Let's get pregnant in 2012!!!! TTC #1 after loss

Hi angelbaby0809 :flower: So sorry about your loss :( That ring sounds like a beautiful way to remember your angel. FX'd that you get a sticky BFP soon!

Tanzi - How are you doing? Do you think maybe your body geared up to O the first time, but never released an egg? I see your temp is dropping, so maybe that's the case. FX'd for you! :hugs:

Smiler - That sounds like a beautiful dream, but that would leave me really upset as well. I've had a few dreams that involved baby's that felt so real. I've always woken up really sad that it wasn't true. You'll get your BFP soon - I think 2012 will be a great year for all of us! :hugs:

Well, this weekend marks 1 year since we conceived our first little angel. I can't believe a year has passed already. :( I remember all dates, so the next few months are going to be tough. In 10 days was my first BFP. 3rd day of Clomid and all is still well. Got wicked moody today, but the cramps are gone thankfully. It was making me think I was ovulating super early, but I didn't think that was possible. :wacko:
Hi Tweak - :hugs: hope you've had a lovely weekend considering. Regarding the clomid, have you had any hot flushes with the stuff? xxx

I think I maybe have ov'd, got a positive yesterday (I think) and felt really groggy and delicate and today I've had a very calm innner self so just waiting and hoping for my temps to confirm and then not long til test day (I hope).

Smiler - aww hope you're feeling better since the baby dream :hugs: when are you testing again? sorry my memory is bad ><

I had a refresher and re-watched the great sperm race today- 15 minutes in it goes on about old sperm damaging fresher and newer sperm, so I'm pretty much gearing up for a massive temp change tomorrow which means no more sex for a while :)
Hi ladies :) can I join your group?

I just went through my first MC on Dec. 31. What a great way to ring in the new year right?? :(

I'm feeling better now and bleeding has stopped. I was almost 6 weeks :( it would have been me and OH's first baby. I've had great doctors and they've been making me come in for blood work to make sure my hcg levels are dropping. Last test was Friday and level was 10. I also had a follow up ultrasound and my uterus is clean. As sad as it was, I feel lucky to have passed it all on my own. I'm going to wait to have one full normal cycle and then we'll start to TTC again. But I have to say that I am terrified of it happening again :( Drs were kind and said my ovaries look great and also checked my thyroid during the blood tests and that is good as well. Drs keep telling me it's just 'natures way' but I still can't help feeling some guilt :(

I found this site and feel so much better being able to share this with other ladies who understand how I'm feeling. OH has been great but his mind is so logical, you know? He's all 'things happen for a reason' blah blah. I know he is sad but he's also excited to try again which is good. Wish I had some of his optimism!

Thanks for letting me share ladies and big :hugs: to you all!

Figggaro: I'm sorry for your loss... :hugs:

I know how you feel... My OH said the same thing... I wasn't as far along, but it's still hard, and you always have that feeling of guilt, even though logically you know you did nothing wrong.

The ladies on these forums are amazing!! Never thought I'd find a group like this. Best wishes for you and your OH with TTC again. I am currently in my 2WW... Here's hoping for a January :bfp:
Hello Figgaro, so sorry for your loss, and what a really crap day for it to happen :hugs: No matter what stage you're at it is really hard and no one can understand unless they've gone through it. I still get so sad about our losses, it's such a rollercoaster ride but we are all here for you hun. It's great though that your tests etc came back ok, at least when you get back to ttc you can relax a little knowing you are healthy x x
Smiler - That sounds like a beautiful dream, but that would leave me really upset as well. I've had a few dreams that involved baby's that felt so real. I've always woken up really sad that it wasn't true. You'll get your BFP soon - I think 2012 will be a great year for all of us! :hugs:

Well, this weekend marks 1 year since we conceived our first little angel. I can't believe a year has passed already. :( I remember all dates, so the next few months are going to be tough. In 10 days was my first BFP. 3rd day of Clomid and all is still well. Got wicked moody today, but the cramps are gone thankfully. It was making me think I was ovulating super early, but I didn't think that was possible. :wacko:

Ah Tweak I'm sorry you're finding the dates hard. I do too. Not only is DH away whilst I'm waiting for bfp/AF this week is the 1st anniversary of our 2nd loss. I can't help thinking how scared I was this time last year when the bleeding started...I found the 1st anniversary of our 1st loss very hard as well but I have to say once that milestone had passed I did start to feel better about it. So hopefully that'll happen again this anniversary, and for your anniversaries too :hugs:

My friend took clomid and I remember her saying it gave her v bad cramps, she said it felt like her ovaries were massive! Just one of the side effects I guess...do you temp or do opks along with clomid to confirm O?

