Our day is pretty routined:
7am wake up...get Jenson up, feed him a little creamy porridge,get his nappy changed and change his clothes, play with him,sing a lot of roary the racing car (he loves that!)
Around 9: Jenson goes into his cot for his morning nap,so I get myself changed and do housework.
About 10am he wakes,so we take the dog a walk and pop to the shops for a newspaper...more playtime,like learning him how to roll and jumperoo
Around 1pm he has another nap,so it gives me time to prepare lunch for when hubby gets home and finish off the rest of the housework.
Jenson wakes just before hubby arrived home and has a little bit of puréed food and playtime all over again!
Hubby arrives home and we usually pop out with Jenson for the afternoon for walks or visiting family etc.
Around 7 Jenson has a bath,baby massage, pyjamas and a cudle with a book (usually Winnie the Pooh!) and bedtime. He usually then wakes at 1am and 5am for a feed.
He's still breastfed on demand too...it's so tiring and of course there are times when I lack energy and feel like I should be doing more with him,and I'm not afraid to admit that he likes a bit of tv and his jumperoo,but we can't be supermom all the time right?
Though,I should be getting a job offer confirmed by tomorrow to start next week,so everything will be tipped upside down with him going to a nursery...I'm a little worried but I know it'll be good for him to mix with other babies and ill miss him more than he misses me!
How much expressed breast milk do other moms give their babies at nursery? Just curious...my little boy is 21lb+ now (extremely big boy!) xx