Hi Ladies! I've been away for a few days. I have been busy enjoying DH's vacation. By the time I make it to BNB I can't keep my eyes open. I will be back to normal after this weekend. I take the gummy prenatals, Fish Oil and B6.
I don't know what the Dr. did blood testing for. However, I'm assuming it all came back normal or he would've called me.
Cheryl: I'm very very devastated to hear about your scan! I felt very confident that this was a brand new pregnancy. I can't believe this! And I'm holding out hope that you'll see a miracle and not have reason for D&C! I'm sorry for your loss.
Tezzy: Dr.'s all say different things about trying again. Some say 1 cycle, some say 3 cycles and some say no need to wait at all. I never asked my Dr. after my MC because I didn't care what he thought. I wanted to try straight away. I figured my body would know what to do. I was devastated when my body wasn't ready before AF. But, I concieved the next cycle. I would definitley do what is right for you and look into it. I'm sorry for your loss.
Cath: That is such crap! I'm very sorry to hear about emergency surgery and ruptured tube. How could this have happened? When they caught it so soon? I'm sorry you have to go through this.
Mrskg: I'm so happy to hear about your reassurance scan.
Bump: I hate people that are cruel. How is she still your FB friend? I would've definitley deleted her by now. Or is she related?
Snow: Having that GD testing is good. I'm happy they are monitoring you! Hopefully, this time you won't have it... but you'll be cared for if you do.

That is great! I think you'll be more than good for flying in the second trimester!

Krippy: YAYAY for December 5!

Oh, I can't wait to see your baby and hear your birth story! This is so exciting!
Ich28: I'm sorry to hear about your thyroid. But, I'm also thinking its a very good thing you are being monitored. I feel so goooood about your bean! I know its hard not to worry and everything keeps adding on to make you do more of it. But, it all sounds good to me. I'm sure the Dr. would tell you if your progesterone level was a problem and would increase your intake or something.
Madrid: Still thinking of you! Can't wait to hear about your scan thats coming up!
To whom I haven't mentioned, you aren't forgotten.