mummy3, congrats!!!!!

omg, that is so wonderful and unexpected!! When was your last AF? I guess it was meant to be.
It's funny, I've been away for the weekend and I was on another thread I'm on with new_to_ttc and I saw that she was your BUMP BUDDY! And I was like, hey, I know her!! Bump buddy?!?!

So I rushed over here to see hehe....small world.
Shey, sorry about the

She got me today too!

Boo, but at least this longest cycle ever (for me, at 48 days) is finally over. I hope I'm back to my regular 35 days this month, and I really hope this is my month so I can be your bump buddy mummy3! Along with dandy and shey of course!
dandy, glad your results are in, and hope you get an appt soon! Any sign of AF? I don't do temping (yet...might start this cycle) so am not much help there.
DH and I went to a town in Canada for the weekend and did some shopping and sadly, a lot of eating.

Also, we stocked up on yummy chocolate that we miss from the UK...Maltesers and Crunchies and the now my fridge is full of chocolate! Oh, well, I couldn't leave Canada without the chocolate. I'll just have to ration it as well as I can.
I'm joining up with Weight Watchers again tomorrow, as well. I lost 15 lbs with them before, which isn't massive but I only need to lose 20 to be at my goal so I think I should do it!