Limbo Ladies!!

Congrats Rachyroux!!! So happy for you.

Ceecee I read the short and long version and Jessica is beautiful :)

So I've been having contractions since yesterday and they got unbearable this morning. Called labour ward who said come in. Got checked up and cervix is soft, baby is low but I'm only 1cm dilated. She offered me a sweep but I was already hot and in pain so I said no. The pain during the contraction peaks are so intense, I didnt get any sleep and I'm wondering how I'm going to be able to cope. It's frikkin hard :(
Congratulations Rachyrous!!!!!! Fabulous news, sorry you were both poorly but glad to hear you are all safe and sound now and you can enjoy being a mum :) Would love to hear your birth story when you're up to writing it!

Ohhh Yasmin - exciting!!!! Sorry to hear you're in pain hon but fingers crossed you're on your way!!! eeeek - next limbo baby me thinks :) hooooplaaaa!!!!!! :happydance:
Hi limboers xx:hi::hi:
Many apologies for not getting on here much at all recently. I hope everyone is well and huge conratulations to the new mummies on here. Just thought i'd pop by and let u all know that my yellow bump turned pink on 23/06/11. baby Florence was born by c-section after a failed induction (i am a type 2 diabetic) and she was a whacking great 9lbs 12oz!!!!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
So far things are going well, having to express milk for her as cant keep up lol. Well i hope those that are waiting wont have to wait too long and i wish all u lovely ladies all the very best that life can give. Will try and pop by a bit more often (Florence permitting) Take care and see u soon. Big hugs xxx:hugs:
Oh wow, congratulations Phoebe! What a healthy weight too- she's lovely :)

So glad to hear you're home now Rachy. Bet you can't wait to be in your own bed and have your princess by your side :)

Ooh Yasmin, sounds like things are happening for you! Next Limbo baby on their way soon!
Congrats to Rachyroux and Pheobe!! So exiting!!

Yasmin...anything yet? Ive got everything crossed for you!!

Am I the last one due out of us lot? I'll be the only one left soon!! lol

Hey ladies!

Congrats on the new babies Rachy and Phoebe! Would love to hear the birth story Rachy if you get a minute. Sorry to hear you were poorly but glad you're on the mend now.

Oooh Yasmin, I really hope baby is on the way by now or already here! Sorry to hear you're in pain but that's the name of the game I'm afraid :(

All quite over here again, still losing bits of my plug but no contractions or anything so from Saturday I'm stepping up my game and trying everything to get this baby out! xxx
Hi girlies!!! How are you all!!!!! Havent been on since Friday, busy bee but kept in contact with most on FB anyways!!!

Time to catch up quick!!

Claire!!! I definitely wouldn’t take what you said about BF the wrong way!!! I know that a lot of ppl struggle to BF, for all I know I might not produce enough milk but I will try my hardest to hehe!

I know ive said it already barbles but heres a bnb CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting times! He is soooo gorgeous!

Emily I LOVE that name, stunning! I don’t think ive ever heard it before but I love it!!!!

CeeCee your story had me sobbing! So beautiful! Your OH sounds fab too! Little Jessica is soooooo gorgeous too!

And another baby…rachy!!!!! Congratulations!!!! So glad she is all well (and you) and home now!!! And Phoebe!!!! So many babys – and such a big one too hehehe! Congrats hunni xxx

Yasmin eeeek to contractions!!!!! Deffo the next limbo baby heheh!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEK im on single figures today!!!! 9 days to go!

I have been symptom spotting like mad….still nothing! I thought I had bits of my plug coming out, had like yellowy jelly like stuff in my pants (mmmmmmm) but I know this can come as early as 2 weeks before labour so I am more wishing for it to be bloody!!! And every time I get a little pain im like AHHHH IS THIS IT! But its not! And im not kidding, ive been pooping at least 3 times a dayu…..for over 2 weeks now! So it cant be a clearout! It must be Hayden squeezing on my intestines!!!!!

And for about a week now ive been getting morning sickness again but its literally when I first wake up and that’s it! More like strong nausea, ive only been sick once!

I am soooooo uncomfortable now, I am ready for him to come out, but I will miss being pregnant too! Cant win hehe!

Ive got a life after birth class today at 3 which covers everything to do with adapting to be a parent, how to register the birth, benefits etc. theres another one next week as well for managing common problems, feeding, sleeping etc but I am hoping baby will be here by then hehe!
Samira do u remember when it was 99 lol!!!

Got my 38 week midwife appointment today, I'm hoping she tells me I'm making progress then it means all this pain has been for nothing.

I'm getting a bit scared now as tom is only here 3 nights a week cause of work so the chances are I'm going to be alone when I go into labour :( its not a nice thought. Xxx
P.s I've changed my name....last minute decisions, Esme doesn't feel right I love the name but its not the right name for me. I'm on my phone so can't change my signature but she's changed to Maisie, that was my favourite name before :) xxx
Awww Maisie is a gorgeous name too! Don't worry if you're on your own when you go into labour, just call whoever is closest and get them round asap xxx
Aww Michelle, Maisie is a lovely name too :thumbup: It's best to go with your instincts. I'm sure you'll be certain once she's arrived and you see her too.

