Let's get pregnant in 2012!!!! TTC #1 after loss

Have fun with the opk's thurl, you'll have to put some pics up when you get your positives :)

must admit I've not had any af type cramps yet, maybe you're coming up to ovulation like you said. I really hope I ovulate over the next few days. I've had this really terrible aching\itching all over my arms and legs and after a trip to the docs he said it was down to stress - it's now all over my face so I really hope that doesn't delay ovulation for me. I must have used about 30+ sticks already!!!!

25th decemeber didn't feel like a special day at all, I find it hard to call it xmas day! I was close to tears when my cousin brought her 7 month old and 3 year old round and just spent the day wishing I was back in bed. did you have a good day?
To be honest, I was trying to forget it was xmas, that's why I keep forgetting to mention it to people because it wasn't at all special for me, sorry to hear you had a difficult time too, maybe 2012 will be our year :) xx

The itching sounds a nightmare, did your gp give you anything for it? fingers x'd it doesn't cause you any delays, I have used loads of sticks already, I have never had a positive test which is why I stopped using them last time, although last time I was using them first thing in the morning and the instructions on these tests say you shouldn't do that, testing for ovulation is alot more complicated than I realised!

Oh I was acting as if it wasn't xmas day, honstly if I hadn't I would have just cried and cried and cried all day long otherwise. 2012 WILL be our year, there's quite a few girls on this thread and if none of us get a bfp next year then we'll go to the papers, hehe. At least one of us MUST get there right??

Yeah my doc gave me some loratadine and cream, but the itching has stopped which is good, means I can stop the loratadine (it dries up cervical mucus). I've got a killer headache but I'm a bit weary of taking any medication as there's a teeny weeny bit of me which is wondering if the flu jab caused my loss.

Oh you should try the sticks throughout the day, you'll get better results. I think you're not meant to use them with FMU because you've got all the stuff from the night before in your first pee so it's not really a good indicator. Will you be sticking them to a piece of paper? I do that with mine, silly me put it on the table last night and it's now got oil around the edges ><
Bless you, I understand how you were feeling, but I'm with you on the 2012 thing and am hoping that more than 1 of us get a BFP during the year :)

I'm not doing anything with my test strips because after a while all of mine seem to get a second line on them, apparently you shouldn't look at them beyond 30 mins? I seem to get on better with them later in the day, but to be honest I'm not confident that they will work for me, just going with it to see what happens

You're totally right with the opks, best to look at them within 10 minutes of testing. If I had one wish right now it would be that we all get our BFP's this cycle and carry our sticky beans to full term (maybe some of us will have twins\triplets). waiting to ovulate is the most frustrating thing in the world!
The whole thing is nerve wracking! I'm going nuts waiting for AF! I just want to get on with it, ya know? I'm crossing my fingers that AF is normal and we can get back in business.
I hope that the new year brings all of us healing and happiness and most importantly sticky BFPs.
Hi Viking - have you ovulated yet? your temps look like it might have happened for you :)

Hubby says he doesn't want to over do sex this cycle as he believes overdoing it might be the worst approach. So I'm pretty much forced into POAS several times a day, hehe. Anyone else having fun waiting for ovulation? or any of you in the tww??
Hi ladies! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

I believe I'm now in the TWW! Had 3 days of positive OPKs from the 24th - 26th. We BD'd every other day, as to not overdue it this time, so hopefully we caught our little Christmas egg and get our miracle.

How is everyone? :hugs:
Yep totally agree Tanzi, waiting to ovulate is proper frustrating, to be honest I have never been in tune with my body, I get no clues, or I have never noticed any clues anyway as to when I'm going to ovulate. I gave up with it and when we decided to start trying we just did the dance every 2 / 3 days for the whole month until I got my BFP, I did think at the time it was all too easy, I guess now I'm finding out how difficult it really is.

Fingers crossed for you viking, it is so frustrating waiting for nature to take it's course!!

Good luck to you tweak...not many more days until you can test :)
got some egg white mucus earlier, well it was tinged with some red streaks but I'm hoping this means my body is getting ready to ov!!!!!!

did anyone else experience that after their losses, just hope it's not a one off and means zilch.

anyone else got updates? xxxx
I am pretty sure I ovulated. The new FF app lost some of my temps and I also forgot to pack my BBT one trip so there is a lot of data missing. But I can see it there. I normally have an 11 day LP so I imagine just two more days until AF but it just feels like forever away. I would like her to come now, but if she did then I would fret about the LP length. So patience is a virtue that I'm working really hard to find.
I'm interested to see if anyone gets a BFP after going for it straight after their MC. I wanted to try, but my DH gave a half hearted attempt and that ended up with no swimmers. Therefore, I know I'm out. Boo. I think that is why I'm so ready for the next cycle. I have my fingers crossed for those of you that are in the TWW. Let's see a BFP girls. A sticky one!!!!!
Viking, why not PM the admins at FF see if they can restore your temps?

when will you be testing? keeping my fingers crossed for you sweetie :D
Hey ladies...

