Awesometwo -- best decision myself and the wife ever made was to go for fertility treatment. We had enough for 1 round of IUI, which turned out to be 3 x as expensive as the clinic was willing to admit at first, but we ended up with the money when we needed it (very weird things happened to conspire to fund our IUI actually, including unexpected tax rebates and my laptop dying, which triggered a refund on it AND a repair because of the spectacular warranty I had) and we took on the first try.
And I remember once saying "What if it only took once and we never even tried?" So we tried, and now we're 10 weeks away from having a baby. It can happen. Our first appointment was August 2012.
I was 36 at the time and 37 now. My wife has premature ovarian failure, so we would have had to go hardcore IVF with her, even though she was more interested in carrying than I ever was.
And also, the breaks are so important. There were times over the years I thought I was losing my mind. Completely. And just having a month pass without temping every morning -- your waking thought every day matters to your sanity I think -- meant I destressed a lot. Spending a couple months eating well, working out and relaxing might do you a world of good.
All that said, your chart looks awesome. So you never know.