Late July / Early August Summer Bundles

Omg arrow I would've been upset too! I'm TRYING to look at the odds differently. Instead of seeing it as I have a 25% chance of miscarriage at my age, I have a 75% chance of having a healthy baby. It helps...a little. Arrow, how far along are you? 6 weeks?
yea i know and at my age for a 1st time i thought it will be hard ...he even suggested IVF if i cant conceive last months appointment when i went in for a check up, i think he is just bitter that i did not do an IVF and i just got pregnant within 10 days of my appointment with him, cause really IVF here is very expensive and at the end of the day he lost a lot of money out of it...

fiancee is telling me i should just go to the USA and have the baby there rather than him coming and going for visits ..... if the Doc is still this bitter but its a 17 hours flight and it scares me to travel for so long alone especially this early....

i am going to be 6 weeks on Sunday
Yea it does kind of sound like the dr is bitter. Even if you stayed there, maybe find a new dr? If this pregnancy sticks, I will be moving cross country at 8 months along. I'm already freaking out about it.
yea i might consider changing Doc if this goes on in my next visits because really all my family and friends and work are here that's why i decided to stay here rather than going in the other part of the world.... will see....:shrug:

but try not to stress about moving cross country to much you still have 8 months....and if you and the baby are healthy i dont think you will have any problems.. but will you be traveling alone? if its not alone at least you will have help and you can always move around in the airplane so you will not be uncomfortable :hugs:

what i miss the most in the past 5 weeks is a glass of wine and to hair-dye my hair, i think not only it will change my mood but relax me as well.... but c'est la vie :coffee: what do you lady's miss the most? :shrug:
Im missing wine like crazy lol. With it being a busy work time of the year a nice glass of rosé to relax would be nice. Oj's just not the same lol.

Im still dying my hair though
Hey ladies mind if I join you here. Feeling quite far behind some of the other July mummies and not really on par with their developmet ect. Due 26th July :)

Congrats to everyone in this forum.

I hope you ladies don't mind me joining in but we're expecting as well.

EDD 26th August.

This month is 6 years for us ttc. I'm so excited I can't sleep.

Safe journey ladies.
Hi all!:flower:

babydustcass - Welcome hun! of course you can join! I have a feeling my due date will be closer to yours if I have a planned section. How are you feeling?

tramaine - I have added you too! welcome and congrats! wow, 6 years ttc! i thought 2 years was tough, you must be over the moon, ow wonderful!

Tanikins - I get all my mat clothes in ebay bundles too! sooo much cheaper and you get nicer stuff rather than the usual shapeless stripey crap:haha:

Well I was 112lb and a UK 6 before when we conceived, doing 2 hours walking a day & 40 exercises routine at home (it was mainly to lose the baby weight get in shape for our wedding / honeymoon in sept) now some of my 6's are too tight & I am 117lb so the bloat & extra eating teamed with not being as hot of esercise ( instead of doing it 6 days a week I do it 4-5) has already gained me 5lb.

Mrs MB - I agree that all changes are welcome. We have a good exscuse for our expanding tummies:thumbup: Looking forward to hearing how your appointment goes.

MeggyBaby - congrats on 6 weeks!!:hugs:

Abii - It just goes to show that every pregnancy can be different doesn't it. And wow, not founding out until 9 weeks must have been a shock. Thanks for that link, very interesting to know:thumbup:

Holliems - With my first I had a reassurance scan at 7 weeks due to previous MC & there was a heartbeat. I am totally with you on the worrying though.

ARROW - What an arsehole the dr is for leading with that comment! and actually saying it at all, there is no need for it. We all know there are risks. I would deffo consider changing drs.

As for me, I am having bad anxiety:nope: much like someo fyou ladies, I am worrying a lot. I know I shouldn't and I am trying to relax & enjoy it which works for the most part & I have no reason to beleive anything will go wrong, I just have this ball of anxiety in me that keeps making me google things I shouldn't. I don't feel as pregnant as I did with my first 2 in some ways, and I think where I know what a blessing it is I feel so so lucky it is almost like it is too good to be true to have 3 healthy pregnancies after such a hard time TTC in the begining. I need to snap out of it I think. And Holliems - you make a good point regarding looking at the positives rather than negatives (odds wise) xx

This morning I woke feeling really sick & not hungry at all which is odd as normally I am planning my breakfast the second I open my eyes. xx
Oh I forgot to say... I miss my green tea - I have 3-4 cups a day now where as I used to have 6-8. I think I will miss drinking at xmas too as it is the 2nd year in a row but I am not too bothered by it xx
Thanks for the warm welcome! :)
I am great thanks you, not much in the way of symptoms to speak of other than crazy bloat. So im keeping pretty well.

I'm missing liver patè. I love the stuff and will especially miss not indulging over the festive period. I miss cheeses too, I love brie and goats cheese and camenbert. Found some pasturised camenbert the other day yippee.
I have always had my hair dyed throughout pregnancies. Actually just got back from toni and guy an hour ago after 3 hours in the salon 😂 I couldn't not get it done. Hoping my hair has a bit of a growth spurt this pregnancy though that would be nice as I'm trying to grow it.

I completely empathise with you honey on feelings of worry about having a 3rd successful pregnancy. I have the exact same worry. We've already had a scan because I needed some reassurance. That said I'm trying to remain positive and put plans into action. Ive already been so bold as to purchase a few baby things, I think it's my way of making it seem more real and to connect beyond the fears. This will be our last baby so I really want and am willing myself to enjoy it.
We have booked a panorma test for January 2nd and it also incudes a scan so I am really looking forward to seeing baby again. The panorama is all the genetic and chromosome tests in one so I am looking for some extra peace of mind when we get the results from that.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the lead up to Christmas
My diet at the min is shocking. All i want is crisps and sanwiches ( working in a subway helps here) but i could use some veg. Im just playing the Atleast im keeping it down card
I'm feeling the same way honeysuede, my period is due in 2 days so thats making it even worse. I keep testing to make sure the line is still there:wacko: they haven't gotten much darker though so its giving me bad vibes:cry:


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Abbi those are good lines. I've heard cheapies aren't great for progression.
Hey ladies may I join?

Had a scan yesterday and my dd of July 31st has moved to August 2nd. No big deal and I'm sure it will change again at the 12 week scan.

I've certainly had ms but nothing like the first time round with dd as I had hyperemesis. This time round I've not yet physically been ill and I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that it stays thAt way!

Heartburn is not my friend right now but strawberry gaviscon is! X
Abbi those are good lines. I've heard cheapies aren't great for progression.

Aw thanks that makes me feel a little better. I have a first response and a digital but I'm waiting until af is late to take them. I really hope this isn't a chemical :(
Welcome frangi and congrats:flower:
Can I join please ladies? Going by my lmp I'll be due on the 22nd of August.

Congratulations on your BFPs!
And the award for the worst pregnancy brain moment in the history of ever goes to me:dohh: lol. I drove on the wrong side of the road! That has never ever happened before and I feel so embarrassed:shy: thank god nothing bad happened but now I'm scared to drive again.

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