Samira- have fun at the class tonight. Fingers crossed for you that you won't be going to the one next week!

I'm off to group physio at the hospital today. Hoping it'll help just a little bit, as I now need OH's help to get in and out of bed because the pain in my pelvis is so ouchie. How glamorous! All quiet here too. Have taken one raspberry leaf capsule and am about to have a mug of the tea. I'm going to mix both and see if that helps with my...ahem...loo problem (or lack of!).
I do remember!!! seems like forever ago but also seems like its gone quick too LOL

My 38 week appt was crap! it was with a GP and he didnt really know what he was doing! I came out feeling so clueless, i dont know if he is head down, i dont know if he is engaged, i dont know if he is the right size as he didnt measure my fundal height. Ive left a message with my MW to see if i can see her when she is back in surgery tomorrow as I feel uninformed!

Aww hunni dont worry about being quickly can he get to you if you do go into labour without him. or how close are parents?

And i LOVE maisie!! gorjus name! poss more than Esme....Esme is becoming more and more common, ive seen about 3 babies been called it now but it is a bootiful name though! Maybe you should have 2 names in your head, Esme and Maisie and then when you see her you can decide xx
Just noticed my baby is on the last box of my ticker! Must be time for her to come out then! Lol xxx
hahaha!! it is amazing that we are in the last boxes now!!! i remember it showing 4 weeks and being excited!!!!!!!!
31 days to go, exactly a month til my due date, I'm not sure I can hold on much longer. Nice trip up a country toad (for the bumps for you dirty ladies :rofl:) and maybe that'll get her shifted! xxx
Good I'm glad you like the name, its more me. I just never really said Esme out loud so I think it wasn't right.

I hope ur midwife can see u Samira its crappy u know nothing especially at this stage! I'm having a do nothing day cause I'm so tired and aching all over.

It depends with tom, with his job he is sometimes at his base about 35mins away, or dropping off cars to various places in the uk, that in the day, so at night it would take him about 40mins to get over, I just don't think things would be that simple lol. I think my brother will be the first here as he lives 5 mins away then my mum. Ohhh I just don't know. Xxx
Ladies I am sobbing my heart out over here :cry: I'm not sure if I mentioned it but my dog Toby needed to have an operation when we were on holiday (my friends were looking after him) and they had to pay for some of the vet bills initially while we were sorting the insurance out. But we've had a letter through from the insurance and they said they're not going to be paying out :cry: Toby has dislocating knees (patellar luxation) but has never been troubled with them before, then when we were on holiday his hip just popped out and needed to have an op on it, but now they're saying they're not paying because it's related to a pre-existing condition :nope: Even though a hip and a knee are completely different and he's never been bothered by his knees apart from one time about a year ago. So now I have a bill of £666.83 to pay a vet! I phoned the insurance and they said that if the vet can categorically say the problem with his hip was NOT related to the knee problem they can re-evaluate the claim but it's not looking good :cry:

If we don't get the claim sorted we'll have to pay it and probably get rid of Toby because if it happens again there is NO WAY I could afford a vet to fix it and insurance wouldn't pay. My head is thumping with crying and I just can't believe this, a month before I'm due :cry::cry::cry: someone help x
Oh god Claire, that's awful! I don't know what advice to give but big hugs hon xxx fingers crossed the vet will stand up to them and help you out! The vet also may be able to advise you if they won't pay - I'm sure there must be something they can do to help as if you can't pay, you can't pay - they wouldn't want the dog to suffer or have to be put down I'm sure! Maybe there is a charity that can help? I'm only guessing but it's worth asking.

Michelle - love both names hon and agree, maybe decide which suits her when she arrives :)

Samira - sorry about your 38 week appointment hon - def ask your midwife for another check!

I have my 41 week appointment with midwife any minute (she's coming to my house - weird!!) to have my stretch and sweep....eeeek!! Wish me luck ladies - here's hoping all those fake labours have been doing something down there!!! Feeling a bit nervous actually :nope:
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Claire. What a crappy situation. These bloody insurance companies will use any excuse not to pay out :growlmad: Will the vet's evaluation do anything to help?

Heather- I hope your midwife appointment went well, and the sweep has got things moving along for you!

Samira- sorry you had such a crappy appointment. That's really rubbish that you didn't get any information. I've had midwife led care the whole time, so have only seen a midwife- no GPs or consultants.

Well, the group physio class was pretty crap- not much physio involved! We just all sat there whilst they told us why we had PGP (SPD), and gave us advice on the best way to turn over in bed, walk up and down the stairs, get in and out of the car etc. We were then told to do pelvic floor exercises, gave us a tubagrip for support (!?) along with a ton of leaflets, and that was it :nope: The basic message was- you'll just have to get on with it!

Just got 2 emails within an hour of each other, telling me that 2 of the couples at my NCT class have just had their babies (both due after me!). I'm now in full on sulking mode which is ridiculous, seeing as I'm still 2 weeks off my due date!

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