Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

I think you should test if AF is not here at 14DPO you will get a clear + or - good luck

Thanks for the well wishes. I ended up testing 15 DPO and got a definite BFN.

Soy gave me a very strange cycle, which has me worried that this TTC journey will be a long one. It did give me a strong and early O with obvious O pains (thankful for that!!!), but I spotted days 13-15 before finally getting AF, and I never spot. AF was also unusual, less intense slow flow without much cramping (probably one of my lightest periods), which makes me think Soy may have thinned my lining. Had a big two day temp drop mid-cycle days 9-10 DPO with triphasic temps (99+) the following four days. It made me think BFP but nope! :nope: The day AF hit, I also got hit hard with depression/weepiness/dark sunken in undereye circles. I usually get gradual PMS on the few days leading up to AF.

Now that I'm on a new cycle (currently CD 4), I've been super tired and bloated. I already have some sharp twinges and aches in the both ovaries. Wish I knew what was going on with my body!!!:growlmad: Not sure to give Soy another go..

Sorry af got you and a BFN
My 1st cycle of soy my AF was very very light then the next was full on good luck this month
...The real side effects I experienced happened when my AF arrived. When AF hit, it seemed to come on more slowly than normal and then when I began taking the soy again, it really increased it tremendously. I only ended up taking it 3 days and at a lower dose since I didn't have time to ramp up at the end. I didn't think I would ever quit spotting either. I usually have about 5 or 6 days total and it's all over, but I think it was 12 days total for me this last time (didn't record it those last 2 days). Also, the heavy days were SUPER heavy...almost to the point of hemorrhaging. It's been 17 or 18 years since I hemorrhaged so I'm a bit foggy, but I do believe it was close to that level and it scared me.

Now I'm on CD25 and haven't O'd yet. :( But, I'm hoping maybe it'll happen this weekend. I still keep feeling twinges in my ovaries and I'm having fertile CM off and on and my cervix is staying open, so maybe it will happen soon. I had a temp dip this AM, so maybe tomorrow will be our day, but then again, it was a cooler night and the windows were open and the fan was on, so it could have been that. I don't know. Only time will tell. We'll see what the morning brings...

So sorry about this frustrating up&down waiting. I know that feeling all too well. The few breaks I've taken between being on BCP and Depo-Provera, I wouldn't O for 6 months at a time (now I know better to induce AF at least every 3 months). Now that I'm off birth control for good, I'm so afraid not to use soy! Already tried vitex with no results. Though I'm also wondering if I should give my body breaks in between...

Just to clarify: your first AF on Soy was light, the second extremely heavy, and this is your third cycle on Soy and no O, or? Fx for you.
tmr1234- thanks for the support :) In that case I'm willing to give soy another go. just going to reduce the dosage since it totally dried me up last time!

Just noticed youre expecting #3 :D H&H remaining 9 months to you!!
This is my second round of soy. My first AF was super heavy and I haven't had a second one yet.
Today is CD26 and I think I've O'd. It's strange that I didn't feel anything this cycle as even without soy I generally feel it strongly when I do O every once in a while. Yesterday I had a .2 degree temp dip below my lowest temp this month and then today it shot up .6 degrees. I think maybe it happened yesterday because that was the last of my EWCM. Today it's creamy. Guess we'll see in a couple more days if FF agrees. :)
I like to do things naturally and figured that there were probably others on here who felt the same way since soy isoflavones can be used as a natural form of clomid and that's what we're all doing. :) I came across some info the other day that I've tucked away for the future, should I need it or know someone who does and I thought I'd pass it along. I hope and pray never to need it again. It's a blog about how to have a natural miscarriage at home rather than having a D&C. Personally, I'd much rather miscarry at home than to have a medical procedure. So, here it is for anyone who might like to tuck it away like I did. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/how-to-have-a-natural-miscarriage-no-dc/
Thanks Jennifer. I really debated about whether I should post that or not. Who wants to read about that??? Not me! But, had I known it last year when I miscarried, I would have used some of the info to ensure that I didn't have to have a D&C. I'm thankful I didn't have to have one.....I had one before when my uterine lining had overgrown due to lack of ovulation. It's NOT a nice thing to go through. I was just hoping I could save someone some heartache and pain. When you miscarry, there's already enough of that to last a lifetime!
tmr1234- thanks for the support :) In that case I'm willing to give soy another go. just going to reduce the dosage since it totally dried me up last time!

Just noticed youre expecting #3 :D H&H remaining 9 months to you!!

