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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Yes- my hospital made me sign a paper saying we wouldn't let that happen because you can roll over or your arms can go slack when you sleep and you can drop your LO. Have you considered a noise machine with the heartbeat sound? Might calm LO down just as much if that's what she's looking to hear...
Urgh, one of my nipples is very sore! Breastfeeding has been going so well and my right boob is completely painless but my left boob continues to be a pain in the ass!

Ive tried doing that sandwich thing but jenson just seems to clamp down on that nipple and latch on really lazy, so it's making my nipple sore...I might give the hospital breastfeeding team a call tomorrow? Any tips?

We have also given into co sleeping. ..wasnt our original intention but it will make life so much easier while im breastfeeding then hppefully ill get a bit better sleep too. ..I can always dream! Lol xx

Have you tried using different positions for that side? My baby has a funky latch when laying on his left side so I sit on the couch with a pillow out to my left and let his feet point left while feeding from my left side. Much more comfortable.

^This. Try the football hold where he is under your arm as he is feeding on that side.
Hi ladies.

Oh we're in a bad habit!

Bee has a SUPER fussy time every night from 9pm onwards.

She gets so angry bless her and ends up over tired. She won't stay in her cot or even settle in the nook of my arm.

But if I lay her face down on my chest with her ear on my heart she'll fall asleep in about 10 seconds and stay that way for at least 3 hours.

It's the best stretch of sleep I get!

After the feed she's having now she'll go down in her cot for 2-3 and same again after the next feed.

What would you all do? Is chest sleeping mega dangerous?

It's actually quite natural. As long as she is supported (you have arm pillows and a back pillow to prop you if you fall asleep too) then it is fine. Babies are at risk when sleeping on their tummies in a cot. But propped on your chest is fine. Make sure you are nestled into something very supportive so you don't drop the baby!
I know there's a lot of anxiety abot BFing on here so I thought I'd share this. Saw it on Pinterest and it made me feel loads better about what I'm going through!
Cupcake... we are experiencing the exact same thing! I hope it's not super dangerous as it's the only thing that seems to work right now.
DH sleeps w Dylan on his chest and I let her fall asleep there on me then slide her off and put her next to me. Not out of fear of dropping her but just because I ant sleep totally flat on my back. We block her in with pillows but give her tons of space around her in case she moves.
On anther note, I started using the baby k'tan carrier 2 days ago, and its a life changer. I love it so much. I have my hands back! I can even bf her in here too. Loving it!
I have a baby k'tan too, but not sure how to BF in it... any tips? Are you doing the newborn hold?
Thanks ladies. I prop myself up lovely and I wrap her blanket under her armpits and then tuck it in tight around me so she's sort of on me as if in a baby wrap or carrier so she can't slip down.
That's a great idea Cupcake, I'll try that! I've noticed now that my LO is more 'alive' he starts to shimmy down my side with his legs (first two weeks he didn't move at all in his sleep!). Thankfully I am a light sleeper and notice right away.
Good idea Cupcake! One of the things I intended to sew whilst pregnant was a Kanga Karrier, but I never got around to it. Maybe I'll still attempt it!

If anyone has a video for how to BF with the K'tan I can't find one and I'd really like to know how!
What happened to my good, happy sleeping baby?!? I knew it was too good to be true. Ziva has gone from settling easy and sleeping 5-7 hours a night to being a sulky, unsettled non sleeping baby!

The last week I have been up till at least 1am trying to get her settled then she wakes a few hours later and refuses to go back down even after a feed. Tonight I've had less then 2 hours sleep. I am so tired I'm barely able to function.

I thought this must be the 3 week growth spurt I keep reading about but she is 3 days shy off 4 weeks and is only getting worse. Hubby goes back to work this week, not that he is overly helpful during the night (he has done one early morning feed!) he tries but just sucks.

I feel so guilty as I wanted this baby sooo much, I've been TTC for over 6 years but right now its all just too much :-(

Ok rant over xx
I wrote this at 4am my time.

Ziva's favorite place t settle/ sleep is laying upright on my chest over my heart while i lean back on the lounge. i'm not a fan of co-sleping in bed but have some mornings so i can have just a few extra minutes or if im lucky hours sleep.
Cupcake sounds like you are doing it as safely as you can I think i would do the same in your position-you both need to sleep xxx

Foxy sorry to hear she is having a fussy stage I'm sure it will pass soon. Could be the start of colic? Also I think the growth spurts can be random and different for each baby so could all settle in the next couple of daysxxx

Well feeding going much better in that she is now back on the breast :) it still hurts like she is biting my nipple off but I can bear that more than her not latching at all and having to give up or express all her feeds. I hope my boobs toughen up soon I've never had much joy with painless breast feeding :-(

Anyone resorted to using infacol? I know it's early but she struggles so badly with her wind that I started using it last night. Hasn't made a huge difference yet it still takes ages to get the burps up but i've heard it has a cumulative effect so i'm hoping it will help somewhat.

