Late September Babies Thread!

My SIL is an OBGYN so I had her check baby position for me about a week ago. She said it was head down, rump up to the right, legs bent down with its feet on the left in the middle. I'm hoping it stays there! All my hiccups have been really low, jabbing feelings on the left, and big rolling movements all down the right side. Seems like the movements are fitting with what she said.

Side note- I wish I had a midwife who would draw the baby on my tummy! Its so cool to see when people have this done!

Noo- your bump is lovely! So perfectly round!
YoungNI - aha - you had a scan! My last scan both babies were breech but I feel that they move so much and the shape of my belly has changed so cant be sure if they are still in that position or not!

i think if the bulging/pressure feeling, from the top of my bump softens id no baby has turned as im sure it would be alot comfier than it is now lol for me and baby!
Only just discovered this thread but wondered if I could join?

My name is Cheryl and I'm due on the 17th September, I am a first time mum and we're having a little girl who we have named Matilda/Tilly :)

As a FTM and a whimp with pain, I'm extremely nervous so any advice from anyone would be gratefully received!

How is everyone feeling?

Look forward to chatting to you all xx
Welcome snoopy :) best advice I can give is stay as calm as you can :)
Hi snoopy! I agree with NIMum, staying calm and just going with it is the best route! Once it's happening there's no stopping or turning back, so just go with your body and what you need at the time.

I am sure this one of mine hasn't turned yet. I don't feel loads at the top of my bump or under my ribs, more low down and out to the sides, especially the left side. I feel all my hiccups low down. I really have no clue where s/he is though! I am going to let the midwife decide next Tuesday! I do want to talk to her about timings for wanting head down especially with me tending to birth early ish. If I go into labour between 36 and 37 weeks which I think is likely, and my last labour was just over 2 hours long, then I'll be worried about position. At my last check she said they wouldn't be concerned until 36 weeks. But that's possibly my labour time and I'm worried if it happens quick there'll be a problem. I need to chill, maybe it's already turned, or maybe it will turn when I go into labour. I'm an old fashioned gal,my waters tend to break first, so maybe that will do it!
That means you could have baby in a couple of weeks Asher!!! I am sure you are fully aware if that but OMG the thought that there will be babies on this thread as soon as that is crazy!!! Even though its only 7weeks to my due date, it still feels a long way off but I suppose it isn't really!!
Hopefully baby will have turned for you. You don't need the worry of it being breech if you think you could go early!
When I was checked last week baby was head down and I think it's stayed that way so far. I can feel a lump that sticks out on the side of my bump and I think that's the bum, I get kicks on the sides and I can feel like rubbing at the bottom of my bump which i think is baby's shoulders and head wriggling around.
Hey ladies- I have an iron question/rant...

So apparently I am iron deficient. I have been taking a supplement since about 28 weeks but my levels have not gone up. I am supposed to take the pills 3 times a day with food, but I havent been super diligent because I don't eat 3 meals a day; I snack all day long. Then yesterday i learned that I cant take them with dairy products because they dont absorb. Well, I eat a LOT of dairy! String cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and crackers, etc... So today I was really good and had a PB&J sandwich with a banana for breakfast (NO DAIRY!) and a cup of coffee. :coffee: As I'm enjoying my lovely meal I read online that COFFEE can also inhibit absorption!!! ARGH! I feel like I can't win here... :shrug:

Any advice? Encouragement? I'm on the verge of a breakdown... :cry:

PS- I know a lot of people give up coffee while pregnant but my dr. says 2 cups a day is fine.
You're meant to take iron supplements with vitamin C and avoid caffeine for an hour either side of taking it. Ideally I'd add in an iron rich water (like Spa Tone) which I mix into orange juice and have that as my morning drink with breakfast. I can't tolerate iron tablets at all so my iron supplement is purely from Spa Tone. Is this available where you live? Definitely introduce more vitamin C - It increases absorption.

