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Late April Early May 2013 babies. :)

Wow I seemed to have missed a lot of posts between Kezzi's post and mine! Lots of BF issues. :( Sorry!
No one seems to have mentioned soothies. (Click for link)
I was given them at the hospital to use rather than nipple cream/butter. I keep them in the fridge and put them on after a feeding. Feels good and keeps my nipples moist and doesn't let them rub on my pads after a feeding when they are all erect and tender. I also second the nipple shields if you have cracked/bleeding/sore nipples and need a break. But the latch is what will save you.
Also just realized I didn't explain a "nipple sandwich." It's pinching your areola so that it is flat like a panini instead of round. It helps your LO latch and get the nipple back inside the mouth against their palette. Also you shouldn't be able to see much of your areola when the baby is nursing. If you see too much, then they aren't latched far enough and are just chewing on your nipples. Those were the things I was doing with DD when I was having trouble BFing her. I hope that helps someone!
Here's a video that will really help:
Edit: I should mention that the woman in the video, Corky, was my LC and really amazing!
mightymom, my lactation consultant has me doing the nipple "sandwich." it has been a lifesaver!!
Woo hoo! Tonight is already better than the night before! Hes slept for 4 hours before waking for a feed! Xxx
Thanks mightmom been trying those things but now my milks come in I cant get her to latch hardly at all and when I do the pains unbearable. It isn't helping that my boobs are all big and bouncy now. I have expressed all her feeds the last 12 hours but also been trying to latch her as the pump isnt doing as good as a job as I know she would and im getting hard engorged spots and feeling quite rough today :-(

She has slept and pooed so much better since getting the milk in a bottle but I think shes a little jaundiced now too so that probrably explains the sleeping. Just feeling so guilty and crying a lot. Don't want to give up but also I will no way be able to maintain expressing milk every 2-3hrs once my hubby gos back to work so I really will need to either mix feed or get her back on the breast.
Bf shouldn't hurt after a week or so, if it is then get help as the latch may be wrong or perhaps the baby had a tongue tie, or another issue which could be easily fixed. Don't suffer in silence!

Kezzie - really feel for you, see how you get on over the next couple of days because a lot can change in that time. Keep trying with BF if you can but if you can't continue then there's nothing wrong with doing what you need to do - whether FF or combi etc to make it work.
You have two others to look after so you need to factor that in. I am hugely pro BF for me but I totally get that it isn't workable for everyone.
I managed to get her to latch again this evening so I'm really chuffed as was really worried she would never do it again. She refused again just now but she was exhausted so I'm hoping when she is next starving that we can do it. My right side also did not hurt so bad as before so that has given me some hope that it might get better in time. My left side remained painful for a long time last time with my son so I think I will end up just preservering with that one if we can get things to work. It is so important for me that we do, I can't bear the thought of not being able to breastfeed her.
Vmrsbabcockv I have haemorrhoids too. I brought cream but it said to check before using if BF so I've not used it. Hope yours clear soon it's constant pain isnt it. They hurt far more than my episiotomy.

We finally got our first proper latch today. I've been expressing and after feeding then expressing I get an hours sleep if I'm lucky then back feeding. If we can get the latch working every feed ill get am hour back to sleep....yes please!
Hooray for small victories Kezz! As the engorgement eases it will get better. That's why the sandwich thing helps, since when you're engorged your boobs are too round and hard to latch on. Don't worry about feeling hard lumps in places, mine did that while adjusting too. They still get that way if I don't feed or pump for too long. Hope it gets better every day for you!
Jtink: Yay for the sandwich! :) Saved me too.
That's great news kezzie! So glad there's been a bit of progress. Really hope it continues.
My milks not come in yet so I still have a way to go with things this time. He's started making a clicky noise on my right side so I i am assuming that there's air getting in, will probably need to call a lactation consultant. It's hurting but I'd expect it to hurt at this stage, it can't be right though.

Mrsbabcock and lady h - I has a haemorrhoid post birth last time and it killed! Not even been to the toilet properly yet so no idea of any damage in that area yet but i do sympathise with you as it killed last time!
I managed to get her to latch again this evening so I'm really chuffed as was really worried she would never do it again. She refused again just now but she was exhausted so I'm hoping when she is next starving that we can do it. My right side also did not hurt so bad as before so that has given me some hope that it might get better in time. My left side remained painful for a long time last time with my son so I think I will end up just preservering with that one if we can get things to work. It is so important for me that we do, I can't bear the thought of not being able to breastfeed her.

I'm having the same problem. Also if I express I get less off the left. I did have surgery to remove quite a large lump in my left breast when I was 18 so I wonder if some milk glands are not working due to damage or scar tissue.

