S: Love your bump! I think that is huge!
It will likely be uncomplicated and quick! I can't wait to see him!
Krippy: It won't be long for cooler weather.
I can't wait for you to see bubs again. That's a day before my 20w scan.
Have you any thoughts on names?
Srrhc: Well, that is fiddles. I was hoping to hear your results. And that must also be agony for you, while waiting for reassurance. You won't continue this 12hr days when school starts. Now will you?
AFM: Scheduled next dentist consult for Sept. 6. I also am attending a birthing unit open house at my hospital that night. (I delivered DD there, but its all new.) I'm excited they have in room showers... I plan on some laboring in there. Haha!
Also, I've registered for my breastfeeding class on Nov. 7. I wanted a class closer to due day... but no classes held in December, and its best I don't wait until January.
Anyone else planning on any classes?