I think I maybe have ov'd, got a positive yesterday (I think) and felt really groggy and delicate and today I've had a very calm innner self so just waiting and hoping for my temps to confirm and then not long til test day (I hope).

Smiler - aww hope you're feeling better since the baby dream :hugs: when are you testing again? sorry my memory is bad ><

I had a refresher and re-watched the great sperm race today- 15 minutes in it goes on about old sperm damaging fresher and newer sperm, so I'm pretty much gearing up for a massive temp change tomorrow which means no more sex for a while :)

Fingers crossed for you Tanzi, really hope you did O this time.

I am feeling ok thanks but so hard not to be sad this week because of the anniversary. Also getting myself geared up to visit my new nephew, and could be on my period that day so may be hard!! I can test on Thurs, but I'm really not feeling positive about it anymore. Was quite excited before but I just have no symptoms whatsoever and my temps aren't very high. I don't see how I can be pg with such low post-ov temps :(
Figgaro :hugs: It is just so hard. :cry:
Smiler, I had a massive drop for three days in a row when I got my BFP. Just FYI. I thought there was no way I could be preggers.
Thank you Viking :) I just don't see how there can be enough progesterone in my system if my temps have been low the whole 2WW so far...time will tell I guess, just got to get through this week :wacko:

My Ovulation Chart
Smiler, I think you look okay. Maybe your body just doesn't react as much as some? I don't know. Have you had and CD3/21 tests done before? I actually think your chart is looking good. You need a link in your siggy :winkwink:
Thank you ladies! Its so nice to feel so welcomed :hugs: Its been difficult but I did make it into work today (took last week off). As much as I don't want to be here today, for me personally, I find it better to be here to help keep my mind off things. Besides, there's only so much bad TV that I can watch :haha:

Also, booked a trip to the Caribbean for early next month, so will enjoy a nice, week-long vacation to just relax and get back to being my old self. It's nice to have something positive to look forward to again.

I'm doing much better than I thought I would be... but I do get a little down when I think by this time, I should be able to hear little bean's heartbeat :cry: Only to make myself realize that Im not empty inside. It really does make you feel empty, doesn't it?

Smiler, I hope you get that BFP! :dust:
That I'm NOW empty inside... not NOT empty. Ugh - what a horrible typo. :blush:
Tanzi - Yay for O! Hope your temps continue to rise! I've had bad hot flashes the past couple of days. I woke up wicked hot this morning, and was hot last night. Today was the last pill, so I hope they stop. I guess it's good being hot in the winter, and not the summer.

Figgaro - Sorry about your loss :( You've found a great group of ladies here :flower: There was one doctor at the practice who didn't have the most compassion for my losses. Kinda said the same thing - nature's way, you'll get your baby eventually. They could learn a little compassion though, as that's not what you want to hear after a loss. Good luck to you! The vacation you booked sounds wonderful! We're booking one for June, so it should be nice!

Sweetpea - Good luck in your TWW!!!

Smiler - I'm sorry your DH is away :( After my 1st EDD, I felt so much better, like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I haven't been thinking much about the 2nd EDD, which is less than a month away. I felt sad about the loss, but I wasn't like distraught over it like the first. It's bad to say :( But I guess because it was so early, that I hadn't bonded with it as much as my first. I was still expecting something to go wrong. :( I know the next few months are going to be rough. I'm doing both OPKs and temping. My temp took a huge nose dive, but I doubt it's ovulation since it's so early. It's weird cause I was hot all night, but my temp plummetted. You're still in it! I know girls who had 0 symptoms before a BFP. You never know!
I feel empty too. I was just looking in my old bump buddies thread and most of the girls are entering the 2nd tri now. :cry:
So sorry to hear about the not so compassionate doctors Tweak! The first doctor I had was that way, with the whole "natures way" comment... but then he did go on to say that he was only telling me that so I dont think there is something wrong with me to have caused the miscarriage. I really do believe he was trying to be helpful. :shrug:

