Limbo Ladies!!

Not feeling too bad today Rach, still getting a bit of a thud every once in a while in my head and swollen but a lot better than yesterday. Im here stuck on the sofa bored out of my brains, OH is at work and Phoebe is still at my mums so Im all on my lonesome. The house is a tip and the sun is shining bright and I cant do anything :nope: Ive noticed if I move around too much my head hurts so maybe its causing my BP to go up.

How are you today and is bubs moving ok? Touch wood I have only had one episode of reduced movements and I never ended in hospital. Not long for you at all now, our next Limbo baby :hugs:

Well Im full term today :happydance::happydance:

Getting in some raspberry leaf tablets today as I cant stand the tea no more and the clary sage oil. And may massage the old nips :haha: lets see if we can get bubs moving. Just wanna be normal now, give me sleepless nights and shitty nappies over this any day xx
Not feeling too bad today Rach, still getting a bit of a thud every once in a while in my head and swollen but a lot better than yesterday. Im here stuck on the sofa bored out of my brains, OH is at work and Phoebe is still at my mums so Im all on my lonesome. The house is a tip and the sun is shining bright and I cant do anything :nope: Ive noticed if I move around too much my head hurts so maybe its causing my BP to go up.

How are you today and is bubs moving ok? Touch wood I have only had one episode of reduced movements and I never ended in hospital. Not long for you at all now, our next Limbo baby :hugs:

Well Im full term today :happydance::happydance:

Getting in some raspberry leaf tablets today as I cant stand the tea no more and the clary sage oil. And may massage the old nips :haha: lets see if we can get bubs moving. Just wanna be normal now, give me sleepless nights and shitty nappies over this any day xx

Glad you're feeling a bit better! Just keep drinking lots of nice icy water. :) and keep your feet elevated when possible :)

Baby has gone back to her crazy squiggly self today- thank god. I moan about being pelted but lastnight made me WISH I was being kicked to hell and back again , so wont be moaning about too much painful movements anymore as I was so worried lastnight! Yes due in 3 days now.. :| STILL hoping I go naturally, the induction is booked for 8pm Tuesday, but MW told me lastnight some of them can last like 6 days if all of the methods don't work,.. I know that the method I'm having first has to be left in for 24 hours, then if that doesn't work I have another one for 24 hours.. So that's bad enough! fingers crossed she'll come soon- I'm terrified, I want it all over and done with.

So happy for you that you're full term now! :hugs:
It flies by! hope your little one is with you soon :D
If I had money I'd so be on the Raspberry leaf tea.

I know what you mean, I'm so achey, and hurty and impatient, I'm not sleeping properly anyway, I'm so uncomfortable- so the sleep less nights do not bother me! I want to meet her.

My parents recieved a note saying that a parcel was delivered for me but was too big to fit in the letter box. I am dumbfounded, going to go to the sorting office to see what it is. I'm baffled! I can't remember ordering anything last month that I haven't had. hopefully it's a nice present! :D

xxxx :flower:
Balls, it closes at 1, and My dad said sod's law it's probably just samples from cow & gate or something haha.
Just to update you ladies!

Just a quick one as I'm very tired!

I managed to have a June baby :wohoo:!

Sophie was born on the 30th of June at 7.30pm weighing 7lbs7oz!
Contractions started at 11pm on the 29th. Went into hospital at 9am! Then at 4pm I was fully dilated and we started pushing. Sadly my baby was in the wrong position and I'd been having back labour, so she hadn't moved after 1.5 hours of pushing. Doctors decided to take me into theatre and reasses, but by the time we got there I was in so much pain and Sophie got distressed so she was born by Emergency C-section!

Came home last night after just over 48 hours in hospital and we're doing brilliantly! Babies are the best thing in the world :). She's sleeping now!
Congrats Lauki, I just commented on the overdue June thread aswell. Absolutely beautiful, these Limbo babies are coming on now, we have two!!! Who is next...........?
Awwwww Lauki! Huge congratulations, she's absolutely beautiful! :D xx
I have 7 days left... Who's due before me? I can only remember rachyroux and hopefulheath who are due sooner.
Morning all!!

