Lesbian couples TTC

Gorgeous isn't it? I'm considering buying it even if i'm not pregnant... positive thinking... there will be a bubba to use it one day

Awww do it! Our future bub already has 2 playsuits, 2 hats, 2 bibs and a blanket!
Haha, Laura, buy it if you like it!! We already have our cot and cradle!! I used to have all of that stuff but gave it away after bub #3 thinking I was done because I was divorced, etc. But... what a shame, I have to shop now! hehe

I never had a cradle before, so this is a treat! I had a bassinette which was invaluable!! I wheeled it into every room with me and the baby got used to noise! TV, vacuum, friends laughing, etc. The cot I got was second hand but perfect, and it's a Boori!!!! So lovely!!! Gotta renovate our garage before shafting my DD out of her room for the baby's nursery. lol!!

PS: feeling normal today, no nausea or indigestion. Feeling a bit cranky actually, and impatient. The days drag! Test was neg this morning (well, the faintest line, but I could very well be imagining it!) and I'm feeling a bit negative.... like I might actually not be pg this month and my body could be creating these symptoms! :(
Keeping my fingers crossed for you Sunflower :) how lovely that you already have cradle and cot :) we saw some gorgeous nursery furniture last month but we don't really have anywhere to store it and we're not telling people we're trying yet...
Haha, Hopefulpony, yeah I guess it might be a bit hard to hide the fact that you are ttc when you have some large nursery items around the house!! lol.

Feeling a bit negative today... not feeling any symptoms except fatigue today. Oh well... 8dpo is still in with a chance! :) Have a good night ladies!
Hi ladies. I hope everyone is having a fabulous day. I am feeling a bit blue and consumed by this process. The wait and anticipation is fun at first but currently not knowing is making me a bit batty. I am going to try to take the day and limit my conception reading. No charts, limited BnB, and all conception based reading is off limits. I am going to dive into work head first, try to make the day pass quickly and think about all of the other things in life I enjoyed before ttc. On the front of baby furniture shopping, I have a wish list on amazon of all of my MUST haves just waiting to pass the threshold when I can buy. LOL! I made it durring the 2ww last month. It was fun but it made me want our baby even more. I can't wait to find out that he/she is here and growing! Baby dust to all and have a fabulous day!
Hi ladies :)

Feeling super positive today. Let's make this cycle the one. Hopefulpony - love that we're on the same cd! Let's be bump buddies!

Fingers tightly crossed for you lovely ladies on the tww at the mo.

Ps. Loving the softcups for periods :) bought them for inseminations but trying them for my period this month and they're doing great... Bit messy but pretty good
Hey ladies :wave:
I hope everyone is having a great day. Things here are good. Working tons of overtime at work and keeping crazy hours this week. Just trying to make it through the last few days before AF is due and my birthday :cake:! I am getting really excited about it all. We did test today again (I know it's early) it was BFN but my chart is sooo good!! I really have my fingers and toes tangled and crossed just hoping for my birthday BFP. My amazing wife just pees on everything I hand to her and doesn't ask questions. She is getting so sick of me asking "how are your boobs?" I ask her that and "Do you feel pregnant yet?" at least a billion times a day. :haha:

Well...I am finally almost off of my crazy late shift at work. time to get some :sleep:. Baby dust to all!

Awww bless you! My wife is the same.... She keeps asking how my CM is lol :) and also when we can inseminate :) she also reminds me to use my fertility monitor every morning, she loves it!
LeahMsta and Hopefulpony - you two are adorable! It's like that in my house too; my DP is always smooching up to my belly and then looking up at me (that's right, I still exist!! haha) and asking me to just have her baby already!! haha! At first she was concerned when I said I felt crampy or sick, then I told her that for now, it's a good thing. She now says, AWESOME, when I say it! haha! I told her that once we get our BFP she can switch to concerned and sympathetic to my ills again, thanks! lol!

Laura - you are very positive today! Good one! I needed that little bit of an uplift! It's rather catchy, which is great because I have been very emotional today and up and down. Need all the positive vibes I can get, so keep it up, girl!!! :)

Today I did a FRER and it was BFN. Did an IC and it had a faint line again.... very faint! I chucked it out because I was having a bad day and getting tired of the whole thing, but did another tonight, and took a pic. What do you girls think? Can you see a faint second line? I am still getting "symptoms" like fatigue, mild cramping, and indigestion, as well as emotional and waves of nausea.

Okay, well, I will catch up with you all tomorrow and see how it all goes with everyone. Have a great sleep, girls!! :) Give your OH big cuddles because god knows they deserve it, if you are acting anything like me!!!!! (My dp is walking on eggshells around me lately, I'm that sensitive!) :blush:


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SUnflowerBub: I see it!!!! There is definately a second line there! I had to enlarge but it is there and thick. I can't wait to see your next test to see if it's stronger! FX that this is the start of your BFP!!! How many DPO are you and how long after the test was taken did you take the pic? I am soooo excited for you!

