Let's get pregnant in 2012!!!! TTC #1 after loss

Ok..so i started spotting 12/30. today was my first day of bleeding..like on a pad..do i count today as cd1?

I would yes, my doc said cd1 is the day you bleed anytime before 1pm, if thats any help. I would probably count today as cd1 :)

Ok, I have a question, might be a bit controversial but before your losses did any of you have the flu jab? I had the flu jab friday, started spotting sunday and lost baby on Tuesday, I am becoming more and more convinced this was what caused my loss.

I didn't have the flu when i was pregnant or before i had my d&c. I had a semi-cold almost the whole time i was pregnant--stuffy nose, sore throat here and there though.
I'm feeling really sad these days ladies. I did better than I expected thru the holidays, but yesterday I started feeling really blue. I know you will understand what I mean. I'm also really anxious for AF to arrive. Where is she? I feel desperate to start trying again. Even my sweet DH was asking this morning when I should ovulate again. He's so clueless. I told him I didn't know because AF hasn't come yet. :nope:
I'm feeling really sad these days ladies. I did better than I expected thru the holidays, but yesterday I started feeling really blue. I know you will understand what I mean. I'm also really anxious for AF to arrive. Where is she? I feel desperate to start trying again. Even my sweet DH was asking this morning when I should ovulate again. He's so clueless. I told him I didn't know because AF hasn't come yet. :nope:

I completely understand..I had my d&c 11/23 and af just fully started today..i had been spotting since 12/30. I am kinda glad she's back..b/c now we can start ttc again..which is a bummer b/c we thought this was finally it..but now that we know i can carry past 4/5wks..that makes us feel good :hugs:
Viking - I'm sorry you're feeling sad :( I hope you can start to feel better. I did well over the holidays actually. I thought I'd be a wreck, but getting those + OPKs made me have a glimmer of hope. Big hugs :hugs::hugs:

AYC - I'm glad your AF finally showed. Not onto TTC and getting your sticky BFP soon!

Tanzi - I never got the flu shot when I was pregnant, so unfortunately I'm no help there. I won't be getting the flu shot when I get pregnant though, but it's just because I've never gotten one before.

Smiler & RB - Hope you are well :hugs:

CD2 for me, and calling the doc tomorrow for my Clomid. Have some questions too, like why the hell did AF come 7 days after my + OPK :wacko: Hoping this first round of Clomid is a lucky one. I'm kinda scared though, since soy did absolutely nothing that Clomid won't either.
Hi Ladies,
I'm so sorry for all of your losses.

I just recently lost one. I was only 4 weeks along, but it's still tough. My husband and I plan on TTC right away. I'm really hoping I can get my sticky bean soon!! This will be our first child.
Welcome SweetPea :flower: Sorry to hear about your loss :( No matter how far along you are, it's still very hard to deal with. :hugs: Here's to a 2012 sticky BFP for you!!
I'm feeling really sad these days ladies. I did better than I expected thru the holidays, but yesterday I started feeling really blue. I know you will understand what I mean. I'm also really anxious for AF to arrive. Where is she? I feel desperate to start trying again. Even my sweet DH was asking this morning when I should ovulate again. He's so clueless. I told him I didn't know because AF hasn't come yet. :nope:

Viking - I totally understand! I MC 12/30/11. It was my first pregnancy and I'm having a really hard time coping. I know it's only been a few days, but we knew I was going to MC a few days prior, so I thought I would have adjusted to it by now. Apparently not. I have been so sad today...I think I woke up that way. I haven't been able to stop crying all day. I tried to take a nap, but all I did was cry and soak my pillow.

I'm still bleeding too. OB said it's considered a "normal period" now and I will see AF again in a month or so. Frankly, I bled so much during my MC that I am sick of the sight of it. I'm hoping that my emotional healing will start after I stop bleeding...IDK.

I planned to go to bed an hour ago, but found this forum and read this entire thread. I'll need all the help I can get. I hope y'all can use another buddy. :shy: My husband and I want to start trying again ASAP. I'll need to do some more research on when we can start. I don't know anything about the temps and drugs that I've read in the thread so far. I need your help, sisters!
Hello Sweetpea and Beanhopeful...so sorry for your losses, as tweak says it doesn't matter how far along you were it is always so hard to deal with. All I can say is it will start to feel better in time, but take as long as you need to grieve for your losses. Don't put any pressure on yourselves, just cry when you want, stamp your feet, whatever. I have thrown things across the room before and, momentarily, it does help :)

Viking how are you feeling today? Sending you a great big hug :hugs: the low days are so difficult aren't they...we're here to listen though whenever you need to get stuff off your chest. It's totally understandable, I still have really bad days and it's been 18 months since my first loss. The first anniversary of my 2nd loss is coming up next week, not looking forward to it but I know we'll get through somehow, just as you will get through too xx

ayclobes - can I ask you about metformin? I noticed before you said your cycles were about 26 days long, is that normal for you anyway or is that from the metformin? After I have my HSG I'll be prescribed either that or clomid. Just don't know as much about metformin, do you have any side effects from it?

