Let's get pregnant in 2012!!!! TTC #1 after loss

Yay for the +OPK Tanzi! I think Viking is right, you get your +ve to show the LH surge then you can ov sometime in the next day or two? Not sure as I don't use them but have read plenty of posts about them :)

Oh Tweak you must be v excited to start the clomid! Really hope you don't get any side-effects, that is something that concerns me about taking it but some people are fine so hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones :) Cramping sounds strange...wonder what that could be. Did your doc not say anything about your short LP on your last cycle?

Think I'm 8 dpo today but could be 6. It's so hard to know for sure because if we are BDing a lot I just can't read my CM! So I don't put it into FF very much and I'm sure that skews its interpretation. Oh well, have def got higher temps so I know I did ov at least!
Smiler - that's awesome about the higher temps!! Hope they stay high!! My doc didn't really say anything about the short LP, just that Clomid would hopefully fix it. I hope I don't get any side effects - I woke up with a headache this morning, and still have to take my first dose of Clomid in a couple hours. I just hope the headache doesn't get worse. I normally get bad headaches every once in a while, and when I do, I'm useless.

Hope everyone has a good day :flower:
dears , can i too join u ? i got my first BFP on 31st Dec ,, and started bleeding 31st night ... and still bleeding...somehow i feel so strong about this mc...but i was looking for someone who s sharing the situation and is positive about being a mom soon ...
This was my natural miracle BFP after 2 and half years of failed infertility treatments and 5 failed IUIs....
I just belive that god showed me that I can become pregnant . Got the bfp when my hopes were really really going down ...
all the best to all of you ... i ll pray for all of you and hope i can also be a part of you all in this forum
Godskid, of course you can join us. I am so sorry for your loss. That is just heartbreaking. I wish I could say something that could make you feel better, but we all know that's really not possible. It is awful and you have the right to grieve the loss. I hope that you heal quickly and can try again. The idea is that we are more fertile just after a MC so maybe you can catch another egg!
Good luck with the clomid tweak, are you going to take it at the same time everyday? not sure what the doc ordered for you but out of choice on my 2nd and successful cycle I decided to take it same time every single morning :)

weird about the ov cramps, you never know you may get 2 egg releases this cycle :D

Smiler, excited your in your tww, not long til test day, really hope something good comes at the end!

welcome godskid, so sorry to hear about your loss, feel free to just let it out on this thread, if you feel annoyed let us know, if you feel sad let us know, more importantly when you get your next bfp let us know :hugs:

Oh I got a temp rise this morning but will have to see what the next few days bring :)
godskid - I'm so sorry. :hug: The girls on here are great listeners. Wishing you best wishes for a speedy, healthy, sticky bean.
dears , can i too join u ? i got my first BFP on 31st Dec ,, and started bleeding 31st night ... and still bleeding...somehow i feel so strong about this mc...but i was looking for someone who s sharing the situation and is positive about being a mom soon ...
This was my natural miracle BFP after 2 and half years of failed infertility treatments and 5 failed IUIs....
I just belive that god showed me that I can become pregnant . Got the bfp when my hopes were really really going down ...
all the best to all of you ... i ll pray for all of you and hope i can also be a part of you all in this forum

Hello godskid, I am so so sorry for your loss. After everything you have already gone through :hugs: as others have already said please do say whatever you need to on this board we're all here to listen. It sounds like you're being so strong, it is inspiring to hear you say it has at least given you hope. Let us know how you're doing xx
Smiler - that's awesome about the higher temps!! Hope they stay high!! My doc didn't really say anything about the short LP, just that Clomid would hopefully fix it. I hope I don't get any side effects - I woke up with a headache this morning, and still have to take my first dose of Clomid in a couple hours. I just hope the headache doesn't get worse. I normally get bad headaches every once in a while, and when I do, I'm useless.

Hope everyone has a good day :flower:

Aww sorry you already had a headache before the clomid...did it make it any worse?? Hope not :flower:

Smiler, excited your in your tww, not long til test day, really hope something good comes at the end!

