Let's get pregnant in 2012!!!! TTC #1 after loss

I've never heard that toxic sperm thing either! Interesting! You learn something new about TTC every day :winkwink:

Smiler - Sorry you didn't sleep well either :( Hope DH gets home before OV time!

RB - No nap :( I work 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then go home, work out, and have to make some truffles for our customer Christmas party tomorrow. Hoping to get some BDing in too, with the EWCM I had this a.m. I'm putting less trust in temps too - since I have erratic sleep patterns I doubt they're all correct.

2 days left until my Christmas break - off work for 7 whole days. I can't freakin' wait! But that also means my motivation to do stuff these next 2 days is quickly going out the window :haha:

My sleepings erratic!! I wake up all the way through the night so im not sure how accurate my temps are!! Toxic sperm!! Now im gonna be scared about putting too much up there!!!! :haha::xmas13::xmas13::xmas13:

:xmas9:Nearly Christmas and time to relax and SLEEP!!:xmas15::xmas15:
I don't understand all the BDing. I really don't know if it is necessary. We BDed 2 times the time I got my BFP. I think it only takes once. All the posts I have read say that for optimal sperm analysis the guys should be holding out for 3 days. So I think every 48 hours is the timing to shoot for. There is no way my DH could go for every 12 hours. Poor thing. He's no teenager anymore.
I watched Marley & Me last night. It was showing on TV. I have seen it before, but I have such terrible memory retention I had completely forgotten about the MC scene in it. I was blindsided. I could've bawled. I didn't want to distress my friend though so I just let a few tears roll down my cheeks but held the rest in. The movie actually dealt with it pretty realistically. I certainly wanted to hug my dog when I was going thru it. She was right by my side like she always is when I need her.
Viking - I put on Marley and Me last night too, but it was at the beginning. I remember watching it after my miscarriages and completely forgot all about that scene. It echo'd exactly what we went through and I bawled when I watched it.

RB - I plan doing lots of sleeping and relaxing this Christmas break. May even stop temping after Thursday, depending on how my temps are tomorrow and Thursday. I just want to show ovulation and get cross-hairs, then I'll stop.
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for the kind words, I'm so sorry to hear about your losses xx

I have woken up feeling a bit brighter today thankfully, I got my BFN on Friday and I'm now feeling physically pretty much back to normal, I do feel emotionally a bit stronger today too.

Hope everyone is doing ok today xx
The sperm thing I was saying about in other posts was on the great sperm race (I think) might be worth a watch girls if you have the time, it's on youtube.xxxx

Oh I'm glad I'm not a jennifer anniston fan viking, probably would have done the same as you and forgotton about scenes like that.

thurl - are you using opk's at the minute or are you just going to wait until you see some fertile mucus??
Hey babygirls! I'd love to join this thread and get to know all you beautiful girls AND get pregnant with you in 2012!!!! :) how is everyone? Where in your cycle are you?!
welcome babydust818 - I'm still going through a m/c so the bleeding has stopped but still got some spotting every now and again, just can't decide if I'm getting negative hpt's...wish ovulation would just hurry up.

How are you doing, I see from your ticket, its 3 days til ovulation for you, how are you coping?
thurl - are you using opk's at the minute or are you just going to wait until you see some fertile mucus??

I'm not using opk's at the moment, I didn't get on with them when I used them before. I started using them in July because I wanted to try and get to know my cycle before we started TTC, I never got any positive tests (I was using the clear blue ones that come up with a smiley face if positive), I became a bit obsessive and then convinced myself that I wasn't ovulating. I gave up and then in November we started TTC, I then got a BFP on 12th December (the day before I started bleeding). I obviously am ovulating, but I have no idea when so I am tempted to start using opk's again, I'm not particularly in tune with my body and I don't seem to be able to work out when I am due to ovulate using any other method. Do you use opk's? have you ever had any issues with them?
It might be worth buying the cheapy ones on amazon, they worked for me. They say to wait for the 2nd line to be as dark as the control line but truthfully that only happens to a small percentage of women. I found that they went dark but not as recommended so I just had to go off gut instinct and trust that when I saw it dark that it wouldn't get any darker.