Minnoway - You mentioned that soy dried you up. My first round of soy I hardly had ANY cm to speak of, much less the fertile kind, but this time around I had about 10 days of fertile cm!!! What a change!!!! I only ended up taking soy 3 days (ended up taking it cd4-6) and at a lower dose (100, 100, 140....change over from one kind to another, so different strength) because I didn't have time to increase as I went along like I'd done previously, so that probably had something to do with it. Anyway, just thought I'd share that that was my experience. Hope it works for you. I think I've o'd now and if so, I think it happened on CD25. That's 5-8 days later than "normal" (if anything can be considered normal for me) and 13 days later than last month on soy. Just be prepared that while it sometimes moves O forward, it also sometimes moves it back. Not such a big deal if you know that that's a real possibility and you're prepared for it. I was doing good until I had a temp spike on cd23 and then a big drop on cd24. I was getting frustrated. Hope that doesn't happen again, but I don't think it will. I think this is O for me. Guess we'll see in the A.M.! I hope the lower dose works well for you and you get that BFP!
Yeah I hear you on that Allie with my twins I had to get a D&C and man it hurt so bad now that I think about it thats porbably why I have such a light mens every cycle
tmr1234- thanks for the support :) In that case I'm willing to give soy another go. just going to reduce the dosage since it totally dried me up last time!

Just noticed youre expecting #3 :D H&H remaining 9 months to you!!

Minnoway - You mentioned that soy dried you up. My first round of soy I hardly had ANY cm to speak of, much less the fertile kind, but this time around I had about 10 days of fertile cm!!! What a change!!!! I only ended up taking soy 3 days (ended up taking it cd4-6) and at a lower dose (100, 100, 140....change over from one kind to another, so different strength) because I didn't have time to increase as I went along like I'd done previously, so that probably had something to do with it. Anyway, just thought I'd share that that was my experience. Hope it works for you. I think I've o'd now and if so, I think it happened on CD25. That's 5-8 days later than "normal" (if anything can be considered normal for me) and 13 days later than last month on soy. Just be prepared that while it sometimes moves O forward, it also sometimes moves it back. Not such a big deal if you know that that's a real possibility and you're prepared for it. I was doing good until I had a temp spike on cd23 and then a big drop on cd24. I was getting frustrated. Hope that doesn't happen again, but I don't think it will. I think this is O for me. Guess we'll see in the A.M.! I hope the lower dose works well for you and you get that BFP!
Last cycle was my first cycle taking soy I never dried in cm wise, but we will see this cycle cd4 me
When I had mine, I felt bruised inside for SO long. I could hardly sit down or stand up because the change in pressure hurt inside. Then I was on provera for 3 months to reverse the condition I had (complex hyperplasia) and the AF at the end of that was the worst pain I've ever been in in my whole life. My friend who witnessed what I was going through said I looked and acted like I was in labor. I'm not sure if it was the D&C or the provera, but I don't EVER want to do either of those again if I can help it!!! I stick with natural progesterone now if I need it (Prochieve) and I would prefer to use the methods listed on that site I posted if I ever miscarry again. But, I truly believe that the next time I conceive I'll carry the baby to term, so really I mostly just tucked it away in case I should know someone who needs the info. I know there have been a number of miscarriages around here lately and thought it might be helpful. Sadly, it does happen sometimes.
Oh yes! Lots of good BD this month! :D

My temps were at the same level this A.M. as yesterday, but they stayed up! Woohoo! We'll see what tomorrow brings.....
Allie~ I would say you are in your TWW i hope it is your last good luck Hun
I like to do things naturally and figured that there were probably others on here who felt the same way since soy isoflavones can be used as a natural form of clomid and that's what we're all doing. :) I came across some info the other day that I've tucked away for the future, should I need it or know someone who does and I thought I'd pass it along. I hope and pray never to need it again. It's a blog about how to have a natural miscarriage at home rather than having a D&C. Personally, I'd much rather miscarry at home than to have a medical procedure. So, here it is for anyone who might like to tuck it away like I did. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/how-to-have-a-natural-miscarriage-no-dc/

Thank for the link. I wish you have posted it earlier as tomorrow is my appointment for my check up after the medicated mc that hasn't worked. I guess if things are natural there's no harm in trying. I've benn through this 3 times unfortunately. The 2nd time I was bleeding for over 3 wks & all because I decided to go all natural with it. What I'm trying to say is that it may work for some but not for others.
I was praying for all to happen naturally but I've been suffering for 2 weeks with pain, bleeding but not passing anything.
I truly wish you don't have to experience this, ever again, none of you.
I like to do things naturally and figured that there were probably others on here who felt the same way since soy isoflavones can be used as a natural form of clomid and that's what we're all doing. :) I came across some info the other day that I've tucked away for the future, should I need it or know someone who does and I thought I'd pass it along. I hope and pray never to need it again. It's a blog about how to have a natural miscarriage at home rather than having a D&C. Personally, I'd much rather miscarry at home than to have a medical procedure. So, here it is for anyone who might like to tuck it away like I did. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/how-to-have-a-natural-miscarriage-no-dc/

Thank for the link. I wish you have posted it earlier as tomorrow is my appointment for my check up after the medicated mc that hasn't worked. I guess if things are natural there's no harm in trying. I've benn through this 3 times unfortunately. The 2nd time I was bleeding for over 3 wks & all because I decided to go all natural with it. What I'm trying to say is that it may work for some but not for others.
I was praying for all to happen naturally but I've been suffering for 2 weeks with pain, bleeding but not passing anything.
I truly wish you don't have to experience this, ever again, none of you.

I'm sorry, if I had found it sooner, I would have posted it for sure. :( I'm so sorry you've struggled so much with it.

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