Thanks mighty on for the breastfeeding link :) a very useful read xxx
So disheartened ladies :( woke up yesterday on our wedding anniversary with a sore, hard, red and blotchy breast and after seeing a breastfeeding consultant and GP, ive got mastitis :( spent yesterday crying..

His poos have really decreased too...its gone from every feed to about 3-4 times a day...same consistency and still plenty of wet nappies so dont know if I should be concerned?
Lp- im sorry to hear about the mastitis, what treatment are you on? Also Ziva only poops once every 48-72 hours and the doctor said that's fine. She is formula feed so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
Im on a 5 day course of anyibiotics, feeding as often as possible from the affected breast (which hurts like a bitch right now!) And expressing the remainder of the milk out to completely drain my breast x
LP I hope you are okay - mastitis is nasty! To prevent it check your bras and tops aren't too tight, in the mornings have a feel along each breast including under your arms, if you feel any tender spots massage the area while feeding and the little clog should come out before mastitis develops.

Kezzie - that's great that she's back on the breast! Your nipples should toughen up between day 5-10 so hopefully the pain will diminish soon.

Foxy - sounds like it could be a growth spurt or it could be her just waking up more and being more alert and unfortunately she's chosen night time as her time to be awake. Hope things get better soon.

I see nothing wrong with any of the co sleeping mentioned. So far Henry hasn't slept anywhere except on or next to me. He cries if he's ever left alone so I just keep him close. There's plenty of time for him to find his bed. These newborn cuddles don't last long so I intend to make the most of them while he's little :)

Just waiting for DHs brother, brotgers girlfriend and mil to arrive. Not terribly excited by the prospect especially as we've had to go and get food, I've got to go and make burgers for the BBQ as the shop ran out of pre made ones, plus I've got mil staying so I have to do dinner too. It is quite an imposition when we have a 4.5 day old, a 20 month old and minimal sleep had!
So disheartened ladies :( woke up yesterday on our wedding anniversary with a sore, hard, red and blotchy breast and after seeing a breastfeeding consultant and GP, ive got mastitis :( spent yesterday crying..

His poos have really decreased too...its gone from every feed to about 3-4 times a day...same consistency and still plenty of wet nappies so dont know if I should be concerned?

Sorry about the mastitis. :( Did you show your LC/GP the bras you are wearing? Some bras are prone to causing clogged ducts/mastitis. I recommend BFing through it, it really helps it clear up. If you stop BFing it stays very swollen and sore and takes forever to go away.

Also, according to that link I posted your baby should be pooing less by now. So I think that's normal.
Foxy: Was your baby overdue? I wonder if Ziva is going through a mental leap a la "The Wonder Weeks?" But that would be due in week 4 or 5. I hope you get through this phase fast. And that your DH helps more at night. No excuse not to help when you are FFing!

Kezz: Burping takes forever but we just have to do it b/c LO will groan until he's burped. Or throw up trying if he's left laying down. But my DD had bad gas and we used gripe water for it and baby massage. She was still gassy and uncomfortable though. Nothing really seemed to help.

Hann: Wow, that's a lot to handle! You should print this out and put it on your fridge as a big HINT:

AFM: Dropped DH off at the airport. Will see him again July 4th. Very hard morning. DD was emotional, plus she's hurt her arm AGAIN on the bounce house we rented for her birthday party yesterday. Going to have to take her to the doctor tomorrow. Not a great start to a long couple of months...
I woke up with a clogged duct this morning. :( I feel like BF will never be normal/pain free for me.
Mightymom - that's awful about your DD, when it rains it pours!! Hope you are okay. How long is your DH away for?
Funny attachment by the way!

Ttc - I'm so sorry you are still not having much fun with BF - have you definitely got a good latch and no issues like tongue or lip tie? It shouldn't be hurting really after about 10 days so if I was you I'd seek help.

My day has been okay although mil is a baby hog and just takes him for hours at a time. I totally get that she wants to have cuddles while she's here but I think it's a bit much to hold someone's baby for over an hour at a time unless they have specifically asked you to. Henry starts to cry in hunger but she won't hand him over so instead she holds onto him trying to stop the crying which she can't and she does it for about 15 minutes while commenting that he must be hungry but not actually passing him to me. Then finally she hands him over and maintains that she's trying to help me by giving me a break - as if I can sit there and enjoy listening to my little boy screaming in hunger!!
Just annoying! She leaves tomorrow early so it's a passing visit although us back again in less than 2 weeks for 3 nights and that might do my head in!!

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