Limbo Ladies!!

A midwife is going to contact me aparently. I hate making a fuss though I really do. Xx
I'm feeling rather strange, I think I mihgt have had a contraction earlier :s I had a real pain all over my bump and it went hard! It was only the one and I ended up going to the toilet (incase that's what the pain was) and now I've got some back ache like I had with Jayden. I'm gonna keep an eye on it and see how it turns out.

Michelle, you should definitely call them, just to do a trace. She could just be getting ready and resting for the big day xxx
I have to go in at 2 to be monitored for half an hour. I really don't want to, I hate hate hate making a fuss and them thinking I'm stupid. I'm sat here balling my eyes out and I don't know why xxxx
Aww don't worry about it hun! Would you rather sit worrying?? Half an hour will be by quickly and the midwives would rather you phoned and went in too, better safe than sorry xxx
I'm just waiting for my brother to take me now. I've felt her move a bit more now, so I'm going to look stupid. I'm just waiting for my brother to take me now. I've got some pain which I'll tell them about but I still feel like a pleb!

How's the pain claire? Xx
Let us know how u get on Michelle, and dont feel silly!!

Im in a grump, just been out to get a sarnie and got stared at by a bunch of effing preggo not a effing alien!! Sod off!!
Ok so I went, baby is moving fine :) good news. When I was going there my brother ask why I looked in pain and I said cause I keep getting pain, the monitor picked up tightenings, only like up to 20% on the machine which she just pointed out. I've got home now and I was just in so much pain I couldn't stand up, in the bottom of my belly for about 4 mins, its a dull pain now but its like stabbing a bit. I'm waiting to see if it hurts again. What's this? I HATE being on my own xxx
Im glad baby is ok Michelle, Jacob is being very quiet today too though I have felt him move. It is worrying, Im here now nudging him and drinking coke to get him to move more.

Hows the pains Claire? Im sure some of my BH are contractions, they are too painful for BH. And the pain I have around my back and foof today is ridiculous.

I lost my voice today too, my throat is so sore. And Phoebe who is absolutely shattered is being a pain and wont go to bed. And i just had a sneeze and wet myself near enough, a nice big gush :dohh:

Got a nice chicken in roasting so gonna have hot chicken sandwiches and then got Cadburys giant buttons to munch out on, yummy and then bath and bed!!

Hope everyone else is ok? Any twinges from our overdue ladies? And happy D-Day MrsPop :hugs:
Eeek! Our next Limbo baby! Sounds like things were progressing really well last night so hopefully, we should hear something soon :)

Glad Esme is ok Michelle. It's always worth checking to make sure. How are you feeling this morning? Any more stabbing pains?

Amanda- sounds like things might be moving along for you :) Can you tell my little man that he should think about getting his bags packed now- he won't listen to me ;)

How are you today Claire? Oh and Katie- it is weird how many people stare at you when you're pregnant!

Well, I managed to stay in bed until 8.30am this morning, which is a huge achievement. With all of the house chaos, I've been having to get up at 6.30am every morning. I wanted to try and get at least a couple of lie ins before baby comes along! In fact, I think I may have a pjs day today :) Anyone want to join me?!
Morning ladies,

Well what an afternoon I ended up having yesterday! Went to see midwife at 4pm and had 2 braxton hicks (bump went fully hard but not painful) while I was with her. She said she definitely thought I'd have baby before stretch and sweep on Wednesday (she wouldn't give me one till 41 weeks) so I left docs and continued to have BH every 12 minutes until 10pm when I had an almighty contraction. Not sure what it was really but I got an unbelievable pain in my back (on the left) that made me double over and swear and shake like crazy - it hurt soooo much! It lasted about 2 mins and then went away so at that point I thought 'here we go' both mum and DH convinced everything was starting so I had a shower and washed my hair so I felt all clean in case everything kicked off. Anyway then it just went back to the BH type contraptions every 10 mins :(. About an hour after the evil back pain I had another painful one in the same place but not quite as strong and then another about 20 mins later. At that point it was midnight so I thought 'bugger this, I'll go to bed and see if I'm woken in the night'....suffice to say apart from wee breaks, heartburn and usual wakings through the night I just continued to have the BH's and that was it. So here I am this morning having regular tightenings that don't hurt me and not sure what's going on!

Anyway gonna go for my fishy feet this morning and have a pedicure so that should pass sone time!

Glad Esme is ok Michelle. Hope everyone else is ok...have read all the posts but my brain is mush this morning!