Oh I got a temp rise this morning but will have to see what the next few days bring :)

Thanks Tanzi :) I think I'll wait til next Sat to test...well, maybe ;) DH is away all next week so feel like I want him to be there in case it's +ve. If I get AF before he gets home I'll be ok with crying on my own!! How about you, were you trying this cycle?
oh the wink says to me you'll definately stick to your next sat test day ;)

SO hope you won't get AF, what sticks will you be using?

Yeah I've been trying like mad this cycle, it's been about 24 days I think and as soon as the spotting stopped I've been using opk's and timing sex better than previous cycles (not over doing it in other words).
Argh just typed a reply and the page crashed :growlmad:

I do have a load of internet cheapies haha. They are the one step ones, and I did get a tad obsessed the last few cycles testing v early but I just can't be doing that all again, it's too tiring. But since I don't know if AF should be here Weds or Fri, I may crack on Thursday and do a cheapie! Have also got a Morrison's own brand, I got my last bfp with that brand...how about you Tanzi, when can you test? I really hope you get some good news as well, that would be amazing. I'm excited but still trying not to get my hopes up too much.
Oh I think the supermarket ones are good, I tested 13dpo last time with a frer and asda, both them came up nice and dark.

I think Thursday is a good compromise, not long to go!

Not sure when I'll be testing, if I have ov'd then maybe in 15 days depending on what FF thinks is the ov day :S it's been bang on with my LP ever since charting so if I can hold on I'll test 13dpo again. LP is 14 days!
Argh just typed a reply and the page crashed :growlmad:

I do have a load of internet cheapies haha. They are the one step ones, and I did get a tad obsessed the last few cycles testing v early but I just can't be doing that all again, it's too tiring. But since I don't know if AF should be here Weds or Fri, I may crack on Thursday and do a cheapie! Have also got a Morrison's own brand, I got my last bfp with that brand...how about you Tanzi, when can you test? I really hope you get some good news as well, that would be amazing. I'm excited but still trying not to get my hopes up too much.

What site do you buy the cheap packs of OPK? I'm thinking that if I don't get my :bfp: this month, I may invest in a big pack of the OPK. Just want to try to do them on a budget as the ones at WalMart etc are so expensive!
Welcome godskid :flower: So sorry to hear about your loss :( Get it all out here, we're here to support you. :hugs:

RB - I hope you're doing well. Miss you around here :hugs:

Tanzi - Yep, I'll be taking it the same time each morning, 9 a.m. The doc didn't really say much - just to take it CD5-9. But I have heard things about taking it the same time each day so I'll try that.

Smiler - I actually ended up taking Tylenol before taking the Clomid and it went away. Thank goodness. I couldn't have functioned with horrible headache all day. I'm getting excited for you to test! I've got everything crossed for you!

Sweetpea - I use Amazon to buy my OPKs. I get a pack of 40 OPKs and 10 HPTs for around $10. Here's the link : OPKs
They arrive in around a week, week and a half too. So not too bad and lots of OPKs for little $$. Hope you won't need them though!

AFM - Clomid day 1 went okay. No symptoms really, I was just really sleepy all day. Having a tiny bit of cramping this evening and it feels like I got lots of CM. This is starting to confuse me :wacko: We're getting DH's SA done tomorrow so we'll probably get the results back at my next appt. Hope it all goes well - he has to do it at home, then make it to the hospital in 30 minutes. I think we can make it. Plus I gotta keep it body temp in this freezing cold weather we're having. Def didn't pick the right month to get this done!
Argh just typed a reply and the page crashed :growlmad:

I do have a load of internet cheapies haha. They are the one step ones, and I did get a tad obsessed the last few cycles testing v early but I just can't be doing that all again, it's too tiring. But since I don't know if AF should be here Weds or Fri, I may crack on Thursday and do a cheapie! Have also got a Morrison's own brand, I got my last bfp with that brand...how about you Tanzi, when can you test? I really hope you get some good news as well, that would be amazing. I'm excited but still trying not to get my hopes up too much.

What site do you buy the cheap packs of OPK? I'm thinking that if I don't get my :bfp: this month, I may invest in a big pack of the OPK. Just want to try to do them on a budget as the ones at WalMart etc are so expensive!