Ive been such a bad limbo lady... Ive not been on for ages and not really caught up properly on the goings on...but I see we have a couple of Limbo Bambinos, which is excellent news!! Congrats!! And a couple of ladies who are looking like adding to the collection??

Hope everyone is well though, new arrivals or not!

Ive been so up and down the past couple of weeks, emotional wreck is a pretty good was to describe it!! Im back in work today, for my last 2 weeks... and Im feeling like shite!! Everything hurts, my BH are geting stronger and longer, my hayfever is giving me a sodding headache, my hips hurt all the time, not just when trying to sleep now, I have carpal tunnel in my right hand so everything is a chore... I could go on,.....but I wont!!

Just wanting bambino to be heere real soon (though not too soon) so I can get on with being a mummy and not a moany ol'd bag!!

Congratulations Lauki, she's beautiful! Sounds like it was a bit stressful but hopefully you forgot all that once she arrived! Hope you're recovering and feeling well.

I've been feeling a bit uncomfy this weekend, ever since s/he engaged now I've found the pressure in my lower regions (bladder and regrettably my bottom!!) pretty 'oof' and I hate that I can't bend over like I used to! Am seriously getting my waddle on. I also discovered a leaky right boob last night, I was horrified! It was YELLOW!!! And a quick bra inspection revealed that my left one might have had a similar leakage. YELLOW!!! :-O Was not expecting that.

It's our wedding anniversary today but didn't do much over the weekend, just an afternoon in the Lake District yesterday which is always lovely. I'd move there in a second. Didn't want to sit around in the sun which is astonishing for me and a bit depressing. Sooo, today is my last Monday ever in work - finish on Friday, thank gawd for that!!

Hope you're all doing well and sorry to hear about these hospital visits but best to get things checked out - keep your feet up and BP down Barbles please! Your boy will be along soon!
Hey ladies!

Sorry you're not feeling great Katie, I'm right there with you :hugs:

Vicki, happy anniversary! That yellow stuff is colostrum :haha: I haven't noticed any real leaks yet, just wee dried bits on my nipple (lovely :wacko:) Lol.

Well, I'm ready for this baby now. I feel like I'm walking with a basketball under my skin that is soo hard and uncomfortable, when I sit down I have to do the whole 'open legs pregnant sit' and it's not attractive. I've started drinking my RLT (I do quite like it with a spoonful of sugar in it, much nicer than normal tea!) but only had one cup so far, just sticking with one cup a day til about 36 weeks then crank it right up lol.

We've got the kids room almost finished! But we tried to put laminate down but after 2 different types and several trips to Homebase we ended up with carpet! The bloody floor and walls are somehow warped and can't lay laminate flat. But we've got the stickers on the wall (and they look fantastic, totally recommend stickers instead of a border, soo much easier and easily changeable!) and pretty much everything else is organised. The way I've got the room though needs to be changed because I'm forgetting there's boxes and toys still to go in :dohh: so will need to find a way for them to go better. I'm sooo ready for this baby to come out! xxx
Ta Claire! Ok, this is good - two people have now told me that the yellow is normal so feel less like a freak, ha!! I was (just about) ok with the leakiness but the yellow did surprise me I have to admit... Good news that there's something there though I guess, my kiddo will have some grub ready for when it appears. My mum never had any milk hence we were formula fed so she will be intrigued to hear what it's like I think! Weird that I can tell my mum stuff about motherhood.

I know what you mean about the hardness, feels so stretchy and I too am having to do the pregnancy legs-wide-open seating position. So glamorous. Regretting as a result the wrap dress I am wearing for work today! Off out for my leaving lunch in an hour or so - first of 4 this week. Going to Zizzi who have just rung and said as it's a nice day they've got us an outside table, woop!
Happy anniversary Vicki!!! Bet those 2 years have flown by!?! Ive had yellow ick since week 18 btw....totally freaked me out too!

Claire, I had my 1st RLT yesterday, could only manage hald a cup, it was ok for the first few sips, then all of a sudden i couldnt face it! Will try again tonight!!
Wow, we have our next Limbo baby!! Congratulations Lauki- she's absolutely gorgeous :)

Amanda- how are you feeling today? Must have been scary ending up in hospital. Sounds like you're very ready for Jacob to make his appearance now.

