Limbo Ladies!!

Barbles - DH came up to bed at 12.37 precisely which woke me up, then at around 3am he had to get up for a wee and woke me up again and then at 4.30am I had to get up for a wee and as I got back in to bed he was snoring sooooo loudly. Unfortunately I was in a bad mood by this point and shoved him and woke him up :) Made me feel better lol XXX Hope today goes quickly for you XXX

Claire - I know what you mean about vivid drams! I've always had them but since getting pregnant its like I'm living 'Inception' every night lol XXX

Michelle - My DH said that to me when we got together. He'd been with his ex 7 years and had been engaged and he had reached the opinion that marriage was just a piece of paper and that real commitment came from being together faithfully and loving and trusting each other forever. I was only 21 when we first met so marriage wasn't overly important to me either. However, after about a year I knew I wanted to marry him and told him so. His opinion didn't change at all lol. Then to my utter shock and amazement on my Birthday in 2009 he proposed to me. To say I hadn't been expecting it was the understatement of the century lol. He just said that he knew in his heart he wanted to marry me and that as he'd grown older (he's nearly 4 years older than me :)) he realised he wanted to commit to me in all ways. I guess what I'm trying to say in a very long winded way is that maybe your OH just doesn't feel the need to do it. Maybe he will change his mind though? But if he doesn't change his mind you have to decide if marriage is the be all and end all to you... My friend has been with her OH 8.5 years and he literally proposed on her birthday 3 weeks ago. Some men just take longer to come around to the idea and some don't come around at all. You just have to know in your heart if not being married is enough for you... Sorry for long blabbering post hun and I really don't mean to hurt or offend with anything I've said XXX

Noooooo you havnt offended, you said everything im thinking, ive just sent him this text - Let me just get this off my chest so you dont think im in a mood. i didnt want it to come across like i was nagging you about getting married, because im not, even if you wanted to its the last thing on a very long list of whats to come for me and you. I suppose its just upsetting that the one thing i know i have always wanted, you really dont want at all. And i suppose most girls get excited about it, but you kind of shot me down last night, even though i was joking, so i was a bit gutted i guess. Anyway thats all i wanted to say, love you xxxx

OMG that's almost identical to something I said to my DH after about 12 months into our relationship lol I left the subject alone and low and behold 6 months later I had a ring on my finger lol. As you say, marriage is something you want but it's something you want in the future and by then his way of thinking may have dramatically changed. Big hugs hun XXX
P.s, since ive been blabbing on ive now missed the time slot for jeremy kyle so will have to watch on +1 haha, ive been awake since 5 thinking that will be the right time to get out of bed.

P.p.s yes im having a lazy day

Lol I'm stuck in work wishing I was relaxing on my sofa watching Jeremy Kyle. You enjoy a lazy day hun - you deserve it :) XXX
I'm sitting my my chair and Jayden's playing with all his toys and fireman sam is on....... oh the excitement! I want to watch jezza! xxx
I'm sitting my my chair and Jayden's playing with all his toys and fireman sam is on....... oh the excitement! I want to watch jezza! xxx

My niece was obsessed with fireman sam so I think i've seen pretty much every episode ever made - even ones that were made before I was born lol. xxx
Hi Kim. I'm fine today... except that I have to be at work and my manager needs some work done urgently for the accounts :( Eurgh I wish I was at home too!

I'm wearing my maternity trousers today! My first pair! They are so comfy!! I managed to squeeze into my pre pregnancy clothes for a while till I had ran out and the last pair that I could still zip up I ripped... (in the rear section!!) Lol I knew it was time to give in then!

So hungry... managed to forget breakfast?!! How I just dont know!
I'm sitting my my chair and Jayden's playing with all his toys and fireman sam is on....... oh the excitement! I want to watch jezza! xxx

My niece was obsessed with fireman sam so I think i've seen pretty much every episode ever made - even ones that were made before I was born lol. xxx

He's not obsessed with it, just likes it and I cannot take anymore peppa bloody pig! I swear I've seen every episode and can't watch it anymore lol.