I don't have OPKS I've got pregnancy tests. I got them from a UK site, but the brand is One Step and I'm sure they're available worldwide. I'm sure someone else can recommend some cheap OPKS :)
temp dip this morning, guess it wasn't ovulation after all :(

Aww Tanzi I just had a look at your chart and personally I think you're in with a chance. Today's temp is slightly higher than the 2 days before your higher temp. I know it's still a little on the low side but for me that kind of temp is totally normal in the first few days after ov, it takes nearly a week for my temps to get really high. Perhaps you're a slow riser too :) You'll know more tomorrow, and hopefully the day after that FF will give you some lovely red lines. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you, but don't stop dtd just in case x x
In August of 2011 my hubby and I lost our first baby to miscarriage at 8 weeks. We had went in for the ultrasound to see the heartbeat at 7 weeks, she found it but had a hard time keeping it on the screen. We went back at 8 weeks to the actual ultrasound tech and there was no heartbeat, the baby had passed away during that week. I had no symptoms of miscarriage at all but when I thought about it later I had stopped having symptoms of pregnancy. I had a miscarriage 2 days after we found out and all of that was lots of emotions as I had never had surgery or been in the hospital. We were devastated as we had tried for 11 months to get pregnant and are very ready to have kids. We planned to start trying right away but my body did not have the same plans. My HCG levels stayed up until last month (Dec. 2011) and there was lots of blood work involved. We are finally able to start trying again but both my hubby and I have so many mixed feelings about it. I hope I get pregnant right away but am expecting it to take a while. The holidays have been especially difficult so for Christmas I got a ring with my angel baby's birthstone and the birthstone of the month he/she passed away. I want to make sure we remember our first baby as we start trying again. Please pray with me that we get pregnant within these first few months and that we have a healthy baby girl or boy in 9 months.
Good morning ladies, I just want to say you are not alone. I recently mc'd too (nov 2011) and I have no kids either. I have had so many women tell me they're sorry that already have children. I know a loss is painful no matter the situation but I think its easier to cope when you have others to look after. Unforunately I don't have another to help me focus on other things and with the holidays right around the corner its gonna be so depressing but hey what can I do. And to make matters worse no matter what family gathering I go to there are pg women. So there will be lots of baby talk going around. :sad: and its going to kill me knowing I should've been able to share in the convo. But I have gotta be strong, maybe it won't be so bad since evertone is trying to be so supportive and my DH has been my strength. This would've been our first child after ttc for 8 yrs but all I can do is pray we're next. So stay positive & I am always lurking around if you need someone to talk to. Lots of love, support & :dust:

I completely agree about it being even harder when it is your first you miscarry. It is hard for me to be around my SIL a lot because she already had a baby when she m/c her second. She tries to understand but it is very different and plus while she was trying to understand she was already pregnant again. Hard to find people to talk to about this that can really understand.
hi angelbaby0809 - so sorry to hear about your loss, it's even worse when you've been trying for ages and you feel that all your efforts finally paid off then thats suddenly taken from you :hugs:

It is hard talking to people, especially finding the right people too. I've learnt if you want to talk to the right people on BnB you have be very specific in thread titles and questions. I posted in general chatter about what to do when boredom kicks in, thought it would be good idea, but the amount of mums who've said they never have a spare minute as they're looking after kids is unbelievable, felt like a kick in the face. My own fault though, I should have been specific ><
Hi Angelbaby0809. So sorry for your loss :hugs: it's lovely to have a piece of jewellery or something to remember your baby by. It is really hard to find people who understand, and it is quite scary trying again. As long as you and DH can talk to each other a lot and support each other through it, and talk to us as much as you need to hun. We're coming up to the 1st anniversary of our 2nd loss and I cannot wait to be pg again but at the same time it's terrifying as I'm so scared of going through a 3rd miscarriage.

I had the strangest dream last night, it was touching but sad. I dreamt I was pregnant with a lovely big bump and we had a scan that was crystal clear. DH was there and said, he looks just like you. Then I put my hand on my bump and my hand actually went inside me and I was able to hold onto my baby's hand. It felt so real, it was so strange and I woke up feeling really sad :cry: How I would love to hold my real baby. Let's hope that day is not far off for all of us x x x

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