tmr - Glad everything is good with you and your bean!! I'm sure you are hoping it's a girl, I will be thinking pink (or blue if you might want another boy) thoughts for you and sending it your way. Feb 5th isnt too long off.
mrsp - I had really bad cramps after O on one soy cycle. I felt crampy just about the whole 2ww, but the cramps dont really mean AF is on her way. Hopefully you caught an egg and it might be implanation cramping! GL to you!!
AFM - Didnt get to bd last night because we just had way too many things going on at once,
and I really wanted too.
It's ok because I dont think O has occured yet, but it could be soon bc I broke down and checked my cervix and it was still kinda low but felt softer. Even if it's not O time yet, like I said earlier I dont expect to O until cd 15 at the earliest and I hope no later than cd 25. So I still got plenty of time to get some bding in.