I'm fine Kim, was worried about baby noodles movements last night and this morning but she's been awake for a good while now and kicking my boob! Lol, even Jayden felt her kicking :cloud9: I'm really tired though, should probably get dresses and sit outside for some fresh air but I can't see past lying down in bed lol. But Jayden makes that almost impossible lol. I think I need to get my bloods checked soon because I'm getting really tired again and my skin is very dry, same symptoms as underactive thyroid (had it in the past) or could be my b12 low, I dunno but I'm so tired! Moan for today over!!! xxx
I kind of know deep down its something he wouldnt rule out, he just likes to give of the impression hes not a soppy git like i am. He just replied with this - I can understand its every girls dream to have a big fancy wedding etc etc, I just think we have more important things before (if we got married) to sort out. Lets just stick with trying to make us work as a couple and young family to prove all our critics wrong, then whatever happened in the past (he cheated on me once, i presume he means this) is near enough irrelevent and we can successfully be together for a very very long time. But its good that u know what you want, all i know i want is to finish my Masters and help you prepare for your little baby xxxx

Damn itttttttttttttttt, now i feel guilty! Lol. xxxx
Hi Kim - you looking forward to the match tonight? My DH is trying to persuade me not to watch the champions league final as I'll be nearly 35 weeks then and he's worried about pre term labour lol. Bless him! X
I kind of know deep down its something he wouldnt rule out, he just likes to give of the impression hes not a soppy git like i am. He just replied with this - I can understand its every girls dream to have a big fancy wedding etc etc, I just think we have more important things before (if we got married) to sort out. Lets just stick with trying to make us work as a couple and young family to prove all our critics wrong, then whatever happened in the past (he cheated on me once, i presume he means this) is near enough irrelevent and we can successfully be together for a very very long time. But its good that u know what you want, all i know i want is to finish my Masters and help you prepare for your little baby xxxx

Damn itttttttttttttttt, now i feel guilty! Lol. xxxx

Don't feel guilty you've done nothing wrong hun you've just aired your feelings and you have every right to do so. At least he's being honest with you and not leading you down the garden path. And to be honest, to me it's sounds like he just wants to finish up his goals (masters etc) before getting married. Sounds like he's scared that getting married would prevent him doing that which is silly but thats how men think lol. I really wouldn't worry about it too much hun :) XXX
Wow Yasmin, you've done well only starting to wear maternity trousers now! I've been in my for weeks although admittedly when I first started wearing them, I couldn't keep them up as I had almost no bump lol- they're just so comfy though! ;)

Sorry you're not feeling so good Claire. Definitely sounds like it might be best to get checked out, even if it's just to be on the safe side. Our little guy was crazy kicking all through last week then got to the weekend and almost nothing. Had to bring the doppler out of retirement but thankfully, he started up again in the early hours of Tuesday. He was clearly just chilling ovee the Bank Holiday weekend ;)

CeeCee- I don't know how I'm going to make it through to the end of the season at this rate! OH and I went down to Arsenal on Sunday which was no fun at all! Could really do without the team making things as stressful as possible but it looks like they're determined to do things the hard way! Goodness only knows what state I'll be in at the Chelsea game on Sunday!!
I kind of know deep down its something he wouldnt rule out, he just likes to give of the impression hes not a soppy git like i am. He just replied with this - I can understand its every girls dream to have a big fancy wedding etc etc, I just think we have more important things before (if we got married) to sort out. Lets just stick with trying to make us work as a couple and young family to prove all our critics wrong, then whatever happened in the past (he cheated on me once, i presume he means this) is near enough irrelevent and we can successfully be together for a very very long time. But its good that u know what you want, all i know i want is to finish my Masters and help you prepare for your little baby xxxx

Damn itttttttttttttttt, now i feel guilty! Lol. xxxx

Don't feel guilty you've done nothing wrong hun you've just aired your feelings and you have every right to do so. At least he's being honest with you and not leading you down the garden path. And to be honest, to me it's sounds like he just wants to finish up his goals (masters etc) before getting married. Sounds like he's scared that getting married would prevent him doing that which is silly but thats how men think lol. I really wouldn't worry about it too much hun :) XXX

I feel much better now actually :) I made a joke out of it with him and said 'Dont worry i will trap you somehow' and he said 'You bloody wish madame'

Im glad ive said it now, it wont need to be said again really.

Nearly jeremy kyle time woooooooooooooo, there was a time i thought my story was good enough for this show lol xxxx
Ahh I think I was in denial about my body :) but my body had the last laugh...

I used to wear my normal trousers that were loose for me before and I wore the low under the bump. But yeah the maternity range is so much more comfy and I feel better wearing them.

How are you Kim? How is everyone else?

