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Leash and Liam's Big Day

They are beautiful aren't they? It says that one is about 22 inches long so I don't think thats too big at all. I suppose its hard to tell from a pic. I really like the designs on this particular website so I think I may order one BM bouquet to see whats its like and then if I am happy, I will order the rest.

Yeah get a few samples and see which ones you like the best :)

Boo for going back to work! Can't you go back part time? Xx
I wish I could but the terms and conditions of my contract include that I have to work a 5 day week. I could do part time if I accept a demotion but it would mean a massive pay cut and probably wouldn't even cover childcare costs. Plus with the wedding next year, every penny counts lol. Hopefully, in a few years when OH has climbed the corporate ladder I will be able to quit and be a SAHM. Its so weird because before I got pregnant I was so career focused and had been on a year long management development programme to help me progress but the thought of leaving Max is breaking my heart! Ah well, I suppose the last thing he needs is us living on the breadline lol. The upside is that OH and I both earn a good salary so we can afford for him to have nice things and go on holiday etc. It still sucks though!

Aw that sucks :( but like you said, at least you'll both be bringing in a good wage :) xxx
Been for my meeting with work and given them a 'provisional' return date of 4th July!! Boooo!!! :cry:

Anyways, on a lighter note, I think I have found THE wedding shoes I want! :happydance: I have been eyeing them up in a shop window for a while now and whilst I was out today, I went in and had a good look! I love them! I asked the sales assistant (who was quite abrupt I might add) how much they were and she said "Um...I don't know...um £120 probably" :dohh:. Thanks for your help - not! Anyhow, I got the designers name and came home to look online and see if I can find them cheaper! So far, the cheapest I have found is £99 but I am still looking, here they are....


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Oooh they're so pretty! I've been looking at wedding shoes today - no luck so far though!

:hugs: about going back to work - at least you have a month to prepare for it :) xx
I know, they are fab aren't they! So shiny and sparkly lol! I am hoping to get them a little cheaper but if not then I will have to put them on hold until I choose my dress and see if I can save a little off the dress budget and share it with the shoe budget! They are from 'Shades' and seem to be real popular so maybe if I take good care of them on the big day I could sell them on? Thats my tactic with convincing OH anyhow ;-)

Yeah I am gutted about work but its got to be done. I have still got 3 months Mat leave I could take but I am on SMP now and its rubbish, I am expected to live off £125 a week?! Hopefully once I bite the bullet and go back it won't be so bad.

In the meantime I am distracting myself with weddingy things and not letting work enter my mind until 3rd July lol!

Ok I am going to do it, I am actually going to........try some dresses on :happydance:

I know I wanted to wait until I have lost a bit more weight but I am ticking things off my to do list at a rapid pace and this big, fat, very important thing keeps getting put off and put off! So I am still carrying a bit of baby weight - its not the end of the world is it?! I want to go and see the dresses I keep looking at online, I wanna touch them lol!

We are going down to Poole in 2 weeks to visit my family so have contacted FOUR bridal shops down there to make appointments and I am gonna go with my mum and sister! It makes sense as they live so far away I won't get too many opportunities to go dress shopping with them and I would like for my mum to give her opinion. When I asked my sister she was super excited and now I am too!! YEY!!!

Oooh good luck!! You'll look lovely in them, i'm positive! xx
Thanks ladies. I am really looking forward to it now. I have spoken to 4 different stores to check if I need an appointment etc they said as we are going on a weekday then its fine to just turn up!

I am glad I am taking my sister as she is BRUTALLY honest about things so I know she won't BS me if something doesn't look good. I have already done my Wii Fit today and am planning on taking my little munchkin on a nice long walk this afternoon when he wakes up from his nap.

So excited for you to do your dress shopping! You have a bit of time too that you can try some on but not actually order it until you've done more of your weight loss. :mrgreen:

I wish I had done that tbh, but the wedding was 9 months away when I went looking and I didn't have enough time (so I thought!). Will you post pictures? Or at least pictures of the dress?

Pweeeeeeeeeese? :haha:
Of course I will Tiff, I promise ;-)

I have been putting it off and putting off but I think the best thing is to at least start looking and deciding what kind of style etc and then like you say, I can order it when I have lost a bit more weight and have a better idea of what size I will be.

Am I right in saying that if I were to get a dress with a corset/tie up back then it will still fit if I were to drop a dress size (or two)?

Corset backing has more play in it for sure! :thumbup:
Now all I have to do is hope the dress I fall in love with has a corset back lol!

Any seamstress can put a corset back into a zippered dress! :thumbup: The price varies from seamstress to seamstress, but my first dress was zippered and I was going to put in the lace up backing. :hugs:
Ooooh! Good luck with the dress shopping. This is the exciting part. Have fun. I'm sure you will find something that you love.
I am not going til the week after next so I have been working my ass off on the Wii Fit to try and shed another couple of lbs in preparation lol!

One of the stores has got the dress I haver fallen in love with online too. I will probably get there and change my mind when I see it IRL though!!


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