The second doctor I saw, was amazing. He ran tests he really didnt have to, especially since this was my first pregnancy and first MC. He checked my thyroid without me even asking! He even made sure the ultrasound tech checked my ovaries for cysts. He really made such an effort to make me feel more confident in my body. I did tell him that DH and I would love to try again but we're terrified of another MC. I think some doctors just put that extra effort in. When I asked why he checked my thyroid, he said he is aware that thyroid issues cause affect the risks of miscarriage and since he was doing a blood test anyway (to ensure my hcg level was dropping)... he said, "why not check while we're already drawing blood?".... I was so impressed. MY hcg level dropped to 10 but he did make me a follow up appointment for this Friday, just to ensure my level goes to zero. I really felt cared for by this dr... and what's even more surprising, he's an emergency dr! Great guy. Gave me so much hope and reassurance that I now feel more confident to TTC again... once I get my first AF. He told me I didnt have to wait once I get my hcg level back to 0, but I just feel better if I wait that one cycle.

And so glad to hear you'll be booking a trip for June! :flower: Its always nice to have something fun to look forward to! I always hear that women get pregnant when they just relax a bit... I think I'm in for some serious relaxing!! Hoping to start TTC again after we return home from the trip.
I feel empty too. I was just looking in my old bump buddies thread and most of the girls are entering the 2nd tri now. :cry:

Aww :hugs: We aren't empy though! We're full of love for our first sticky little bean. It will happen! I really believe it will. :flower:

I know how you feel though. There's a woman here at work who is having her gender scan tomorrow and that's all I am hearing her talk about. Hurts a little to see her walk by with a little bump. :coffee:
Thanks again Viking :) I will put a link in my siggie! Yes I've had day 21 tests before, none of them ever show ov since I don't ov til late. It would be better if they tested me later in my cycle but they don't seem bothered!

Figgaro that doc you had sounds amazing, you're so lucky to get one that caring. When I had my d+c the staff at the hospital were so lovely, though one nurse told me not to test so early next time - even though I was 10 weeks pg! I don't think she realised...one GP was really sympathetic and said, oh I'm so sorry, I've had 2 miscarriages as well. Then I saw her again a couple of months later wanting to ask q's about my mc's and my PCOS but this time she was a bit off-hand and just said, well it's very common, I think I've had about 4 miscarriages! Eh?

Tweak I know exactly what you mean about feeling like a weight's been lifted. I don't think it's bad to say you weren't as upset about your 2nd loss as your first. If that's how you feel about it that is perfectly ok. I kind of felt a similar way - even though my 2nd pg was longer, I was wary of it happening again from the start, and I do think there was a part of me that didn't want to get too attached just in case.

I had a couple of mad hot flushes last cycle at the same time as a temp drop! I tried to google it and find out what it meant but didn't have much luck. I just took it to mean my hormones were trying to sort themselves out!
you ladies were sure talkative and that's great! We'll start ttc this month, but im still waiting for af to officially go away! according to the ttc calculators and stuff i should o around 1/16..but i dont think i'll use my opks b/c they're not even close to positive yet.. ugh. i wish they were..i o early, so we'll hopefully be able to ttc soon!
Hello ladies!!

Sorry ive not been around for a while, i needed a break for a little while and its done me the world of good! Still awaiting my positive OPK but feel very relaxed, almost not bothered so im thinking its all good!!

Will respond more fully later when ive had time to catch up!!

Welcome to all the new ladies as well!! Hello and welcome to the luckiest thread on BnB :haha::haha:
Welcome back rb :) Glad the time out has helped you to feel more relaxed about everything, that's great :)

How is everyone else doing? I am slowly slowly losing hope for this cycle. I am sad too as tomorrow is the anniversary of our 2nd loss. Been hard not to rake over it all again in my mind and remember the mc :( Also had a letter about getting an HSG next week, not really looking forward to it! But I hear a little 'clear out' makes you slightly more fertile so maybe it'll do the trick... :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok x x

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