FX to all those waiting!!!
AF should be here today, negative blood test yesterday. I actually feel good about it. This will be my first flow since starting acupuncture. (TMI sorry) I get a lot of clots during flow, which I always thought was normal, but I guess it's not normal the way I get them. Happy to be "flushing" my system this month, will be interested to see if anything is different since starting acupuncture.
New plan for next time. Baby aspirin to help build the lining and prevent clots (need to ok it with the nurse first today), red raspberry leaf tea every day from now to O, hot water bottle on my tummy every day from now til O, grapefruit juice to help CM, and will continue coenzyme Q 10 and acupuncture. Going to stay busy walking, doing yoga, cleaning and reading. Going to try to be online less. Going to try to just be.