Rachy- not long for you now! Unless anything is happening today (wishful thinking?!), it's baby day for you tomorrow :happydance: Will be thinking about you. Can't wait to hear all about the next Limbo baby!

Heather- how are things with you? Any news yet?

Happy Anniversary Vicki! Hope you have a lovely lunch and afternoon with your OH. What a beautiful day for it too :) As for leaky boobs, after being paranoid that nothing was going to happen with me, OH pointed out to me that I had a leak mark on my top yesterday and I hadn't realised :blush: Thankfully, I was only in the house so saved any further embarrassment by anyone else seeing. May have to tuck a couple of breast pads in my handbag from now on though!

Claire- sounds like the decorating is coming on well, despite the warped floor and walls! Our house has weirdly sloping walls, so it can make decorating interesting sometimes! I just started on the raspberry leaf tea myself yesterday. Having 2 cups a day so far, but wondering if I should crank it up to 3.

Katie- nice to see you! Sorry you're feeling so achey and rubbishy at the moment. I had a big cry one evening last week, because I seemed to be aching from top to bottom. SO ready for my little guy to arrive now! As for the raspberry leaf tea, I leave it to go cold so I can gulp it down :winkwink: That might be worth a try?

My weekend was fairly uneventful which was nice for a change! Spent the day with one of my friends who came over to visit. Camped out in Starbucks for the morning, then we came back to ours and stuffed ourselves silly on pizza and cakes! Yesterday, OH and I went out for lunch at a new local Turkish restaurant which was gorgeous, then came back and we both spent the rest of the afternoon washing and ironing our bubba's clothes :happydance: Just a couple of things left to pack in my hospital bag, and I'm all ready for our little guy to make his arrival. Just hope he doesn't make us wait too long!
Good afternoon ladies! I thought last night was the night, had pains, vomiting, back pain, diarrhea, restlessness, and nesting but nothing. I didn't sleep until I'm pretty exhausted now. Going in to hospital tomorrow night for the induction at 8pm. Terrified, and gutted Jeff has to leave every night at 9pm until I'm in full blown labor. Not fair, it's going to be lonely, and I can't update you all on here when I'm in because my phone is a piece of crap :(

love to you all, hope you are well, my head is scrambled and I can't remember what everyone has said, so I apologize for that. :(
hello ladies.

How are we all?

Happy Wedding Anniversary Vicki, hope you are having a nice afternoon.

Claire - I gave up on the tea, I was having three sugars and still couldnt drink it hot or cold so I went and spent a small fortune on the tablets to take instead, they still smell gross though. going to take my first one tonight.

Not long now Rach and little baby will be here, I hope it isnt too long an induction for you.

Well we all know Im in the truely fed up gang!! Ive got midwife tomorrow so will see how the BP and pee are fairing, still hugely swollen and puffy faced but the heat doesnt help. My headache has all but stopped which is a good sign, still getting aches here and there.

Got my RLT tablets today and my clary sage oil to burn. And mothers making me a curry for tea, only tikka masala though so not too hot haha. And me and OH tried to do the deed last night and I was so dry, it was awful so we didnt even finish :dohh: makes a change as I usually always bleddy wet all day (tmi) so went and got some lube haha Im on a mish to get this baby out.

Good news of the week, OH only has this week to work late and then he will be back on his normal site and back home at half 5 everyday woo and MY IPHONE IS FIXED :happydance::happydance::happydance: picking it up in the morning.

much love to you xxxxx
Hello darlings. I'm confused as to what everyone has said cause by the time I read it I forget. But good luck rachy, just think this time next week all the waiting will all seem like a distant memory and u will have a gorgeous litte baby.

I'm full term today, and still putting off getting everything ready, although claire persuded me to 1 stay in bed all day and 2 get the crib ready. In the moses basket and the crib bedding there's like a litte duvet for the baby if that makes sense, do they use this? I thought they just had blankets.

Anyone else got really hard heels and feet skin? Mine kill :( and my belly is so itchy I've made it bleed in the night.

Jeremy kyle today is making me proud to be from the midlands today, haha not! Xx
Oh and I just had some chocolate spread on a was delicious!!!!!!!!!

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