Laura: My Wife and I are already joking about what we're going to do with the absurd amount of softcups I ordered if we get a sticky bean. I'm glad to hear that they serve their intended purpose well because I have 2 boxes of 14. What can I say? I like to be prepared. LOL! Way to be positive. I hope this is your cycle!

Hopefulpony: I'm so happy I am not the only Mrs inquiring about CM. LOL!
Sunflower Bub. I see the line. Good luck. I say its a BFP. keeping my fingers crossed for you
Yay I see the line too Sunflower!!! Woohoo! Yep my wife does the belly thing too, along with "why aren't you pregnant yet?!?"
OMG....guys....Look at our chart!!! I am kinda freaking out. another temp rise and (*TMI Alert*) My DW has IBS she poos up to 15 times a day. She can't poop. I have NEVER known her to have this problem in 11 years of being together. Her boobs are full and heavy and she is peeing almost on the hour. No BFP yet but with all of these new symptoms today and the temp rise I am almost positive!!
LeahMSta I really think that is positive. There are no dips just a continual rise. Wow. Cant wait to hear what happens with the hpt this week.
OMG....guys....Look at our chart!!! I am kinda freaking out. another temp rise and (*TMI Alert*) My DW has IBS she poos up to 15 times a day. She can't poop. I have NEVER known her to have this problem in 11 years of being together. Her boobs are full and heavy and she is peeing almost on the hour. No BFP yet but with all of these new symptoms today and the temp rise I am almost positive!!

Wow........ Fingers massively crossed!!!!!
THANK YOU to all of those who took the time to observe my pics yesterday! I really really appreciate all of the encouragement and support! And all of your eyes, too! Thank you!!!!

OMG....guys....Look at our chart!!! I am kinda freaking out. another temp rise and (*TMI Alert*) My DW has IBS she poos up to 15 times a day. She can't poop. I have NEVER known her to have this problem in 11 years of being together. Her boobs are full and heavy and she is peeing almost on the hour. No BFP yet but with all of these new symptoms today and the temp rise I am almost positive!!
Guys, that is really a very very VERY nice looking chart!!!!!! You almost don't need an hpt!! Can't wait until it turns up bfp though!!!! PS: The constipation is a GREAT sign!!! I had it with DD and I have it (big time!) now!

Speaking of constipation... do you girls think it would cause any problems to take some mild laxatives at this point? I mean, if I am pregnant, I would hate for the bowel to start something up with the uterus.... I know that I did that at the end with DS#1 with castor oil and it worked a treat! haha! I want the opposite right now though!

Feeling the same symptoms today. Waves of nausea, chunks in throat, fatigue, constipation, mild cramping, bbs are fine. The nausea and fatigue is definitely worse in evening and at night, which is great because that is how it was with my other pregnancies. :D I just wish I could have a clear line with the hpts because not knowing is making me crazy!

Do you girls see a second line on today's tests? I can see one irl on the ic, but I think the FRER may be neg. :( So badly want to pull out the digi!!!! But two days ago I did one, and it was neg, so don't want to waste it. But just dying to give it a go!!!!! :wacko:

Have a great day, girls, and good luck to those testing today!!!!!! :dust:


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Sunflowerbub I think that I see the line on your IC but afraid I don't see it on the FRER either. We did another IC tonight and.... nothing. Not a smudge, smear, outline, or shadow. It was a blazing white BFN. I thought I saw something faint this morning with FMU but it was so indistinguishable I threw it out. Now I am freakoing out and thinking that the chart is a fluke :( I hope this is the start of your BFP. I guess there is nothing for either of us to do but wait it out. AF expected here on Thursday. When are you officially "Late" Sunflower?
Sunflowerbub I think that I see the line on your IC but afraid I don't see it on the FRER either. We did another IC tonight and.... nothing. Not a smudge, smear, outline, or shadow. It was a blazing white BFN. I thought I saw something faint this morning with FMU but it was so indistinguishable I threw it out. Now I am freakoing out and thinking that the chart is a fluke :( I hope this is the start of your BFP. I guess there is nothing for either of us to do but wait it out. AF expected here on Thursday. When are you officially "Late" Sunflower?
Don't you just hate waiting!? lol! It's okay... I keep testing with ICs and honestly, the line is sometimes there and sometimes not, and sometimes it's as dark (aka faint) as it was on 5 dpo!! :shrug: Sometimes it's completely white negative, but then I do another one, and it's a faint line. Could depend on the quality of the actual cardboard of that particular test, perhaps? Not sure... Oh well.... let's just wait it out.... :dishes::iron::hangwashing:
I just cleaned the ever-loving Poo out of my kitchen. I may not be able to control when and if AF will come but I can sure control the stains that are no longer on my countertops. LOL!!! Last month I got all of the spots out of the carpet. TTC is really good for my home's general appearance. LMAO!!!

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