Speaking of back carries, if no one minds me sneaking in a question; any of you with Ergos, when you wear LO on your back... does the belt loop seem to dig into your stomach a bit? Am I wearing it too high? I kinda place it in the same spot as I would if I were front wearing him...
I've tried back carry once, and got a bit embarrassed about my flab sticking around the belt!Been using the hip carry when I want to give him more of a look-about...
Selling my ergo nowas Lo just throws himself around trying to get out of the back carry, so that's it for us babywearing
i'm so upset.
Elphaba, that's a gorgeous colour on you both! Looks like FWCC (forward wrap cross carry)? The centre pocket could possibly be a bit tighter. Then bring the cross passes right across the full width of his back and bum (you can see the right one isn't really giving much support), tighten and then tuck each tail under the leg on that side before tying at the back (looks like you've got the wrap going over his legs instead). Love that first photo, he looks very comfortable!![]()
Assuming you want a full buckle SSC, some options off the top of my head are toddler Rose & Rebellion, size 2 Huckepack (incredibly adjustable), Nubigo (can be customised to your own measurements), Manduca (has an extendible back panel) and toddler Bamberoo. Is there a sling meet near you where you could try out some different carriers before buying?