I find with the cheapy ones I can test about 4 times a day and not worry about throwing money away down the toilet, the best positives came after 5pm for most cycles. The day I ovulated in the lucky cycle I had a whole day of positives which was fun. I remember testing about 6 days afterwards and also got a positive which was weird - I now realise that must have been my very early pregnancy indicator!
This is what I buy:


This time round I bought 70 pregnancy and 30 ov sticks. I figure with trying to see when hcg has left my system I need to stock up on the preg sticks. as a side note I already have about 60 ov sticks from last cycle left over.
Afternoon girls, I've not seen Marley and Me. Didn't know it dealt with miscarriage I just thought it was all about a madcap dog :) I'm a bit strange in that when I'm down, I like to watch/read sad things...depressing I know but I do feel better after a good old cry. I just had one in fact :cry: I suddenly can't stop thinking about how this time last year I was pregnant. It hurts so much, I'm still so sad about it. I don't quite know how I'm going to manage xmas day either since my sister is pg, she's nearly due so her bump is huge. We don't live near to each other so I don't see her that much, it's always hard to see her. I know the conversation is going to turn to her over xmas, of course it will and it's only fair, it is an exciting time for her. But it's so hard for us :( :(

Sorry to suddenly be all down everyone! I guess it just shows how the pain never really goes away. And DH isn't here, I always get sad when he's not around! What a wuss!!

rb - I've just been reading the last few pages of your journal, I didn't realise things were so messed up for you at the moment! So sorry :hugs: were your cycles normal before? My cycles are usually 40-50 days long and that's because I've got PCOS. I really hope this is not the case for you. You'll probably have been to the docs already but just to say where I live anyway, you can't get clomid from the gp you have to be referred to a consultant at the hospital. I've got an appointment with my consultant on Weds, think I am going to end up on it. Disappointed really, have been trying to keep things natural but it's just not working. Really hope you get some answers soon xx

Hello babydust :hi: so sorry for your loss, but lovely to have you join us :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Tanzi are you still getting faint lines on hpts?

Smiler, glad to see someone else on here having a good ole cry, it's better to let it out then bottle it up (sorry you have cried by the way, life just doesn't seem fair at all does it, and I'm referring to most of the time).

One thing that hacks me off, the women that end up on jeremy kyle, they are so ungrateful and most of them don't deserve to be mothers when they barely know who the father to their children are. Then there's those articles in the papers where a family want a bigger house so they chose to have a baby so us mugs have to accomodate for that. The UK is very messed up. Grrr I'm hating a lot of people like that at the minute, I think it's safe to say it's not a jealous thing, it's more of a piss off you make me sick type of feeling.

The thing you have to try and keep in your mind is hope, hope will give you the determination to get through xmas day (well that will or some alcohol). ;)

You're not a wuss honey but I understand it better when hubby is around, makes things that little bit easier doesn't it?

Clomid really did the trick for me in that it brought my stupidly long cycles right down to a normal persons length (around 30 ish days) so I was thrilled by the stuff, just which I had more than 1 round left :(

Not sure if I'm getting faint lines now, just been looking at the FMU one again and I can't really see any lines, normally even after they've dried and hours and hours have passed you can see the pink but there's nothing now. Will test again with fmu tomorrow and pray it's disappeared for a couple of weeks ;) there's me being incredibly hopeful there :D :D :D

still wishing the time away, wish I could sleep til my fertile time, wake up dtd plenty then fall back alseep until test day, wish wish wish!
That's great thanks, I think I might give these a go :) xx
excellent, if you do buy those specific ones, just an FYI: you need to drop the company an email with your requirements, there's an option to do this after you've paid :) xxxx
Smiler82 I'm sorry to hear you are feeling down, I agree with Tanzibar83 that it's better to let it out than keep it bottled up, and this is a good place to do just that, with people that understand some of the feelings you have. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry about xmas, I'm finding xmas a bit of a stress too, but if we do get too wound up about it we might mess about with our cycles! :shrug: I do wish you all the best with it though, and remember it is only a couple of days xx

Tanzibar83 I totally agree with you, in fact last week I was saying the exact same thing to my hubby about the people on Jeremy Kyle, because I have been signed off sick I watched it every day last week, and I just kept thinking how unfair it is with all the DNA tests and people who don't take parenting particularly seriously, then there are people like us who would give anything to be a parent, so frustrating :growlmad: xx
yep so frustrating, and whats worse is that those kids, unless they break away from family tradition will go on and do the exact same. No wonder this world is so screwed up.