This is Spa Tone - You may have something similar where you live.
Thanks Noo- I am taking a vitamin c supplement with the iron pills to help with the absorption... I'll have to look into the Spa tone...

I'm just so frustrated that my dr. didnt tell me to avoid any of these things when she prescribed the iron originally. ](*,)
I have the same issue with my iron pills.Mine are only once a day but almost the only thing I drink with my meals is milk!! Its been really annoying having to remember not to have milk with it, I usually take it with a glass of orange juice now but I agree-it is very frustrating!!!
I take my iron tabs with fresh orange juice. I haven't had my levels retested but my symptoms are much improved so I guess it's being absorbed.

Wannab, I know, scary hey? Although to be honest if I go much over 37 weeks I'll be shocked! NIMum, we live about 6 miles or so from the hospital. In rush hour it's a good 40 minutes but in quiet times its about 10-15 mins so not too bad. Last time though, I left home at 9.30pm having not too bad contractions at all, and arrived there at 9.45 almost 7cm dilated! And at 11.30 he was here! So I don't want to go any quicker than that!

Yesterday afternoon and evening I had intense and quite frequent BHs so I am wondering if baby has turned and is putting that cervix pressure on. I hope so!
Haven't been online for a little while as its been a busy time! I'm bridesmaid this weekend which I'm slightly worried about. All other 3 bridesmaid plus the bride (sil) are staying on the fri night so as well as sorting the nursery we have been sorting the house. Can manage all that its work that is the issue.
So my mat leave cover is in place and I am handing stuff over but it's my boss. She has turned into a total cow this week and I feel I am reaching breaking point. She keeps taking about all these things I need to do before I go. Putting it in context I have 12 working days left and my intention is to complete the handover and tie up any loose ends. When would I be starting new projects?? I have been counting down the days away but this is making me want to finish earlier.
Have had a really sore tummy all day and pressure. It got to the point were I left the office and worked from home this afternoon. She has since emailed me a shitty note and its been enough to reduce me to tears. Due to be on a half day hol tomorro to prepare for the wedding but she has also put a meeting in from 9-12 which I know will run over. I've decided I'm not goin in tomorro as I can't take anymore this week. I'm also off morning and feel I will be able to speak to her on tues on everything that's happened.
I think half of the pain is pressure of the baby hopefully engaging but I also think it is stress related.
Sorry for the moan xx
Hey Jaynie, sounds like you've loads on your plate at the mo! I would def stay home tomorrow and use the morn to rest before everyone arrives, do not check your work email and give yourself a few days break. On Tues have a plan for your meeting with the boss to discuss the expectations for your work load before leaving, by the time Tues is over you'll be down to single figures and you might not be feeling as much pressure with the wedding over etc

Good luck and enjoy the weekend :)
Hey Jaynie, sounds like you've loads on your plate at the mo! I would def stay home tomorrow and use the morn to rest before everyone arrives, do not check your work email and give yourself a few days break. On Tues have a plan for your meeting with the boss to discuss the expectations for your work load before leaving, by the time Tues is over you'll be down to single figures and you might not be feeling as much pressure with the wedding over etc

Good luck and enjoy the weekend :)

Thank u for the advice! I def will be speaking to her on tues. it's going to be a life changing experience with a LO and I want to enjoy my last few weeks in work not dreading it and feeling harassed x
Thanks for all the welcomes! :)

Can't believe how fast time is flying now, for me anyway! 35 weeks next Tuesday, eeeek! I have my first and only antenatal class tomorrow so a little nervous for how that will go. Anyone else attended anything recently?

I'm also low on iron so take one tablet a day with orange juice! I often forget though...whoops! x
Hi Snoopy
I've got one antenatal class left next Weds, had three so far and found them really useful. DH came to the first 3 with me n he found them interesting too. He'd have to take time off for the last one so I'll go alone. Is yours a full day? Mine have been two hours each
I waited too long and couldnt get into any classes ANYWHERE! :( I ended up ordering some Dvd's- hopefully they suit the purpose... REALLY bummed about it. :(

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