Not been posting on here for a while....needed a weeks break over Christmas!!

Hope youre all good and looking forwards to our BFPs in 2012!! Im not taking no arguments ladies...we will ALL get them next year!!! :winkwink:

Anyways....CD11 for me, still another 2-3weeks until ovulation i reckon but were BDing every 2-3 days to cover ourselves!! NO STRESS this cycle. im determined!!!!

Been thinking back over the last year and im ready for a fresh start, have said some goodbyes but need to begin 2012 stronger!! I wrote this this morning and want to share as i think it applies to most of us (the rhymings a little off but i tried :winkwink:)

&#8206;2011 was quite a year!
Certainly brought me many a tear.
2012 is finally here,
so lets celebrate a fresh start with a cheer.

We said good bye,
We tried hard to make,
another you for me to bake.

But now I know,
Now I realise,
I had to stop and cry my eyes.

As 2012 begins...
im so much stronger!
So show yourself baby,
I just cant wait any longer!​
Hey girls, I've put the poem on the front page, sorry it's in an attachment, I thought there'd be an option to import straight to the page but nope!
Tanzi, I did inform them of the problem. They can't restore the data because I was offline. I had a trip to Santiago, Chile and was offline for quite a while. They figured out the problem and with the next update will fix the software, but those temps are gone forever. That's ok. This cycle wasn't that important since we are WTT anyhow. I still wanted to keep tabs and all. I am not going to test. There is no reason to. No swimmers this cycle unless some TMI pre-ejaculate spermies hitched a ride on my EWCM. I highly doubt that so I will just wait out AF. I am hoping the witch will come on Jan 2. Fingers crossed. Then on to trying again.
Also, Tanzi, it is fairly common to get some blood tingeing your EWCM. I am not exactly sure what makes it happen though. I don't know if you have gotten a negative HPT yet. That would be the only thing I would worry about if I were you. :hugs:
happy new year girls, and what a happy year it WILL be :)

shame about your temps, I really hope somethine happens on 2nd jan for you viking.

My cm yesterday wasn't tinged with blood which is good and I'm actually pleased to report the stuff as opposed to it not being there. I stopped getting positives several days ago which I should be thankful for, only took 2 weeks ish to get rid of HCG (from a pregnancy spanning 8 weeks 2 days). I've stopped testing with hpts now :)
Happy New Year ladies!

I'm starting the New Year off with a clean slate. AF decided to drop in, after a crazy wacky cycle. Not sure what happened, as I got + OPKs just over 6 days ago. Now to call my doctor and get my prescription for Clomid and get DH's SA done this week.
Hey Tweak - hope the SA goes well, when will you get the Clomid? just wondering about when you'll be taking it, this cycle or next?

I have a question for you ladies, just wondered your thoughts. Has anyone thought about getting private health care, or at least going for one private consultation? I'm seriously thinking about the latter. I know sort of whats wrong down below (endometrioma on left ovary, and potentially one on the other side) but the NHS didn't really give me much info, all they said was they can remove it or give me Clomid.

I've no idea if a change in diet or lifestyle can help it regress, or if there other options to consider. What would you do? at this point in time I'd give my savings\car\whole flat if it meant falling pregnant right away, my next ferility appointment is in April (they wanted me to have 3 periods before going back, pffft like that'll happen). Not sure if it's going to be a waste of money or if it'll put me in the right direction :S
I get the Clomid this cycle now. Doctor told me if I didn't get pregnant this past one, he'd put me on Clomid right away. He had wanted me to temp, but since I was already doing that, he got a clear picture of my cycles right away and we can skip that step. I'm sooo glad I started temping!

I'm no help on the insurance thing since I'm in the US. I would say do what you feel best. It frustrates me the care you guys get over there.
temping is fun right? well it can be stressful but it's very interesting seeing what your body is doing every day on the inside :)

do you know how many rounds you'll be getting? I was given 3 but some people can have 6+

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