We used disposable in the hospital (they were free) and for a day or two after we came home when we were too tired to figure out the cloth ones. Being superstitious or silly or something, I hadn't opened or washed anything more than absolutely necessary before he was born, so we had to do all the pre-washing and stuff after we came home. But I don't think he is going through them any less quickly now than he did in his first month. It has been about 8-10 per day. He still poos a lot though, I think around now that slows down for some babies, but we're still waiting.
I got the Real Nappies newborn starter set (which he's now outgrowing) and some miscellaneous other ones...some organic cotton prefolds from amazon called Osocozy (which I really like

and which are a little bigger than the Real Nappies ones), some Thirsties covers (still fit!), and a Fuzzibunz newborn size pocket (too small). Since then we have been collecting one size pockets and covers: covers from Thirsties, Blueberry, and something else I forget; pockets from Fuzzibunz, Bumgenius, and Flip. We also have a Kissaluvs bamboo fitted.
To be honest all of them have worked pretty well for us. I would say my least favorite is the Real Nappies set, actually, but even those are fine. The pockets are fun and simple but DH actually prefers the prefolds; I think both of us feel like they are more reliable. We use the newspaper fold here https://theecofriendlyfamily.com/2009/08/prefold-picture-tutorial/ with a snappi.
One thing I didn't realize at first is that if you are using cotton prefolds you need a fleece insert so that the baby doesn't stay wet. Those are super easy to DIY though, you just need some microfleece fabric or a thin fleece blanket you are willing to cut up. You just cut strips of fleece. Done.
TS, I have heard great things about Sunbaby

I forgot about that brand! I should look into getting some of those.
I haven't heard of Alva...it must be a UK brand. It seems like you guys have so many more brands. I'm jealous.
We do use sposies when we are out, because they take up less space in the diaper bag plus that way I can just leave them in there and don't have to dip into our cloth stash or have to re-pack every time we go out. I am a little scared of sposies though TBH...

We've had just one leak that I can remember with a cloth diaper, but maybe 3-4 so far with sposies, and that's with him wearing cloth 95% of the time.
Whew! That was long