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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

I've been experiencing engorgement too, ouch!!!! And nipple pain, my goodness. I can't wait for the day when breastfeeding is a breeze. I've been using my pump to help with engorgement, starting to get a nice little freezer stash. We plan on introducing a bottle around a month or so old (with expressed milk), so DH can feed (he wants to give me a break!) and the babysitter can, too.

LO is a fuss-fart, oh my goodness. If he's not sleeping, he's crying. :( He's also experiencing allergies (stuffed nose) and has horrible gas pains. :(
question ladies - i know this is a sensitive topic. what kind of vaccines are you guys doing for your LO?
are you doing the regular ones? hep b, etc?
ttcbean, i'm sorry your LO is fussy right now. it may just be a stage. my LO is a little stuffed too, but doc said it's totally normal in newborns. so it may not be allergies?
I'm sorry those of u having stitches I couldn't imagine! Think I ended up with a graze cuz it burns when I pee. ..I never have tjme to drink as much as I did in the hospital so its not as diluted :/ but the WORST part is these hemorrhoids. I have one rly bad like..marble sized one that pops out rly bad. ..since my last Bm this morning it has rly been bothering me. It actually hurts a bit which I've never had one that hurts. :( took a bath and have been smearing prep h all over the area and have had two sits on the ice pack and been using witch hazel but nothing seems to help :'( I gave in and took my ibuprofen perscription for the first time today.. but no position seems to be comfy it just seems to kind of..squeeze them. And I have to sit in a good bfing position for usually 30min to an hr which doesn't help any. The other ones all shrink like 90% about an hr after a bm but this one won't aand I have not even strained to go...everyonr assures me it'll go away as I'm only 5 days pp but it just feels like it'll never go back in and this misery will last forever!!

The engorgement is a little better today..during the midday lo seems to cluster feed which helps..its worst at night cuz he sleeps 3-4 hrs at a time..

He HATES when I change his diaper. He's good ffor daddy but not me..snd he's started peeing as soon as his diaper comes off. Got peed on ttwice today. .guess I just need more practice :(
Hoping it's not allergies - I just assumed it was since DH is allergic to everything!!

Also just saw my ticker - really, my LO is 3 weeks old?! Where did the time go? The past three weeksh have been a total blur!
jtink: We are on a delayed schedule. First vaccines at 2 months. We didn't do the Hep B at birth or the eye drops. Why ruin his first sights if i have no communicable diseases? But we will be vaxing all AAP recommended shots on a delayed schedule.

mrsbabcock: Ugh hemmorhoids! Have you tried a sitz bath?
Sorry about the hemhoroids MrsB. :( sounds miserable.

My stitches have suddenly gotten soooo much better. I can't even feel them now and can wipe and wash like normal pretty much.

Still getting the mega clitoris pain though. Even if just a bit of pee touches it it throbs like DH has been at it for ages.

Bee just slept over 3.5 ours in her own part of the bed!!! Clever girl.

Has had a lovely feed and I'm just about to put her back down.

Fingers crossed for another 2-3!!
Oohhh, haemorrhoids sound really poopy mrs b...ive never had them so cant advise, but maybe get it looked at?

My LO has a stuffy nose too, and I just thought that was from puking milk through his nose! Lmao

Well done cupcake! Im so incredibly jealous! Lol Jenson is usually a great sleeper but tonight has been a bloody nightmare! I think he's going through a growth spurt because he's been feeding almost constantly since late yesterday afternoon and has been really fussy with not wanting to sleep, esp by himself. ..hes been pretty much awake and feeding since 1am and has cried every time I've put him down...he's slept only for 1 hour since 1 and is feeding again as I write...I feel like a walking zombie! X
Lp - the MW told me their first growth spurt is around 2 weeks so it sounds like Jenson is right on schedule.

Mrs b - ouch, you poor thing. I hope you get some relief soon.

Cupcake- yay for sleep! It's amazing how much more human you feel when you have had some decent sleep. Though it is amazing how well you are able to function on so little sleep.

AFM - we had mothers group today. Ziva was weighed and measured, she has gone from 3.58kg at birth to 4.23kg at 3 weeks and from 49.5cm to 53cm! My little girl is growing up to fast already!!

So far sleep is going well (touch wood). Most nights Ziva's last feed is around midnight then she sleeps through to 6 - 9am. The last few nights she has had issues settling but once she is down she is out for the night. She is now taking 130ml of formula 5/6 times a day. And we have officially gone from 0000 to 000 clothes!

I think Ziva might be the oldest baby in the group (by a few hours before TTCBean DS)
Hi ladies come over to join you- Sophie born May 12th 8 lbs 9 oz.

Baby blues set in yesterday. Have been crying a lot, mostly because breastfeeding hurts so bad and I feel awful from the birth. Also feel like I'm never going to cope being a mummy to three children as my hubby is doing everything right now for the boys.

I forgot how hard the newborn days are. Right now I wish I could formula feed and just enjoy her but I know thats not the answer and I need to perservere. Just waiting for the midwifento come out and will show her the latch again but dont think they can do much about her little mouth and my big sensitive nipples.

Big hugs to all you ladies struggling with the postpartum pains I really feel for you it is so hard xxx
kezz, I'm dealing with the same. Breastfeeding is giving me the worst baby blues. I am crying a lot it seems. I'm in so much pain I just want to give up breastfeeding but I can't, it's the best for my baby and I want to have the relationship. My damn nipples are so inflamed and sore. They are constantly erect so it makes wearing clothing difficulty as everything hurts them, even plain old air!! :( Will my nipples ever go back to normal in between feedings? :(
Awww, sounds like ziva is thriving! You must be one proud momma foxy!