Heather xxx
Oh blimey, how frustrating! On the plus side, it sounds like labour is not too far away :) Definitely encouraging that your midwife thinks you won't make it to Wednesday too! Have fun having your fishy feet and pedicure- let us know what it's like :)
Got no stabbing pains right now, god knows what it was yesterday. I'm really struggling to walk now with the pressure down there I feel like my legs are wide open when I have to walk. Booooo. I wanted the next 3 weeks to take their time so I can get prepared but now I'm changing my mind!!!
Ooh how exciting heather!! Maybe she will make an apearence over the weekend, all these limbo baby girls, we need a boy to even it up lol

Good the pains have stopped Michelle, I have days like that. And Im hobbling round too and Jacob isnt even engaged properly yet.

Well as usual another shit feeling day for me. Im so fed up of feeling crap and ill all the time, I got like this with Phoebe in the end too, my babies suck the life out of me, once I have them I look & feel so much better even with the sleepless nights lol. Full of cold, sore throat and croaky voice still today. Plus my headache is back and wont budge, even with paracetomol, so Im not sure if I should go get checked or not. Ive been getting a pain under my ribs too which can be a sign of pre-eclampsia though it might just be his little bum shoved under there. Gonna sleep for an hour while Phoebe is at nursery and see what my head is like when i wake up, if the headache is there still I may pop to the drop in centre just to have my BP checked. Hopefully its fine and I wont spend another evening in the DAU, I hate it there.

Oooooh and I fully recommend nipple stimulation haha OH was having a go last night and I got really strong BH so Im going to give it a proper go tonight to see if anything happens again.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Glad you're feeling better today Michelle!! I know what you mean about walking with your legs open wide... i feel like ive had a good ol' session of the rude stuff, walking like John Wayne!!

Fingers crossed Hopefull, does sound promissing!!

Ive got a really craving for a quarted pounder with cheese at the mo.....should i be a bad girl?!

Poor Amanda :( You're really having a rough time of it, aren't you? It many be worth getting checked if you still have your headache after your nap- best to keep an eye on these things *hugs*.

Glad you haven't had any more stabbing pains, Michelle. God knows what half of these pregnancy aches/pains/twinges mean!

Katie- go for the burger. If you're anything like me, you'll keep craving it until you have it. I made OH drive to 3 different shops last night, to get me some potato cakes for breakfast this morning!

Well, I got an appointment in the post today for group physio next Wednesday, to help with my pelvic pain. Quite surprised to get it so quickly, as the midwife only requested an appointment on Tuesday afternoon. Just hope it's not too late (although to be honest, there doesn't seem much sign of bubba coming before then!).
Hi everyone, Michelle glad Esme is ok... my one seems to be quiet during the day and active at night.

I thought I was having irregular contractions last night. Started at 3.00am and went on till around 5.30am-ish. I had a few more cramps in the morning but nothing since then :(

I have a few more days left and think he will definitely go overdue.

Heather how are you today?

Barbles - some :hugs: for you
Hey all - back from my fishy feet!!
It was great actually, felt REALLY weird at first and made me jump about then I got used to it and it was quite relaxing! Then I had a luxury pedicure and she threw in a bit of reflexology to see if that would get everything going! So I now have very pretty feet but no more regular contractions so back to the waiting game for me!

Sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly Barbles! It's the toughest time and it must be even harder for you girls who already have kids to look after!

Katie - have the burger hon! Yum!! Hehe

Waiting - great news about your physio and if bubba comes earlier you won't need it!!

Yasmin - bleeding fake contractions should be banned! It's not fair!! Fingers crossed the real ones kick in soon!

Oh what I would do for a nice pamper session!!

When do you go for your sweep? I have my next appointment in a week if baby hasnt decided to vacate by then.

I was a bit excited thinking this might, just might, be it! Lol but yes baby and body were just teasing me. We're moving on Monday and DH wants baby to stay put till after the move but I'm getting a bit impatient :(
Thanks ladies, I feel all I do these days is moan about how ill I feel all the time. Im so not doing this all again lol.

Well I slept until 3 when I got Phoebe who is tired and whingey after nursery. My headache is still there but Im so reluctant to go docs. Even though I feel ill I feel different ill to last week when I had all that high BP so Im going to take another couple of paracetemol, if its stil there in the morning Ill go drop in centre.

This may sound sad but does anyone else feel clingy to their OHs? I feel like I want him here all the time and I dont want him to go too far away from me. Its gotta be some instictual hormone that makes you want the person you have mated with lol. Or maybe because he is actually being quite nice at the moment lol. Cant wait for him to be home tonight either way.

Cant wait to have me a fishy feet pedi once baby is here. Im a bit nervous about one though as I dont like people touching my feet haha.

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