Baby is kicking... sometimes uncomfortably but hey at least I know he's ok :)
Wow Yasmin, you've done well only starting to wear maternity trousers now! I've been in my for weeks although admittedly when I first started wearing them, I couldn't keep them up as I had almost no bump lol- they're just so comfy though! ;)

Sorry you're not feeling so good Claire. Definitely sounds like it might be best to get checked out, even if it's just to be on the safe side. Our little guy was crazy kicking all through last week then got to the weekend and almost nothing. Had to bring the doppler out of retirement but thankfully, he started up again in the early hours of Tuesday. He was clearly just chilling ovee the Bank Holiday weekend ;)

CeeCee- I don't know how I'm going to make it through to the end of the season at this rate! OH and I went down to Arsenal on Sunday which was no fun at all! Could really do without the team making things as stressful as possible but it looks like they're determined to do things the hard way! Goodness only knows what state I'll be in at the Chelsea game on Sunday!!

Yasmin - agreed! How have you managed to get this far without maternity trousers? Lol I was in mine at 8 weeks :blush: XX

Claire - Sorry I missed the earlier bit! Sorry you're not feeling well hun, maybe you're just feeling a bit rundown after everything thats gone on lately? Well worth a phone call though me thinks XXX

Kim - Tell me about it! But united always have to do things the hard way - I just don't understand why Fergie went for the slightly weaker team against the gunners when we've got a two goal advantage against schalke? makes no sense to me whatsoever and god soooo not looking forward to the Chelski game lol. I don't think I can take us losing it after everything thats happened this season lol. I'm hoping Jess brings us luck in my lucky buddha belly lol. She always dances about when United are on TV its quite cute!! She seems to like Chicharito most :) xxx
My gap trousers were also a bit loose-ish before so I wore them till I could only do the zip and not the button!!

I am wearing asos maternity trousers now :)
Just a quick question - can your MW sign you off work before your maternity leave starts and if so - for what reasons?
Ive just lived in leggins so far, have one pair on maternity jeans but theyre a bit big. Luckily i was a fan of the 'floaty dress' look before i got pregnant, so now everything is just fitting over the bump.

Anyone worn a maxi dress yet? I bought 3 when we had that lovely weather and could not take them off!!!!! xxx
Thanks ladies! It's not that i don't feel well, it's just that I feel shattered and could happily go back to bed. Other than that and my pelvis, I'm feeling pretty good! Lol.

I'm not sure if I said before, I had Jayden at the hospital the other day, he had a this thing on the back of his leg that looked like a bite, took him to the chemist and got anti-hystamine meds, but it was getting bigger and swollen so took him to a&e. Waited 2 hours and they said it's more than likely a bacterial infection and gave me cream, and it seems to be clearing it up! Looks more 'dry' if that makes sense? He's better anyways, but I was scared it was gonna get in his blood stream or something! (my mind works overtime and I imagine the worst possible scenario possible lol) I'd post pics but I don't want to incase anyway has a dodgy tummy - not that they're minging but it's not very pretty lol xxx
I bought a maxi dress but just felt really self conscious about my huge arms and also my thighs rubbing together underneath. I bought a lovely pair of linen trousers from New look which I am currently wearing now lol andI practically live in them. xxx
Ceecee, the dr can sign you off and so long as it's for anything pregnancy related, there's nothing your work can do. I've been signed off now til mat leave because of spd. Is everything ok? xxx
Thanks ladies! It's not that i don't feel well, it's just that I feel shattered and could happily go back to bed. Other than that and my pelvis, I'm feeling pretty good! Lol.

I'm not sure if I said before, I had Jayden at the hospital the other day, he had a this thing on the back of his leg that looked like a bite, took him to the chemist and got anti-hystamine meds, but it was getting bigger and swollen so took him to a&e. Waited 2 hours and they said it's more than likely a bacterial infection and gave me cream, and it seems to be clearing it up! Looks more 'dry' if that makes sense? He's better anyways, but I was scared it was gonna get in his blood stream or something! (my mind works overtime and I imagine the worst possible scenario possible lol) I'd post pics but I don't want to incase anyway has a dodgy tummy - not that they're minging but it's not very pretty lol xxx

I meant to ask about that as I saw the pics t'other day! What cream have they given him now? I had something similar on the back of my leg about 6 months ago and the doc told me to go out and buy canestan (sp?) cream and it cleared up within 2 days! Apparently its the hydro-cortisone (sp?) in it that clears up the trouble spot. I hope he's feeling better now the little cutie XXX

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