Another thing which hacks me off is tv and film and how easy they portray pregnancies. How many times have you watched something where the womans gone "lets have kids" and the next scene it's 6 months later, the woman is lovely and massively pregnant and all is good with her life....pfft stupid disney and hollywood are to blame I reckon.
I really don't know what I would do without this board, thanks ladies. It just helps so much to talk to other people who know what it is like eh.

Tanzi did you know a reason for your long cycles? Sorry to rubbish clomid!! I guess I am just stubborn - I was told about the PCOS years ago and they said I'd need it and I'm a right 'mare for immediately wanting to do the opposite to what people tell me!! So I've been adamant we would get there on our own but it is so tiring the constant disappointment. Am slowly coming round to the idea that I just need to accept the help :) Are you not allowed to take any more rounds of clomid now? Or can you have a break then go back on it? Fingers crossed you get a bfn tomorrow...always feels weird saying that to ppl but I know it's what you need :)

Thurl you're totally right, have been trying to stay positive for this cycle and a better ov time, if I let it all get to me it could all go wonky. Good way to look at it, thank you :)

I just keep telling myself that when it finally does happen for us we are going to be such better parents for it. Not to say ppl who don't have a mc aren't good parents but do you see what I mean...I think we'll be able to deal with the sleepless nights, toddler tantrums etc better because we wanted parenthood so much. I do wish I could fall pg as easily as other ppl seem to but despite all the tears, anger etc in a strange way I'm grateful for what we've gone through. It's made us a much stronger couple and made me a more sympathetic person. Also I've met so many great ppl on here I wouldn't have done otherwise :)

And breaaatthhee....feeling better thanks ladies hope you're all ok xxx
Er yes I think I have a reason for long cycles. went for a hycosy in july and in the ultrasound they found an endometrioma (lining from the uterus forming elsewhere) on my left ovary. The doc explained that every cycle it gets a little thicker cause of the progesterone in me and just fills near my ovary. :(

I didn't even get a complete hycosy check (checking my tubes) they said with what they found I'd be in too much discomfort) :(

I was given a choice of surgery or clomid and me being a wuss took the latter. surgery could leave scar tissue and obviously just scares me at the thought. Either way it'll need to be removed at some point, but I figured that would have happened shortly after giving birth in july :(

even more of a bummer though, at the 5 week scan the nurse found what looks like another endo on my other ovary - gutted. I was told though during pregnancy I'd have no trouble with the endo as it essentially becomes useless as the ovaries won't do their monthly thing and ovulate. They said it may even go down. Here's hoping they've both gone down so much I no longer have issues with long cycles :D :D

Don't know why but I've got a really calming inner self at the minute, you know you get to a stage with af and you suddenly just feel so calm and at peace with the world? I feel that right now.

I know what you mean about being better parents, sometimes I feel so sorry for the people who ttc and fall pregnant first try, they'll never truly understand the heartache a lot of women go through and it's going to be highly possible that it's these same group of people who don't truly appreciate their kids! I'd give my right arm to have cupcake still here, all my limbs infact. I'd give my house deposit, all my belongings, all my pin numbers and bank details away if it meant I'd be sat here now with cupcake still brewing.
Argh tanzi sorry I'm a fool, you did explain right at the beginning of this thread about your problems. Sorry, I get confused easily and my memory has always been shocking :S I think clomid was the best choice if there is a risk with surgery, best to do the non-risky thing first. So will you take your final round of clomid on your next cycle? Will they give you more after, or have you not thought that far ahead yet?

So glad you're feeling a sense of inner peace, that is lovely. I have learnt you need to make the most of the good days as the bad days often pop up when you least expect it.

Ha yeah I was watching Gavin and Stacey last night, after they'd just found out he had a low sperm count. I know it's only a light-hearted comedy show but ta da, the next episode she was miraculously pregnant and fast forward 6 months she had a big bump, no problems! Rarrrr

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