Well after a very lovely weekend the week has rapidly gone downhill...
My office is hot even on a rainy day so was expecting it to be yukky yesterday, got myself all organised even with a nice swishy skirt, had the window open, fan on and bottle of water but managed about 40min when everything went a bit black so quickly left the room
I sat down in another room and after a period of the faint feeling coming and going I felt ok so drove home, cried all the way back as just feel so alone with no family around to come and collect me etc, then cried for most of the day at home too
Hubs didn't even call to see if I was ok!! (apparantly I'm supposed to call him...)
Hubs is ill too so neither of us really able to look after eachother, it was so hot again last night so slept in separate rooms
So I'm working from home today, behind on work that needs finishing by the end of July, I also run my own business and now can't get to the post office until tomorrow
Sorry for the essay just feeling really sorry for myself and stuck all alone