Let's get pregnant in 2012!!!! TTC #1 after loss

No worries Smiler, I've not been on the ball myself this past week, I think I've told my story of loss to several hundred bnb members and I still don't feel I've told enough, I was bound to get confused at some point :)

Oh yes I'll take clomid IF I end up with the next cycle, I'm hoping I don't have to consider that (that sort of thinking got me the bfp last time round).

does anyone watch the big bang theory, I've recently got into it, makes me chuckle.

Smiler - do you have any side effects with having PCOS? like spots or anything, I only ask cause I've had terrible spots for about 10 years and always wondered if it was a PCOS thing or something else. Woo you got post 100 too, hehe!
I know what you mean, I've told my story so many times too but could still rabbit on about it all til the cows come home :)

Haha I love big bang, it's so funny! DH is a little bit of a nerd too it's so funny when they're playing games he plays with his nerdy pals :D

Yay post 100 :) At least I have achieved something today! So glad to be on xmas break...

Re PCOS I don't get too many spots, but I have got one small patch of acne on my right cheek and it just won't go away no matter what I try. It flares up when I get stressed, drink or wear make up :growlmad:I am quite lucky in that I don't get too many of the PCOS symptoms but spots can def be one of them. Have you ever asked your doc about it?
Thurl - I'm glad you're back to feeling better. Take care of yourself :hugs:

Welcome babydust :flower: I really have no clue where I'm at in my cycle. Haven't seen a sustained temp rise, so not sure if I've ovulated or not. Makin' me a bit crazy!

Smiler - I'm the same way when I'm feeling down. I just have to watch sad music videos, read sad things, whatever it is to make me cry. Sometimes, a good hard cry does good. I'm sorry you're feeling so down at the moment. Christmas is such a hard time, especially when you're supposed to have a LO by now. I'm just gonna plaster the fake happy smile on my face and hopefully get through the weekend okay.

I completely agree with TV shows and how everything portrays pregnancy. It's such a taboo subject, that they don't want to show it. I just watched The Help last weekend, and there was a pretty gruesome miscarriage scene. If I had just gone through mine, I don't know if I would have been able to watch it. I think now that it's becoming more talked about and acknowledged, they're starting to show it more in movies.

DH is on his way home now, so we're gonna get some BDing in!! Woot woot! Gonna try for every other day until I see a sustained temp rise, if I ever do.
Yeah it's strange about the crying, it really can just hit you unexpectedly. Am feeling a lot better for it today though, and DH is home so that helps :) I don't know about where you are but over here there have, sadly, been a few celebrities who've lost babies at various stages. It's so sad to read and must be so hard for them to have it plastered over the newspapers but at the same time I think it is good their losses aren't being ignored. Anything that helps to make it less of a taboo subject is helpful,though it does depend on how it's written and the terminology used.

We're also going to try for every other day, really don't want to miss the chance again! I've not had a temp rise yet either...is going to be tricky this week though they always get mucked up when we go away. Oh well :shrug:
Hello Ladies! Christmas is killing me this year. :cry: but I know we will all have our 2012 :bfp: and very healthy & happy 9 months. I can feel it. I'm just ready for 2011 to be gone. Its def been a trying year. But what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger right?! Lots of love & :dust: to us all. I just wish the :witch: or a :bfp: would hurry the hell up. Havent seen either since my d&c 11/23.
Love you ladies. :hug:
I'm over in the US and they really don't put those things on the news. I really can't think of 1 celebrity who's had their miscarriage publicized. I have heard though, through here and other online sources, of the celebrities over there who have had losses. I think it is good to have it out there, because it shows people that they can happen to anyone. But, at the same time, I can totally understand why they'd want to keep it a secret. We haven't told many people about our 1st and 95% of people don't know about the 2nd, my parents included. Once we get pregnant again, and go to announce, people will know our struggle. I don't want to hide it anymore.
I'm over in the US and they really don't put those things on the news. I really can't think of 1 celebrity who's had their miscarriage publicized. I have heard though, through here and other online sources, of the celebrities over there who have had losses. I think it is good to have it out there, because it shows people that they can happen to anyone. But, at the same time, I can totally understand why they'd want to keep it a secret. We haven't told many people about our 1st and 95% of people don't know about the 2nd, my parents included. Once we get pregnant again, and go to announce, people will know our struggle. I don't want to hide it anymore.