I think I'm over the worst with little man's growth spurt...he's slept all day! I've just woken from having my first ever post partum nap on the sofa with him, and I feel soo tired! Lol

Congratulations kezzie! First off, dont you worry! I underestimated how hard the first few days are, and all I did during days 3-5 was cry (that worried my DH so much!)...I can say that the pains for me started dying down from day 10 and theyre nearly gone at day 15, but its been hard and thereve been plenty of tears! I found putting my pads in the freezer with a bit of water in them soothed down there a little xx

As with BF, the first few days were hell but it does get better! I had incredibly sore nipples and I can definitely recommend getting some lansinoh and nipple shells, they saved my life! Do what you feel is right sweetie, only you know how much is enough and whether BF is right for you and baby. ..you are NOT a failure if you decide FF is the right choice for you! Xx
ttcbean, i was in agony with breastfeeding at first. my nipples were cracked, scabbed and bleeding and i cried through every feeding. then i saw a lactation consultant who told me to put Neosporin and Hydrocortisone Ointment (NOT cream) on my nipples and put a breast pad on. seriously, those creams healed my nipples up very quickly, and i'm starting to feel normal with feedings again.
i seriously almost gave up breastfeeding. it is SO HARD.
Hi everyone! I finally had my baby boy - Henry Edward was born at 11.12pm last night and weighing an impressive 8 pounds 2. Hard birth - story on the may thread, but ended well as escaped tears/stitches this time which is amazing because of the birth story prior to him coming out! He's feeding well so far although early days.
I haven't had a chance to properly read everyone's posts yet but saw some comments about troubles BF - I am training to be a BF councillor so while I'm no expert I might be able to help if anyone need it :)
ttcbean, i was in agony with breastfeeding at first. my nipples were cracked, scabbed and bleeding and i cried through every feeding. then i saw a lactation consultant who told me to put Neosporin and Hydrocortisone Ointment (NOT cream) on my nipples and put a breast pad on. seriously, those creams healed my nipples up very quickly, and i'm starting to feel normal with feedings again.
i seriously almost gave up breastfeeding. it is SO HARD.

My LC recommended the exact same thing! I've been doing it over a week now and no difference. :cry: :( I've cried so much and have come very very close to just formula feeding. BF is the hardest thing I've done in my life. I am in agonizing pain. I want to feel normal again.

I am SO glad it's helping you though! I hope it starts to work for me soon too.
Kezz: BFing shouldn't hurt past the initial pinch of the let down/latch. Try pulling her chin down while she is nursing (use gentle pressure with your finger, don't pop her off) and see if that helps. Also try making a "nipple sandwich" to shove in her mouth and latch on and also make sure she is opening WIDE for the nipple. I have to shove DS's face on, it's almost comical but I make a nipple sandwich, wait for him to open wide, then SLAM, face to boob! I'm sorry you've got the blues. If it all gets too hard, there is NOTHING wrong with giving yourself a break and supplementing with formula! Or even pumping and bottle feeding the breastmilk exclusively. Whatever works for you, she'll be happier with a happy mommy.
Hello ladies!

My DS, Sebastian, was born on May 1 weighing 6lbs 6.8 oz and 21.5 inches long. But he had a major conehead.. he was 19 inches long at his first doctor's appointment :p

He is a little angel baby. I was more nervous about breastfeeding than giving birth but my little boy has a great latch, I've never had to use anything for pain so I feel very very blessed.
We have a small apartment so his crib is in our room by the bed so he already sleeps in it the majority of the time unless he's particularly fussy/wide awake. I started a new routine last night that worked very well. Instead of feeding and changing him in our room at night (and me falling asleep while feeding because the room is dark), I fed on the couch with the tv on. When he seemed to be done, I changed him and swaddled him and let him comfort suck on my breast until he fell completely asleep. Then I put him in his crib. He slept for three hour intervals each time I did that.

I noticed he is awake much more today than ever before. And honestly, I have no idea what to do with an awake newborn besides giving him tummy time and taking pictures lol
Weeee congrats Hann!!! Welcome baby Henry. :) How perfect to have one of each!

Sorry I've not done the first post yet. Way too tricky on my phone (with one hand as I'm only on here while feeding) and I've not got near the laptop yet.

Sorry you girls who are suffering with BFing. I still have pain when she latches but its getting less. Also when she gets sleepy towards the end of a feed she sometimes comes off a bit and it gets a bit sore. But if I unlatch her at that point she's too sleepy to relatch but isn't satisfied so I have to wait 20 minutes for her to wake up enough and realise she's still hungry.

Also when she's eating I can hear her swallowing air. Very frustrating but I don't know how to stop it.

My baby blues are much much better now the growth spurt and cluster feeding seems to be over. I had a little moment at midnight last night where she was screaming and wouldn't latch. But other than that today's been great. She's been more alert and we did some tummy time and looked at her spots and stripes book and I've actually enjoyed her. Up until a couple of days ago I felt like everyone else was having a lovely time with her and all I got to do was stop her screaming.
:( so lucky none of u have hemorrhoids..i think I'd rather have stitches! If they aren't gone by the time I s ee my dr at 6 weeks pp I am def having him do something for them I pray they go away MIL and Oh keep assuring me they'll go away and to be patient as I'm only 6 days pp but its so hard. They r ugly and uncomfortable I have to go put prep h on it and a frozen tucks every time I'm done bfing or every few hrs cuz they get uncomfortable and there is one that just doesn't seem to he going down :'(

Bfing is going well though so I am thankful for that...nipples r still a little sore but only for the first few minutes. The lanolin ointment helps a lot

Little man had a fussier night last night I ended up letting him sleep on me for a few hours so dh could get some rest. Today he has napped beautifully..he's going on a 3 hr nap now so I'm about to wake him for a feed as he is starting to stir a bit anyhow.

Congrats hann on finally having your little one!

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