Hi girls
How is everyone! Sorry ive not been on so much, been super busy sorting out home and also trying to fit work in! I thought working from home would be ok but its still very time consuming!!! Bit late now but oh well!
My shower went amazing, got so many lovely gifts and it was lovely to have everyone together!
Im so ready for him to come out now! Im so uncomfortable and fed up! I love being pregnant and it is the most amazing thing I have ever done but it is at the point now where the discomfort is outweighing the positives lol!
Does anyone else find time seems like forever!!! I mean when I was 30 weeks, I was excited about having 10 weeks left, but now its 16 days it seems like forever!!!!!!!!!!! And im sure when it’s a week left it will seem like forever then too!!!!
So does anyone have date guesses for themselves. we had this as a game at my shower! Got a list of everyones….my guess was 17th July, 14.20 pm and 7lb 8. Depressing thing is most peoples guesses were that he would be late noooooooooo! Hope they are all wrong haha!!!
Goodluck Rachy!!!! Love the name too – is my sisters name

but hers is spelt Leila. So exciting with all these babies eeeeeeeeeeek!
So snoozy today! Chris wakes me up when he gets up for work and its impossible for me to get back to sleep!! So glad the weather is a bit cooler today though, have been suffering the past couple days!!!
CONGRATS LAUKI!!!!!!!!! She is absolutely gorjus!!!!! I wish I could say its me next!!!
Oh nooo! Iive just got a huge ccraving for beans on toast with cheese! Ive already had brekkie!!!!!!!
Got my 38 week apt tomorrow…but its with the gp as community midwives are on training. Pissed me off a bit as this means the last time I saw midwife was at 36 week appointment and then my next apt with a MW will be 40 weeks…so I could possibly not see a midwife again other than when in labour!!! (optimistic early labour thinking!) what do they do at 38 weeks? Just a check up?
Hehehe loving the swallow talk, I swallow anyway but my brain has been scarred from when I had sickness through pregnancy, gve the oh a blowy and swallowed, which then caused me to projectile vomit!!!! How sexy LOOOL! I do feel bad for my OH, I need to be more affectionate! My mojo has been totally lost! Hope it comes back!