Thanks hun, will take all of that onboard
maybe I can investigate swimming as something for us to do of an evening... is it better for me to leave him on his own to do something though or should I be there with him? xxx
Swimming would be good, you can do it together but you also get some time to your own 'thoughts' if you see what I mean? Relaxing too. At first it helped to have other people around me to talk to me about 'normal' things and to try and take my mind off stuff - as I got better I was able to do more by myself, like the yoga etc. I think at first it was very difficult to see through the fuzziness but in reality if I'd been left on my own it would have taken a lot longer to sort myself out. I was a complete mess though.
I guess my main advice is to be gentle - talk about normal things and be supportive without being in his face too much. You'll naturally be v. worried about him but don't let him see it, be subtle in the diet changes etc - use our womanly ways to guide him down life's correct paths, haha! The more I think about it (I don't think about it often, it was a horrible time) my mum completely saved me. She took it easy, let me sit around the house in a grey tracksuit moping and crying non-stop for about a month before gradually she started taking me out - a garden centre cafe here, a trip to grandma's there - she watched me like a hawk as I ate little bird-like portions of food, and basically kept me alive. Now I'm not suggesting your hubby is anything like as bad as I was but the principles are the same - I think the more you have people telling you to do stuff, the more under pressure you are so you have to be subtle. One day at a time, etc etc. Hope he's on the mend soon - I'd give it maybe 6 weeks to get some dietary and exercise changes and if you're not seeing a difference, get in touch with the doctor again. I'm pretty sure you will do though.
Or I can send my mum round?! Between me and my dad we've made her an expert!
As for exes, I am super-lucky - my husband only had one girlfriend for about 6 months, possibly ever although we've never discussed it, and nobody knows where she lives or what she does these days! I can't even remember her name! I think he married me because I was the first one that came along, haha!