Looking for some advice please!!
I was on an antibiotic (Cefalexin) for one week for a UTI with streptococcus and on the 2nd to last day, started having diarhea. Im usually pretty sensitive to antibiotics so just assume it is that. Well 5 days later (3-4 days since finished all the tablets) I still have diarhea quite a few times per day . I am trying my best to stay well hydrated but I also have what i think are braxton hicks as well. Not super often and some days worse than others. Finally, I have a really bad back but I think this is due to the fact that I have now put on almost 2 stone - I was about 128lbs when I got prego and am now about 154. This is right on track for twins apparently but my back is sooooo sore (just pointing out that I dont think the back pain is pre labour related). Any suggestions, experiences, sympathy would be very welcome!
Thanks. xoxoxo