yayyaya!! ill probably have him in January though, im due Feb 15th, but i get my stitch out on Jan 18th and have been told to expect to go into labor that day
Leinz: precious pic! really cute! Ich: Aww! Really cute!
Y'all are rocking ya bumps
I honestly have not taken any bump pics this pregnancy
I have my Obgyn appointment/ Ultrasound on Dec 24. My doc agreed to one to keep me happy since I'm worried about the 5 lbs weight drop!!
Sugar test went ok... survived the nasty taste and looong wait!!
Ich: Wow, massive bump. Love it! Never know, good chance for January baby. I'll probably be induced at 39w because of GD. But, I'm pushing for EDD unless theres more reason than GD.
NeeSAH: Girl, get on those bump pics. Not long until bump will be no more! Yay for ultrasound! Christmas Eve isn't far off.
lol thanks leinz! to be honest sometimes im worried ill go before 36 weeks, especially with bulging membranes, ill find out more tomorrow at my cervical scan. wish me luck ladies, if my cervix is shorter/more funneling/membranes bulging more ill be admitted till delivery=[
Snow: I started cervadil at 6pm... And was in labor at midnight. DD arrived at 1144am with very little pitocin. They had to stop it because my blood pressure spiked. The closer you get to Dec. 26 the more you'll know. How exciting about the scan!
So Santa bought me a new camera for Christmas and it was delivered a day early. I'm so excited to start taking pics and I'm so glad it arrived before baby. Charging the battery now so I can try and find time to use it tomorrow. I have my nst first thing in the morning and then I need to do some Christmas shopping if I have time before picking dd up early from school for a dr appt. then home to do some last minute stuff before the inlaws arrive. I'm extremely exhausted and am ready to deliver.
Ich: Rest assured, no matter what you are being monitored... And you'll be holding your rainbow soon... Perfect, healthy baby!
S: I can't wait to follow your journal, especially with all the venting going on in mine.
Cheryl: I can't wait to see your bump pic. I'm sure its not much smaller... But, I'm due next month! Eeeeek! I can't believe that either! Next Month! Eeeeeek!
Snow: Yay for new camera... I would be lost without mine. I'm a photo crazy person. Mine broke in October and I had a new one within a week. Dec. 26 is coming... And who knows you could be in labor on your own before that. I can't believe its DECEMBER! Eeeeek!
Anyone had a numb arm? Last week I struggled to sleep because of numb achy restless right leg now it seems to have moved to my right arm only seems to be at night an goes from my shoulder to my wrist bad enough to keep me awake x I googled an comes up carpal tunnel but my brother has this an my friend had it when pregnant an their pain was wrist and fingers? Tried calling midwife but couldn't get hold of her x dreading another restless night
It sounds like probably carpal tunnel, but that can also just be weird circulation things sometimes...especially when you sleep, when the baby can squash blood vessels etc. But since it hasn't gone away I would say it is worth being seen sooner rather than later...is there another way to get in touch with the MW or someone else?
I've had the same thing for the past couple of weeks, it's so painful. My whole right arm and hand is really numb and achey when I wake up and it takes ages for the feeling to come back. I've found using pillows to rest my arm on higher than my head helps if that makes sense!
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