Hope she continues to latch for you Kezzie xx
LadyH: Almost everyone has one breast that produces more than the other. My right breast is my "super breast" it makes about 2oz more than the left. :)

Hann: Probably just drank all your colostrum and sucking on a dry nipple. Or does he do that the whole time?
I didn't think of that but you could be right! My milks coming in now so will see if it continues or stops. Thanks!
Hey girls! Sorry I've been gone so long. We got home Thursday night. Friday we found out at our first pediatrician appt that Dylan's weight dropped too much - 8 lbs down to 6 lbs 14 oz, so we have been on damage control doing feelings every 2 hours. We had an emergency appt with an lc and she said our pump was not working properly and she gave us even more tips and tricks to use. now, She's gone from barely latching on to wanting to feed for 3 hours at a time. So happy she's back to her birth weight, but man do I feel like a cow!
Feeding seriously rules my day and night.
We've also found it better to cosleep, just so we can all get some sleep. And I'm feeding her expressed milk after bfing every time, just to make sure she gets enough. She wants 3.5-4 oz per feeding, so I really don't trust that she's getting enough from my bbs. She's such a slow, lazy eater. :(
Whoops- Dylan Jane 8 lbs 0 oz, 21 inches
May 6 at 10:04 am via emergency c section after 3 days of labor due to a failure to dialate
Urgh, one of my nipples is very sore! Breastfeeding has been going so well and my right boob is completely painless but my left boob continues to be a pain in the ass!

Ive tried doing that sandwich thing but jenson just seems to clamp down on that nipple and latch on really lazy, so it's making my nipple sore...I might give the hospital breastfeeding team a call tomorrow? Any tips?

We have also given into co sleeping. ..wasnt our original intention but it will make life so much easier while im breastfeeding then hppefully ill get a bit better sleep too. ..I can always dream! Lol xx
Urgh, one of my nipples is very sore! Breastfeeding has been going so well and my right boob is completely painless but my left boob continues to be a pain in the ass!

Ive tried doing that sandwich thing but jenson just seems to clamp down on that nipple and latch on really lazy, so it's making my nipple sore...I might give the hospital breastfeeding team a call tomorrow? Any tips?

We have also given into co sleeping. ..wasnt our original intention but it will make life so much easier while im breastfeeding then hppefully ill get a bit better sleep too. ..I can always dream! Lol xx

Have you tried using different positions for that side? My baby has a funky latch when laying on his left side so I sit on the couch with a pillow out to my left and let his feet point left while feeding from my left side. Much more comfortable.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like I have a kid on my boob 24/7!! He's amazing at night feeds for 30 min straight then falls asleep and is out for3-5 hrs. But during yhe day hr feeds every 1-2 hrs snd hell feed for 15 min then fall asleep and so is hungry again 45 min later! I am trying to learn to let him fuss some instead of going riright to get him bc sometimes there's no way he's still hungry! It's so hard to let him cry or know when he rly is hungry and I should get him :/ everyone keeps assuring me ill get the hang of it
I've gotten loads better at changing hus diaper eithout him squirming to death he's easiest in the middle of a feed when he falls asleep 15 mmin in if I change him hell sometomes wake up enough to feed more.

The actual feeding is going well he has a very good latch and shows no signs of confusion even tho we let him have a paci at 3 days old. He sometimes unlatches or lets his latch get loose and gives himself an air bubble so I get spit up on at least 5 times a day. -_-" lol

The adrenaline I've been running on is def starting to wear off. Thank goodness I finish school on monday and then I can enjoy my summer and actually relax for a whole day!
LO has diaper rash. :( Not sure what to do or what caused it!
LO has diaper rash. :( Not sure what to do or what caused it!

Mine did too at the beginning of the week :( I think it is from pooing so frequently. We let his bottom soak in warm water, patted him dry, then let him hang out naked for the better part of two days. When he was diapered, we changed him as soon as he soiled himself, wiped him with the smooth side of a damp baby washcloth, patted him dry, then applied Desitin liberally. Cleared up in less than 48 hrs.
Hi ladies.

Oh we're in a bad habit!

Bee has a SUPER fussy time every night from 9pm onwards.

She gets so angry bless her and ends up over tired. She won't stay in her cot or even settle in the nook of my arm.

But if I lay her face down on my chest with her ear on my heart she'll fall asleep in about 10 seconds and stay that way for at least 3 hours.

It's the best stretch of sleep I get!

After the feed she's having now she'll go down in her cot for 2-3 and same again after the next feed.

What would you all do? Is chest sleeping mega dangerous?

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