy... very scary.. then as of February they told me that I could not get pregnant since they said that my uterus could not carry a baby, I waited another 4 months then got the okay a couple of weeks ago that my uterus could hold a pregnancy! yipee!!

I got pregnant with my second ds at 35 with no problems at all!! good luck with your bd'ing ;)

Lets catch some eggs ladies!!! :)
Hey Kim,

Then you are a hope fr me. Sometimes I really get tensed by the age factor.
Hello everyone! I should be Oing around the 30th... Can I join your thread? Who knows if it will actually happen then as my cycles are all crazy.... Very irregular.... My O CD is always changing and has been very frustrating! But, I'm staying positive this cycle and hopefully that will help with making things happen! :D
Hello everyone! I should be Oing around the 30th... Can I join your thread? Who knows if it will actually happen then as my cycles are all crazy.... Very irregular.... My O CD is always changing and has been very frustrating! But, I'm staying positive this cycle and hopefully that will help with making things happen! :D

U r most welcome @AmysU4ea....even I am not sure for 28th but it shud be around tht time.....good luck with BDing...I wud say instead of getting frustrated enjoy continuous 10 days of BDing and who knows when we will hit the bulls eye.....
I should be ovulating on the 28th as well. We have been TTC since December 2013. This is my first cycle using OPKs.

If I actually do O on the 28th we will be doing it everyday up until I O, the day of and a few days after.

This TTC journey has taken its toll on me... Im so down in the dumps about not being pregnant yet, I feel like my body has let me down or hates me for some reason

I know how you feel. I m also like you but I would like to tell you here that stress is one of the reasons in not getting preggo as it plays with our hormones. My cycle was clock like before my last cycle and had a clear skin too. Since my last cycle when we started ttc my cycle changed and my face is full of acne. I feel it's all due to the stress of conceiving. I know we cannot control it but try to be cheerful as much as possible. Even while BDing try to enjoy then thinking about conceiving. I may sound preachy n sorry if tht offended you. I told you all this coz I too feel the way you do...

Not offended :)

I know what you mean though, ever since TTC my cycles have been wonky too. I used to be 28 days bang on and since we have been trying I've had some that went 33 days, some that were 23 days and a few normal ones. I don't know why.

I've also been stressed out due to other reasons but that is all settled now. I've also come off one of my medications - which I would not be able to take if I got pregnant - so I am hoping that will help as well.

This is all my and my BF want so heres to hoping it will happen this month!
Hey Kim,

Then you are a hope fr me. Sometimes I really get tensed by the age factor.

Yeah artich I think they blow the whole age thing out of proportion... I wouldn't worry at all you still have A LOT of time!!! I know for me I didn't want to be 40 having a baby.. just a personal thing that I've had in my head hahaha and at 38 I don't feel to old to do this at all... I had my first DS at 31 and then my second at 36... and here's to hoping my 3rd baby at 39 :)

TTC can be stressful and put our cycles all over the map.. I'm not sure how to manage that.. hahaha I try not to get to obsessed, but it's hard when it's all you want...

good luck ladies!!!
@Shedevil18 ..... May be u already know about it but I just wanted to tell that there are some medications that u should not take around ovulation as they dry up the fertile mucus and thus making it difficult for little swimmers to swim through. I recently came to know about it. Like I take Claritin daily for my allergies and it is one of such medications. So I stopped taking it for now.
U r right Kim. My mother had both of her pregnancies after 35 and it was pretty smooth. But then when it comes to ourself we think of every damn factor. When sometimes it's just not possible to have everything at the said time. Anyway let's keep our fingers X.
Since I started TTC my O date has been anywhere from CD 16- CD 31! Lol! The last two months I've also had random short LPs of 7 & 9 days long... Wth is going on with me? Lol! But ever since I joined BnB I've been oddly calm about TTC. So, I'm hoping that since my stress levels have dropped significantly that this cycle will be more normal.... I don't know what it is about being able to talk to others in my same situation that takes the stress out of the whole thing, but I'm very thankful for all you ladies! :)
I should be right around that time, Its our first month TTC , I ordered OPKs today hopefully they will here in time.
Hi all,
It's just a thought or we can call it loud thinking. We all know that OPKs are like our best friend when we r actively ttc but at the same time a pressure on our DHs. For them it's like u have to do it today if u wanna see ur wife happy. I feel we shud keep the opk results to us n just try to create a pleasurable atmosphere the day we get a positive on a opk instead of just showing him the stick. Eventually what matters is our happiness.....
artich I totally agree! I don't always opk.. I have ordered some since I just came off bcp and wasn't sure how regular I'd be, but my OH doesn't want me to... he doesn't want to know when I'm ovulating, he wants it to be spontaneous... I tell him that i know my body and I can't pretend that I don't but I don't let him know... I just seduce him a little more than usual around ovulation :) He said he actually finds it stressful to be formally "trying"... we didn't with our last one... but because of time ticking he's a little more aware... he has said that he'd actually like me to hide being pregnant as long as I could, 8 -9 weeks... hahaha but we can't do that now. As soon as I know I'm pregnant we need an ultrasound to check where baby implants, if it's low we have to terminate, no option here... so we've decided that we want this ultrasound before the heart would start beating, just in case. The good news over 95% of babies implant in the "upper" part of the uterus!!

Anyways enough babbling for me!! hope everyone's getting ready for lots and lots of bd'ing :)


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