Congrats two kiddos!
ICh - jonathan is precious!
I am officially over this pregnancy. I had a mini meltdown today after my weekly OB triage appt.
My preterm contractions have reallllyyyy slowed down on the past week, so I thought everything was great finally. Well, apparently not. My amniotic fluid is now borderline low and my dopplers are increasing (means baby is getting less oxygen, blood and nutrients than before). Plus baby took an hour to meet their requirements for a good NST instead of the recommended 20 minutes. Although the nurse said that she was being particularly picky.
My OB wants me back on Friday instead of next Tuesday as he now wants to monitor me even closer. He is worried that all this can be an indicator that pre-eclampsia is creeping up on me. Which scares the heck out of me as I had severe pre-e with dd#1 which developed into HELLP syndrome and made me veryyyy sick.
I just want my baby girl here so I know she's safe.
I knew I was high risk going into this pregnancy, but I didn't expect it to be this dramatic. It's mentally exhausting me.
Sorry for the rant. But no one understands the worries of pregnancy more than pregnant women!