Thats the way i feel!! People know about our loss but dont think they know how long weve been ttc now!! They will all know everything once we get that 12week scan!! xx
Good evening ladies!!

How is everyone today??

AF for me and test results!! Im ok and looking forward to getting pregnant in 2012!!! :) X X
Hey girls, I'm still getting v v v v v v faint 2nd lines on my hpts, so annoying. I'm only using them in the mornings now, but I'm using opk's throughout the day. knowing my luck if I didn't I'd only surge and not even realise I'm fertile!!

Hows everyone doing? xxxx
Angelbaby - Christmas is killing me too. I have to try so hard to get through the next few days. Gonna get all my crying out today and tomorrow, so I can be strong Sat-Tues. Then Wednesday, when I'm back home and alone, I can let it out if I have to. Stay strong :hugs:

RB - Yes! I already have my FB status planned for when we conceive again and are announcing it. Petty, I know, but I don't want to hurt people with a generic "We're pregnant!" status. I don't even think we'll announce till 18-20 weeks. I want to make sure everything is going A-okay in there before posting. I plan on announcing about our 2 miscarriages and however many months of TTC. I don't want to hide my angels anymore.

Tanzi - Sorry about the faints + HPTs. :( Hope they disappear quick and come back in a few weeks :winkwink:

I'm finding it way hard around this time. :( Watched One Born Every Minute this a.m. and was bawling through the 2nd half of the episode. :cry: Over here in the US, they started having at least 1 couple that have had issues conceiving. A past episode has a couple that had 2 m/c's and a stillbirth, and the one I just watched the woman was TTC for 4 years with PCOS and had quads! It just makes me hopeful that we'll get our rainbow baby soon.

I'm off work until next Thursday! :happydance: So I have to clean and make sure everything is packed and ready for Saturday when we travel for Christmas. It's gonna be a long few days but I hope I can make it through without any breakdowns.
hope you have a good week off work tweak, here's hoping it's the start of something ace for you.

I have a question for you ladies, shortly after your losses did any of you experience itchy skin? I woke up this morning with terribly itchy feet and on the way to the shops I noticed my hands looked a bit rash like but they aren't as itchy as me feet. it's so annoying, just wondering if it's a symptom of a loss (hormones going out of whack or something??) anyone got any ideas?
Hi everyone

how are you all doing? Tanzi I'm not really sure about the itching but I have a vague memory of reading something about how you can get itchy skin when pregnant so could be just your hormones settling down. Hope it clears up soon :hugs:

Angel sorry you are still in limbo...I know everyone is different but after my d+c with my first loss things were weird for 12 weeks. Docs kept saying it's just the hormones settling down and your uterus having to go back down in size. They said it also depends on how far along you were as obviously the longer you were pregnant the more hormones there are to go down. It's so horrid not knowing though, really feel for you. Hope it all settles soon x

Tweak - don't know if you're still around or have gone away for xmas now but just to say think it is a good idea to get the emotions out now. I am feeling a lot better after my outburst earlier this week. Still nervous about xmas and seeing my sister but think I can deal with it better after getting some of it out of my system.

I'm also thinking I'd like to keep our next pregnancy quiet til about 20 weeks. Not sure how that'll work out in practice but will def be leaving it for as long as possible. I think I'd like to let people know what we went through too - close friends know but not everyone. Tweak I think you're so right to be careful about a generic 'we're pregnant' status. With my first I didn't think about it at all and told some people over email/face to face not realising they were having their own problems and I felt pretty bad for being so thoughtless.

Has anyone had an HSG? I saw my consultant on Weds and they're going to do that in Jan sometime, then if everything is ok hopefully can try metformin first, then clomid if the met doesn't do the trick. Does the HSG hurt??
Tanzi - Hmm, I don't remember itchy skin after either m/c. It could be though!

