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Let's lose weight together! Xx

I always think i could have gone to the loo and lost half a pound! so annoyign when you've stuck to it!!!!!!!! Well look it;s a loss and it's the right way. Also you aren;t many week pp are you? I found it quite hard to lose weight to start with pp like it stuck to me! :) I wpuld give extra easy a go for a couple of weeks but personally i don;t trust it - I am doing this harcombe diet but it;s very similar to red days really and I think i prefer red and green. This weekend not been good though :( I've not been bad but I've not stuck to the diet - Ie I've mixed carbs and meat and hadf a cupcake and a bit too much wine!
Lol! It is frustrating when I have stuck to it. I didn't workout as much as I should have done but still did pretty hard twice! Some people don't exercise at all. I used all my syns a few days too and usually I stick to bare minimum. Wasn't even chocolate or crisps or anything but yougurts and Alpen lights ffs! So annoyed at how hard I have to work to lose weight compared to others! Don't get me wrong I knew it would be tough but it's just so unfair!

Good luck to everyone weighing in tomorrow! Xx
It is unfair but least you know you're eating healthily. You;re bf as well aren;t you? It didn;t work out for us but I heard from some other women that bf that it;s actually once you stop at 6 mths that the weight drops off.
Yeah I am Hun! 6 months! Lol! I wanted to get there for Christmas, my boy will be 6 months at the beginning of December. Gonna lose 3.5 next week to get back on track to losing 2 pounds a week! Xx
Admiral, half a pound is still half a pound off! And there's SO much to be said for eating healthy. So don't get discouraged :flower:

I didn't lose any this week, but happily I didn't gain anything either! It was so funny to read the replies you ladies put on here about my bad week of eating because it was exactly what my husband told me too! :haha:
Thanx pitakat.

That is so good staying the same Hun :thumbup: I know I will be having one of those weeks in October for my cousins wedding and them be good all the way to Christmas! I'm certainly not going to watch everyone having a good time whilst I sit there picking at salad leaves and not drink! Lol xx
I've not had a great weekend to be honest :( weigh in this morn - would love a pound!
maintain - ok 1 week til my 30th! I need to make this count tyhe weight is not so important asd not having a bloated face and tummy. I want to wear this dress and I think I look good in it but i don;t know if that's because I've gone from 14 st to 12 st 11 and if in fact I don't look good in it - if I ask my husband he'll just look at my boobs and judge it on that!!!!
That's great hun seems as though you said you had a bad weekend! Let both go for 3 pounds this week! You should feel great hun, you have done sooooooo well! My husband admitted to me the other day that I looked good in something when infact he didn't like it but couldn't be bothered to shop anymore! Lol xx
ladies I'm in a rut! I have lost a stone and a half in 11 weeks but last week i only lost half a pound and i didn't go this week as I couldnt face disappointment of not losing (I've been picking and syning all over the place!)

Anyone got a pick me up for a dieting person getting very bored :dohh:
I should add that I still wish to lose another stone and a half to get me down to 10 stone x
Oh Hun try and not be so hard on yourself, what you have lost so far is brilliant. I only lost half a pound too and couldn't help feel deflated! Try and shake it off and give yourself a target for next week and really try hard. I want to lose 3.5 pounds to get back on track of losing 2 a week. I have kept syns to a minimum and worked out every day even if it's just for a little while. Are you getting bored of the exercise or food? Xx
The food and how expensive it is to eat healthy :nope:! I don't do hard exercise just take the dog on a half hour to an hours walk most evenings with the pram. My oh says that too :haha: too hard on myself but it's hard not to be disappointed isn't it! I'm thinking of reverting back to a food diary as I don't think I ever syn but maybe I am without realising :dohh: ! Allthe recipies just seem such ard work with a babba crying everytime you try and make something new is a nightmare! Thanks for your reply :flower: x
That is enough exercise to walk every day so I would agree to go back to basics and write everything down, have the bare minimum amount of syns to just try and get a good result to pick you back up. I hated cooking with my toddler and baby to look after, I was running around like a headless chicken! Is it possible to wait for your OH to come home? I do that now and it's soooo much better. He takes care of them both and I quite like having that break.

Eulmh how did your weigh in go? I'm sure there are other weigh ins due too? Xx
Hi, I am officially joining. Went to physio the other day and was gutted that I am 5st heavier than before I had little one, burst into tears in tesco telling my oh. I think the first few weeks will be up and down as ebf so need to ensure I'm producing enough milk for little one. I will be weighing myself every weds so will let you know my results, I will try and do it on a monday in a few weeks this just goes with my physio appointments at the moment.

So I need to lose a massive 70lbs, here goes :)

Good luck everyone x
Good for you vicky! I think any change in diet takes a few weeks to adapt to and discover what works best for you to lose weight. I have been on it 3 weeks and know what to do for me now. Good luck hun. If you need any help we are here :flower: xx oh and btw I had 5 stone to lose and it does sound like a big amount but I'm almost half way there after 12 weeks so you can do it! Xx
That's what I do but she is a mummy's girl and cries for me lol! Daddy does try and entertain her it can be very tiring her wanting me all the time! The good news is we just got engaged :thumbup::happydance: so I have a great incentive now! We have a family party booed to celebrate at the end of October! X

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