Hi everyone! Anyone else feeling seriously bloated at the moment? I feel huge.
I wasn't until the last day or 2. Now I sure am!
is anyone else having some crazy vivid dreams??!
Definitely vivid, though not crazy - yet!
So at 15 dpo HCG 74 Progesterone 45
My results for 18 dpo (but not quite 72 hours) was HCG 441 Progesterone 51
So almost 6 x up, which means I am doubling every day instead of 48-72 hours. CRAZY!
WOOHOOOO!!!!! Congrats! Those are awesome numbers! I hope mine are as amazing when I get them back in a couple of hours!
OMG! I'm so happy you said this! I've been having little whooshes too and I keep thinking something is wrong and I'm bleeding. This pregnancy has been very different from my first one so far, so it's like I'm a rookie all over again!
It's crazy how different pregnancies can be right?! I've had 5 pregnancies, and yet somehow it feels like this is a first all over again!
Can i ask what symptoms everyone is getting.
Symptoms: Bloating, nausea, lack of appetite, back aches, cramping, sore nipples/sore boobs (yep two totally different sensations. lol), pulling/stretching twinges, uterine fullness, baby brain, exhaustion, dizziness, food aversion, and probably more then what I can think of. lol All of these have been off and on except for the boobs and cramps. Those have been constant since ovulation.
Hello, found out I'm preg hopefully a sticky bean after mc in oct. going off my period I'm due sept 30 but I didn't ovulate till like jan 18 so that makes it oct 11. So excited and nervous.
Welcome and congrats! I very much know how you feel. I've had 5 miscarriages in the past year and no living kids. How are you feeling with this pregnancy? I'm rooting for everyone on this thread to have a very sticky bean!!
I feel so scared talking about it so early, but of you can't talk about it here where can you I guess? Will be so nice to get to know you lovely ladies! Xx
I know all of my RPL buddies think I'm nuts for getting on here as soon as I did, but honestly I'm just plain excited about this pregnancy and like you say, I needed to talk about it with other ladies going through the same stuff!!
Kestersed, ErinDancey, tobefruitful, liz0012, twinkletoe - welcome and congrats to all of you ladies!!
So bloods have been taken for today, now I have to wait. 2 HOURS!! OMG! The agony! I wanna know NOW! lol
Anyone else have fun issues that you've had to deal with? I have PCOS, Hashimotos, MTHFR mutations, and had a septum removed back in October. lol I get to inject myself with lovenox once a day well into my pregnancy and I'll be on baby aspirin until 30 weeks, and progesterone supps until 10 weeks.