Smiler - I've seen so many pregnancy announcements the past year on FB, and each one have felt like a knife going through my heart. I don't want to cause that sorta pain for someone else, without them knowing what we've been through. I've slowly started telling people IRL what has happened too. Once we get pregnant again and are sure it'll stick, people will know (i.e coworkers and such). I just had an HSG done a couple weeks ago. I don't know if it's different over there, but I'll tell you my experience.

For me, I went in and it was like having a pap done. They set it all up and everything, and then he stuck the long needle in (only a inch or 2 actually goes in you). He then had to call the radiologist in so he could view the results. Once the guy was in, he slowly pushed the dye up through my tubes. The whole thing lasted maybe 15 minutes. I cramped from the time he put the catheter/needle thing up and when the dye was going through my tubes. For me, it did hurt. Felt more like a hard pressure, not really pain. But, it took my left tube a bit for the dye to come out. The right tube emptied quickly, it took a 2nd gush of dye for the left tube to open up. I think that's why I had so much cramping. I didn't spot after, but I cramped pretty much the rest of the afternoon, similar to AF cramps. I don't want to scare you, because it's really not that bad of a procedure. I just don't want to do what everyone else did to me - tell you it's not bad and doesn't hurt, because I did cramp up. I'm sure it'll go fine. The good thing about it is I heard you have increased fertility for 3ish months, because it's like it cleans everything out in there. I guess we'll find out if that happened for me or not!
Well, FF took away my cross-hairs. I'm devastated. :cry: Just not what I needed on Christmas Eve. So, I had my breakdown, and my hopefully that's my last one for a few days. I can't breakdown in front of family. Time to plaster on my fake smile and perky attitude and pretend like I'm happy. While inside I'm feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest.

I hope you ladies have a fantastic Christmas! No doubts 2012 will be better for all of us! We WILL get pregnant in 2012!
Well, FF took away my cross-hairs. I'm devastated. :cry: Just not what I needed on Christmas Eve. So, I had my breakdown, and my hopefully that's my last one for a few days. I can't breakdown in front of family. Time to plaster on my fake smile and perky attitude and pretend like I'm happy. While inside I'm feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest.

I hope you ladies have a fantastic Christmas! No doubts 2012 will be better for all of us! We WILL get pregnant in 2012!

Oh hun!! You have just got your +OPK so im thinking youre going to catch an extra special christmas egg!! Like i said in your journal im hoping hoping hoping that you give us our first 2012 BFP!! FX'd for you hun x x

I know how you feel...people keep asking about christmas and what i want!! I feel like screaming 'The only thing i bloody want is to be pregnant and have a baby!!!!!!!!!!' This time next year hun, if we dont have a baby already we will have big fat pregnancy bellies and be looking back on the year our dreams came true!!!

BRING ON 2012!! x x x
Merry Christmas Ladies!!! Hope you all have fantastic Christmas's and i look forward to us all getting our BFPs in 2012!! x x
Yeahhh RB, I had posted that way before I took that OPK. I am super happy that I got a positive though, and we may conceive on Christmas Day. We may truly get our Christmas miracle. Praying so hard it happens.

Hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful Christmas!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope Santa brings all of us BFPs.
Hi girls,

I haven't been about to log on for ages, so I have the opportunity now and thought I would see how everyone is doing? Smiler82 I hope xmas was ok for you in the end xx

Tanzi - I received my opk's from Amazon, the ones you recommended so thanks for letting me know about those xx

I was hoping I might ovulate 30th / 31st December, but late last night I started to get AF type cramps, and pink bleeding. Very slight pink bleeding this morning but no cramps. My miscarriage finished on 18th December so I wouldn't have thought it could be my AF, i'm confused and frustrated! has anyone else experienced this?

Oh and I missed out saying merry xmas to everyone, I hope it all went ok, and you were all able to enjoy it even if only a little bit xxx

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