Mighty Mom: With all that you've had checked out. And with Colton being so active. Everything sounds fine to me, but a mystery. I know its hard though any bleeding in pregnancy is scary.
Happyface: I'll update those appointments. I can't believe I'm due before they are scheduled to arrive. I'm sure all will be different this time around. It's good that you are being monitored and your Dr. will be super close.
Ich: Oh, hun... I wish things would just go smooth for you.

I wouldn't worry about the Aunt, its sad but her loss. And if your Mom wants to throw you a shower, I'd let her. It's not embarassing in the least. They will just think its your Mom's friends as Torres said. And you will get nice things for baby. This will help out a lot until you are back to work. I'm glad your symptoms of HELLP are gone. But, its always better safe than sorry.
Torres: I'm sorry you had to go through all those complications and HELLP! However, I'm sure you won't be going through it all again this time. No two pregnancies are alike. Just like I'm pretty confident that my scenarios will be different. I know though... I get scared that it won't be different and I worry alot that something isn't going to go right.
AFM: Fine here... Achy and my nights of comfortable sleep are gone for about 5 months. But, soooo happy I hit 34 weeks tomorrow. Eeeek.