autigers > fx'd it is good symptoms and you get your BFP after all. Your chart is really looking good! When you gonna test?
Babee_bugs > keeping everything crossed that the line becomes darker! Loads of
Your still not out, that could very well be a implantation dip! Stay positive!!!! Praying for a nice temp rise tomorrow morning.
tmr > Paris sounds so fantastic, definitely one of the cities is want to visit soon. Thanks I just hope my OPKs start getting darker. I just received my softcups
and cant wait to try it. To me the softcups will just make it easier as you don’t have to lay down with your bum in air, you just pop it in and hopefully they find their way to where they need to be!! Also will be putting some preseed inside the cup to help the
Babykisser > Good luck with TWW!
ickle > Welcome
this is also my first cycle and I took 120mg Cd2-4, and 240mg CD5-6. Hope you don’t need it and you get your bfp this cycle.
AFM > CD16, Im still getting neg OPK's so i think im gonna O later this month than on Clomid. But im glad in the one hand as the softcups will get here today and then i can add some preseed in them to help the
Otherwise only 2 more months left of "natural" TTC before i can go back to the FS for the next steps which will most probably be IUI for which we have started to save already, but i would rather want to spend the money on baby stuff.