Tweak have you spoken to your doc yet? Let us know how you got on x
Bean and Viking, I'm so sorry. :hugs:

:wine: Here's to a new year of happiness and sticky beans!
Hello Sweetpea and Beanhopeful...so sorry for your losses, as tweak says it doesn't matter how far along you were it is always so hard to deal with. All I can say is it will start to feel better in time, but take as long as you need to grieve for your losses. Don't put any pressure on yourselves, just cry when you want, stamp your feet, whatever. I have thrown things across the room before and, momentarily, it does help :)

Viking how are you feeling today? Sending you a great big hug :hugs: the low days are so difficult aren't they...we're here to listen though whenever you need to get stuff off your chest. It's totally understandable, I still have really bad days and it's been 18 months since my first loss. The first anniversary of my 2nd loss is coming up next week, not looking forward to it but I know we'll get through somehow, just as you will get through too xx

ayclobes - can I ask you about metformin? I noticed before you said your cycles were about 26 days long, is that normal for you anyway or is that from the metformin? After I have my HSG I'll be prescribed either that or clomid. Just don't know as much about metformin, do you have any side effects from it?

Tweak have you spoken to your doc yet? Let us know how you got on x

My cycles are 26 days--that is the average/norm for me. I don't think it was the metformin that caused them to average out to 26 days though. I don't notice much as far as side effects go..im currently taking 1700mg/day though..what will you be taking do you know? The only real side effect would be using the bathroom more i think..for me anyways.
Bean, it took me a good while to function again as fairly normal. It took a week before I stopped crying all day. I was really blindsided by my MC. It was my first pregnancy too. Don't feel guilty about grieving. Don't push yourself too hard. This is a sad thing and you have the right to your feelings. This is the perfect place to talk about them and have people understand you. I really felt like no one I know personally understood this. I didn't tell many people. But the ones I did tell tried to comfort me but said some things that weren't very comforting. It was hard not to scream at them, but I know they meant well.
Smiler, I'm emotionally a little better today. It is CD1 finally. That gives me a little more optimism. My LP was pretty close to what it was before the MC so I think my cycles will be pretty much the same and fairly predictable. Hoping I won't need to plan around it too long and I get a sticky bean.
Sticky beans for all! :dust: I'm ready for 2012 to be a better year.
Bean - Welcome :flower:I'm so sorry about your loss :( Take all the time you need. You may feel like you're better, but it's like a roller coaster. One day you'll be fine, and the next a crying wreck. I remember after I had my D&C in March, I was completley fine the next day, as we had 2 weeks to come to terms. But the next day, I couldn't stop crying. Just let your self cry and do whatever it takes to grieve. It'll get better :hugs:

Hope everyone else is well today :flower:

I'm feeling very hopeful for this year. For once, in a long time, I don't feel like crying or that I'm gonna cry. It's a major step for me, and I think because of the new year and a fresh start that's helping me be like this.

Called the doc and got my prescription for Clomid. Taking 1 pill (50 mg) CD5-9. So hoping it does something. I told him about last cycle, and how I only had a 7ish day LP and said that was really odd. I go back to see him in a month, no matter if I'm pregnant or not. If I'm not, he wants to look at my charts for the past 2 cycles and making sure I ovulate with Clomid. If I am pregnant, he likes to see all his infertility patients the first time. Hoping I'm first time lucky with the Clomid!
Tweak/Viking - Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and understanding. This evening was much better, but this afternoon was more of the same. Unfortunately, my family has experienced a great deal of loss in addition to my MC. Grief is coming from many angles....Uggg.
ayclobes thanks for the info on metformin. I have no idea how much I'd be taking, I just asked about it at my last appt and she said I could try it before clomid if I prefer.

Tweak - here's hoping the clomid does the trick for you first time round!! Great you are feeling positive about the new year, I feel much the same. I'm 7 dpo at the mo but feeling relaxed about it - sure I will prob cry a little if AF comes but towards the end of 2011 I was getting so obsessed in every 2ww I'm glad I don't feel like that this time.

Bean - sorry you are going through such a rough time at the moment. Life sometimes can really kick you when you are down eh :hugs: whatever else it is you're going through I hope you're getting support, and we're always here to listen x
smiler - no prob, metformin has been good for me since i've started to take it..aside from the fact that im always running to the bathroom..hopefully the combo of the met+clomid will be the trick i need for a healthy baby..we shall see!
Hey girls, hope you're ok. I think I got my positive OPK last night, it came up really dark, just didn't a temp rise this morning to confirm :(

So in the meantime I'm still testing and praying that if I have ovulated I caught the little eggy bugger xxxx
Hey girls, hope you're ok. I think I got my positive OPK last night, it came up really dark, just didn't a temp rise this morning to confirm :(

So in the meantime I'm still testing and praying that if I have ovulated I caught the little eggy bugger xxxx

That's awesome! :) Wishing you the best of luck. Hoping for a sticky one!! :dust:
:happydance: +OPK. You may still be surging therefore not get your temp rise yet. Did you test again?
Woot woot on the + OPK Tanzi! Hope you caught that lil eggy!!

I'm starting my first dose of Clomid tomorrow! Kinda scare of the side effects so hopefully I don't get any. I get really bad headaches on a regular day, so I hope I don't get any with the Clomid. Weird, but I've been having ovulation type cramping all day, on my left side. :wacko:

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