lch - give it time!! I don't know anyone who had it super easy breast feeding right from day one... even #2 I had cracked nipples etc at the beginning. But I promise it gets easier Le Leche League is amazing and you can get lots of support there. But, as far as I know, your body will produce whatever your baby needs... so no need to worry.
Are you joining us over in the parenting group Leinz created??? Hope so
still having difficulties =[ he gets so mad and upset when i try to bf and then i feel awful. like im making him work to eat or something ugh . i feel like im close to giving up and i dont want too
Sorry you're not feeling that breastfeeding is going well lch, but sounds like you're doing a great job, just stick at it, i'm sure your milk will come in in full force soon enough and he'll be enjoying it before you know it
Get yourself to that LLL group, hon! Really, newborns can seem upset all the time even when things are going perfectly well. It sounds like you are so close, maybe you need just a couple tips or even just a confidence boost! They will understand that it is time sensitive and you need help right away. There is absolutely nothing wrong with giving up, but if it's not what you want, it would be a shame!
Keep up the good work Ich! I know it can be hard, but sometimes it's just one or two little things that can be fixed and poof! He's BFing. One thing you may consider is not supplementing with formula. Babies tend to overfeed with formula then don't have room to BF because they are still trying to digest the formula. It may also be upsetting his tummy and causing him to get cranky at the next meal which makes it seem like it's the BFing but it really isn't. I'm sure your "milk" is in just fine, remember that colostrum is very important and IS breastmilk! Babies bellies are only the size of a small marble when they are born and the size of a half dollar at a week old. He doesn't need that much milk yet. Don't be worried if you're only getting 1 oz per breast per pump. That's about right for how old he is and what he needs. Sounds like you are more on target than you realize.
The breastfeeding videos from The Pump Station have some great advice on latching and BFing, maybe they can help:
If anyone wants to follow Chloe's story or read about our experience. Or just "like" the page so it gains support. Please do so... I love that its helped other Mothers who've had children with Pierre Robin Sequence. It's rare... 1-800,000.
still having difficulties =[ he gets so mad and upset when i try to bf and then i feel awful. like im making him work to eat or something ugh . i feel like im close to giving up and i dont want too
Ich - I'm sorry you are struggling with bf. Unfortunately I don't know much about it! Hope you manage to get some helpful advice!
Saw the consultant on Monday. They will be offering me 2 more growth scans just due to my history even though things seem to be going great this time. I'm not going to complain! So got one on 21st of Feb (I'll be 32 weeks) and then one on 22th March (I will be 36 weeks).
And I'm seeing my midwife on Monday as the doc forgot to take bloods!
Ich: Hope things are improving, you boy is adorable
AFM: I'm hanging in there, no signs but lots of BH contractions. My toddler has got the flu so this week has been so crazy. Not getting any sleep and feeling like I might be getting the flu as well
By the way, what are you ladies packing for hospital snacks? Just started thinking about this after reading up on some other thread.
I'm gonna stock up on
- Naked mango juice (the only juice I can tolerate with my unbearable MS),
- Nature Valley Yogurt granola bars (vanilla)
- Flipz Choco covered Pretzels
When I had DD, things went by so fast that I didn't get to eat any of my snacks
38 weeks today! I don't want her to come til her due date though
I am taking some juice cartons, dried apricots, cereal bars and some choccy I probably won't touch any of it, but just in case I am in labour for ages and ages.
Snacks? Didn't have anything with me last time and didn't even think about that. Everything happened so quickly and I didn't feel hungry at all.. but you are right if things don't go as fast I might need something.. hmmm something to think about.. I also need to make a list for my hospital bag.. Last time I gave birth in Greece and they provide everything for the baby and mum sos didn't need much! This time I need to be a bit more organised! What are you all packing?
2 pairs of socks
5 pairs of cheapo knickers
going home clothes
old shirt for giving birth in (OH made me swap out the Ralph Lauren one )
maternity pads
breast pads
dressing gown
pregnancy notes
Thanks Wiggler, thats helpful!! I also plan to be in and out very quick especially if I get to go to the birth centre! Last time I was admitted 2 days before I gave birth due to complications (unexpected) and OH wouldn't go get my stuff from home as he was afraid I might just pop K out while he is gone even though I was not in labour yet! Thanks god we were in Greece and my mum brought me the things we needed!! I'm looking forward to thing being a bit more normal this time and me arriving while in active labour with all the baby stuff all excited!
And I need to sort out what I'm wearing for labour as well. I like the idea of a big shirt... or maybe a nighty.. we'll see... or a long t-shirt.. hmmmm
Fingers crossed there are no complications this time and you can be in and out quickly
I wore a nighty with Bethany and a hospital gown with Dylan, I picked an old shirt this time because I can open it easily for skin to skin and breastfeeding
I decided I am using the birth centre this time. I had the other 2 on labour ward, but the birth centre is so much nicer.
Didn't think of wearing smt to make my life easier for after the birth!! One more thing we don't really get to do in Greece... skin to skin and bf straight away. Oh I'm so happy I'm giving birth her now!
I think the birth centre sounds like a great idea. We don't do tours here at my hospital but the birth centre is supposed to be amazing and anything that will minimise the chances of me getting pain relief is a good thing! I also like that they are a lot more relaxing... more like being at home kind of feeling....
So far I've bought all the things I may need with the exception of the dressing gown. I was trying to get one that is long but not too thick as I don't want to be boiling in the hospital if I need to stay any longer than necessary. Yesterday I tried in Primark because I don't want to spend a lot on something I won't be using afterwards at all (I don't like dressing gowns) but no luck.
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