Hi all,
I've gone back and read this thread from the beginning, you all have been through a lot in this process and sound like a great support for each other. I'm sorry I just jumped into this thread in the middle of my panic realizing, yet again, I didn't conceive.
These last months have been a whirl wind of emotions and I felt like the only one out there. My wife is my biggest support of coarse, but she is very relaxed about this whole thing and feels like it will take when its supposed to take and doesn't really worry about it, obsess about it, or need to look anything up about it. I, on the other hand, spend way too much time thinking about it, worrying about it, and looking everything up I possible can about it. I was banned from the internet for awhile from my wife, mother, and NP. I mean not really, but kinda. But that has only lasted so long. Maybe I just needed this kinda of thread, instead of looking things up that may or may not apply to me.
Anyway, that's me. Waiting to O now. Going to do everything I can to just enjoy this time. Promising myself to do more yoga and have made an appointment for acupuncture this weekend.
Looking forward to getting to know you ladies,