Oooh I hope so Rach!
Heather - hoping my LO would come on my birthday didnt mean I didn't want LO to have her own special day!!!!! ...My birthday is not a big deal to me and I had a rubbish day yesterday anyway. I just thought it would be nice if me and my LO had an extra special bond by sharing a birthday. It would have always been about her anyway if she had come on my birthday, not that it matters now anyway!
Ohhh no

- it sounds like I have upset you! I didn't mean anything by what I said at all!!! Everyone kept saying to me 'oh I bet you want her to come on your Birthday' and I was like 'no way!! This is MY Birthday!!' I just thought (for me only!!!) it was nicer to have 2 days, my birthday and her birthday - as I love birthdays!!! (I am basically a child!!) I'm so sorry if it came across any differently hon, I had NO intention to offend you. I only mentioned it all as I think most people would think that we'd want them to come on our Birthdays rather than my way! When I started having those Braxton Hicks I was laying in bed thinking...come back in 24 hours!!!
Anyway - really hope you understand what I meant now and hope you had a lovely day

Take no notice of me Heather, Im extremely hormonal and having a bit of a shit time lately so..
everyone was the opposite to what they were like to you and kept saying 'oooh you dont want her to come on your birthday'!!!! lol. Like I said, I dont care about my birthday anyway. I used to, but its no big deal to me now. Still didnt stop me from having a really shit birthday this year. Think Im just emotional because it's the last birthday I will spend with my mum and it was awful.
Hi lovely, sorry you had a shitty day

and don't worry sweetie, we're all hormonal and emotional and it sounds like you have more reason than most to be feeling sad, big hugs xxx
Waiting for a stork - Love you nursery, it's gorgeous!!! Well done you
Rachy - bricking it...arhhh you'll be grand hon, I reckon it's only natural to be overwhelmed at the end. I know as soon as real labour starts for me I'll be half excited and half shitting myself!!
Vicky and Michelle - don't panic sweetie, my little one was engaged at 35 weeks and has been fully engaged since before 38 weeks and I'm still waiting... Best to get organised though

just incase!!!
Yasmin - congrats on getting to single figures, and I know what you mean about the bathroom, I might take out share in andrex!!
Barbles - good luck with the doc hon, I hope your feet are suitably swollen so they can see what you've been putting up with!
Hope I haven't missed anyone! I can't believe it's Friday again, another week gone - a few of us with due dates next week - we could have a baby by next weekend - holy cow!!! Starting to think I might go over now though as I've been engaged so long and keep getting positive pains and twinges but nothing ever really seems to progress! I still can't believe I'm at the end of this journey and about to start a whole new chapter of life - woah! Scary but...bring it on

Have great weekends everyone and super giant hugs to mrs pop xxx