Lakai's story

Some pictures...

Little Lakai

I have been reading more and more about bleeds and the level of the kind he has..and what some of the outcomes have been for other preemies. And frankly the so called problems that they may face? dont bother me..I dont know if I am being a naive twit, but I just dont see them happening.

I was so scared after the doctor broke the news of the bleed...and then I went to Lakais side and touched my finger to his hand...and he held on to it tighter than he ever has. Almost saying dont listen..Im strong..and I went from almost having a complete emotional break down to feeling this sense of NO! no no! My son is not the average, he is not what the doctors may have some times seem..or read in books...or learned about in school. He is himself, and his outcome will be not be decided by anyone but himself, our love for him...and if I have sheer will to guide him to a healthy life.

Thank you for your offer to vent and talk..I will probably take you up on that at some point. Your daughter is so beautiful by the way, like a butterfly..they start out so exposed and fragile...yet they transform into things of wonder and beauty...doing things that most people cannot even imagine..and are stronger than we ever give them credit for.
He is so beautiful sweetie, he looks and sounds so strong for someone so small. I am sure with all his strength and that of your family he will be fine. Always in our thoughts :hugs:
He's absolutely gorgeous and he sounds such a strong little boy, keep fighting hard little man!
He is so cute! :cloud9: What a survivor! Don't let the doctors get you down. Maybe it's their way of trying to "worst case senario" to you so you think that they're all miracle workers when Lakai makes it through just fine. Trust your gut.

You guys are in my prayers! I'm rooting for him! :happydance:
Thanks for keeping us updated during this difficult time. We are all thinking of you. He sounds like such a fighter and its so sweet to hear he squeezed your finger. xx
your attitude and sheer loyalty to his progress makes this story so emotional but amazing at the same time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

He is beautiful.

He is gorgeous!! And what a little fighter, wishing your lovely little family the very best of luck xXx
What a strong little boy you have there. You and your family are in my thoughts. Take Care xxx
He sounds like such a miracle!! Such a strong little fighter!!! Keep us updated whenever you can! His name is GORGEOUS!!!
Thank you to everyone for the kind words and well wishes. The support is so important to me and really does help.

We have had some positives today such as his PDA appears to be closed, but they did warn us that it could open again. He also does have a cut on his head that was looked at by a plastic surgeon but they think it will heal on its own.

He looks awesome. And frankly there isn't much change..but what there was, was all positive.

He was off his funky blue light today, which showed what nice colouring his skin has..nice a pink.

The doctor also told us even with the IVH he is doing so well in general. She said she was shocked that he had such a badly graded bleed because the rest of his health issues are minor.

I, on the other hand might be starting to run down a little..I feel very weak and tired. I don't think I am eating very well, which I know I have to fix. Between worrying and pumping, I feel pretty much terrible!

But I will start trying to take better care of myself since I know I have to be strong for Lakai.

They also have upped his feeding of 1cc of breast milk every four every two!

The doctor did say that even though he does have a Grade IV bleed its not on the serious side and that means its very doubtful he would be strongly affected by it. He could face learning disabilities or possible muscle control issues, but those are what can happen with there being also brain damage/injury.

She said we will have a better idea of what could be in 2-6 weeks. She also said that babys brains do amazing things and the outcome is really not something you can predict.

They can give us an "idea" but Lakai will pretty much decide the rest.

I don't know what to really make of it all beyond the fact that any baby can or could have these issues..

I cannot wait to hold him! Its honestly the toughest thing in the world. I can't wait to start kangaroo care.

Also our favorite nurse who just started at the hospital is actually able to do primary care, so thats a huge plus for us because we really like her and feel comfortable with her.

I dont have much else to update you guys with right now. Except Lakai peed all over the doctor and his incubator today as well....there is no mistaking he is all boy!

Sounds like he is doing very well!!! Make sure you are taking care of yourself to hun, I know its hard at a time like this but you need to make sure you're doing well and keeping up!! I hope you get to hold your son soon, I know it would kill me too!!
Soo glad to hear all is doing well! Take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all the updates - you've been in my thoughts. I'm in the Okanagan, and plan to come down to Vancouver (my mom lives there) if baby decides to come early as he well might, so he can have the benefits of Children's Hospital. So maybe we'll cross paths sometime. Your son is just beautiful, and your strong and positive attitude is beautiful as well. Please try to do everything you can to take care of yourself as well - your body has been through a lot.

Many many hugs your way!
I am thinking of you all hun. Hope you can write his amazing birth story down some day soon, if you haven't already and I have missed it that is lol.

I am so happy he seems to be doing really well and is a fantastic fighter! I hope you get some answers too as to why he needed to be delivered to early hun :hugs:
First Congrats on the birth of your miracle :) My son Noah was born at 29 weeks, but he had IUGR so he was more the size of 26 weeks. He weighed 1lb 15 oz, and had a small bilateral grade I IVH bleed. He spent 67 days in the NICU, and I won't lie it was the worst "roller coaster" ride I have ever been on in my life. Today though he is a healthy 9 month old baby(7 months corrected) and weighs 18lbs!! Like everyone else has said take time to take care of yourself so you don't become ill. I was there 12 hours a day and it caught up with me in the long run. I'm going to keep both of you in my thoughts :hugs:
He is amazing!! Great pics, I know you guys will pull through this, his is such a strong little fighter!!
Thanks for always keeping us updated during this tough time :hugs:
Oh he is so beautiful, such a little miracle. It sounds like he's doing reallly well honey. Make sure you take care of yourself too xx
Your story is amazing to read and emotional too. Thank you for posting - we're all rooting for you and Lakai! x
Thank you for the updates hun.
He truely is Adorably cute look at him in them pics awwwwwww :) .

Iam glad to hear the bleed hasnt stopped him progressing well , And remember to try keep your stregth up eating and sleeping too hun . Big hugs to you all . xxxxx .
Those pictures are fantastic hun - he is absolutely beautiful. Glad to hear his bleed improved - please do try to look after youself as well Xx :hugs:

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