Limbo Ladies!!

They're most likely just everything stretching and such before giving birth :). I've had cramps and pains for weeks now! As long as they don't become more painful or come in a pattern and closer to each other it's just anohter lovely pregnancy thing :thumbup:!
Tired! But that's all really :).
It doesn't matter anymore how long I sleep now, I'm just tired! Other than that I'm doing okay! I've got no longer than 6 sleeps left, so it's getting real close now :).

Got my second sweep in less than an hour and will be told my induction date I think, incase nothing happens! So at least then I'll know what's gonna happen and I can prepare for that.

Going overdue is not that bad. There's some moments I get really emotional and fed up, but they don't last very long. I'm just enjoying the last few days in silence with hubby :thumbup:!

How are you all doing today :flow:? I'm glad it's cooled right down outside, yesterday was horrific!
Do you have any signs yet Lauki? I'm just going to lie in bed and feel sorry for myself for a bit, then do some cleaning!

Wonder how ceecee is getting on, I hope she has the little baby by now :)

Jeremy kyle time! Xx
Hi everyone, Its been a while!
Lauki what do they do for the sweep? Does it hurt?
I cant believe my due date is next week now!
In a way I hope I am overdue... we're moving and the date we have is one day after my due date! Cutting it close I know! But I want to be in the new home before bubba comes along.
I've been getting lots of braxton hicks but I still feel him move quite high up too.
How is everyone else doing?
Well after a very lovely weekend the week has rapidly gone downhill...

My office is hot even on a rainy day so was expecting it to be yukky yesterday, got myself all organised even with a nice swishy skirt, had the window open, fan on and bottle of water but managed about 40min when everything went a bit black so quickly left the room

I sat down in another room and after a period of the faint feeling coming and going I felt ok so drove home, cried all the way back as just feel so alone with no family around to come and collect me etc, then cried for most of the day at home too
Hubs didn't even call to see if I was ok!! (apparantly I'm supposed to call him...)

Hubs is ill too so neither of us really able to look after eachother, it was so hot again last night so slept in separate rooms

So I'm working from home today, behind on work that needs finishing by the end of July, I also run my own business and now can't get to the post office until tomorrow

Sorry for the essay just feeling really sorry for myself and stuck all alone :cry:
Awww....:hugs: to you Mrs GM. Are you feeling better today? It's terrible when to get faint and weak, I get that happen often. I was supposed to have a GP appt yesterday but cancelled cos I knew I would pass out from the heat if I went on that bus.

Whats wrong with hubby?
I'm not feeling faint anymore at least, just really tired and tearful

Hubs had bad headaches and now really bad sore throat so he's like a bear with a sore head, we've barely spoken to eachother though which is making me extra miserable :(
He'll be ok and loving once he's feeling better... aww I like to be cuddled and called 'cooki looki' when I'm not well :)

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids especially in this heat. might be good to stock up on the ice lollies too!
He'll be ok and loving once he's feeling better... aww I like to be cuddled and called 'cooki looki' when I'm not well :)

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids especially in this heat. might be good to stock up on the ice lollies too!
But I'd like looking after now not in a few days ;)

I've got my pint of water with me at all times, just down the road from London & defn wouldn't have wanted to be there yesterday with how hot it was!
Sounds like everyone needs a big group hug. I feel awful. I'm 39 weeks today and this baby hasn't showed any signs apart from bad pains for the past few nights, but they're not regular so hospital told me just to wait it out. other than that. No signs!

Midwife at half one, I'll let you know how I get on when I come out!

Consultant on Thurs, she said if my cervix is favourable she'll offer the induction. So I don't know if she meant then and there , so I need to take my hospital bag just incase she sends me straight up to have it done.., or tell me to come back on a certain day for it.* shrug * I just hope my cervix is favourable. My pains are quite bad now and I'm such a moany cow, poor OH.

Lauki- I hope your LO makes an appearance soon! xxx :hugs: xxx
Anyone doing anything nice today? xxx
I'm so glad I'm on maternity and dont have the London Underground to deal with!

I was just thinking that I haven't felt pretty in a long time. I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow and I hope it makes me feel better. I also need to get my eyebrows threaded... the pain!!
Going in today to hand all my forms in so hopefully it wont take too long.
Jeff has asked for a bit of pay in advance so we can afford rent so we've scraped through literally! & also my hair is a state. I'm trying to grow it, not straighten it and let the colour fade out so I get a nice dirty blonde like I am naturally, but that'll take months. at the moment its brownish with tints of blonde and tints of red :S It'll be worth it in the end, but for the mean time I feel so ugly :(

In other news, apart from my parents the rest of my family are in France right now (we go every year) So i'm very very jealous because It's my favourite time of year. Of course I know I'm having a baby and that's better than a trip to France! I just wish I could be there! Also getting impatient. I want her to come, I don't know how you're coping so amazingly Lauki, I'm 39 weeks and at the end of my teather :( Everything hurts so bad. I'll post some bump pics today, as who knows, could be the last ones before I pop!

Would love to see baby bump pics. I'm going to get my niece to take some pics of me tomorrow (after the haircut).

Oh I was hoping to pop out to the shops and to get my eyebrows done but I have to wait for the boiler man.... no hot water!
Think everyone could do with a hug :hugs:

Very frustrated, no further plug loss from me and irregular tightenings but think it's more the usual late preg things rather than anything laboury :( 39 weeks on thurs, I was so hoping Bubs would come on mine (and hopefulheaths') birthday tomorrow :(

Had my hair done today though which has cheered me up a bit :)
All went fine with le midwife, heartbeat and bump size are good apparently, and if I don't get offered an iduction on Friday they want to give me a sweep on my due date which is a week today! Jesus. It's all happening so quick but also so slow, I want to meet my little girl!

yasmin I hope you get hot water soon, so annoying! my eyebrows have slowly come back nicely. When I was 17 I thought I was so cool I shaved them off and pencilled them on, leaving them in a hell of a state when I tried to grow them back, however they have recovered well! growing too quick though I find, I pluck every few days now :(

Mrspop, post a picture of your hair :) hehe.

I'm also getting irregular tightenings, I lost a bit of plug yesterday but no waters or bloody show.. also alot of abdominal pain all over but not patterened. OH and mum thought I was going to have the baby on the 27th, it was just a feeling they had. So I wasn't happy when it reached midnight lastnight. Anyone else really uncomfy ? haha.
As promised- my 39 week bump pics!


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Hello ladies!!

havent caught up but hope everyone is as well as they can be in this unbearable heat and being 9 months gone for most of us.

So our first Limbo baby is on the way, Good Luck CeeCee!!!
Whos gonna be next? I think well blato Lauki lol.

Had MW today. Had a trace of protein and BP was 130/82 so creeped a little but all fine apart from the little bugger has moved up and is at the brim now instead!! Uh wrong direction little man!! Feet are hidious as usual!!

Had an ok day until half 5 when I went to get myself some chips (OH is working, quel suprise and Phoebe went out for tea with nanny), got home and dropped my IPhone on the concrete and smashed the screen, then dropped all my money out of my purse and got in to find my front room window crawling with flying ants!! SO I did what any heavily pregnant lady would do and sat and cried for a good ten minutes.
Luckily MIL and FIL came in then and sorted the ant situation with some deadly powder of some sort, gonna cost me £60 to fix me phone but it has to be done and I have calmed after my yummy chips.
Need to do some serious housework after dossing all day but my feet are so swollen I think Ill just mooch on the sofa and watch fatal attraction instead!!

Much love ladies xxx

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