Blimey, I've missed a lot around here over the past day or two!!
I'm super late, but I also vote for Es-may
Heather- those photos are stunning! Hot mama alert! Hope things get moving along for you soon hon.
Laura- sorry your sweep didn't go so well. Hope you're not getting too frustrated *hugs*.
Lol Vicki- I'm sure your boobs will be filling that bra very nicely soon! I can't compete with you Claire, but I'm usually 36E so it should be very interesting to see what I end up with on Saturday!
Samira, this is probably TMI but I feel like I poo almost every time I go to the loo lately! I don't know how it's possible because I'm not even eating very much!!
Sorry about your carpal tunnel Katie

Amanda, how are you feeling today?
Well, I had a day of really strong Braxton Hicks yesterday. I popped into work for a couple of hours whilst I was waiting for my car to be serviced and have its very first MOT (Ginny the Golf passed with flying colours!) and people were exchanging looks when I was getting the BH. They were coming about every half an hour and were really strong but by the time I went to bed, they'd tailed off. All quiet again today so that's the excitement over for a few days I reckon!
My MiL has booked me to have half a day at a local spa next week, which I can't wait for

Will be having a facial, shoulder and neck massage, pedicure and getting my legs and foof waxed (which I'm frankly terrified about!). It gives me something to look forward to and distracts me from symptom spotting for a bit!