Im one of those 'happy mummy, happy baby' people. IF you wanna BF then BF, if you wanna FF then FF, as long as you are both happy, it makes no difference to me. I FF Phoebe but Im going to try to BF this one, if it doesnt work out I will FF him, no big deal to me. I hate it when people force their opinions on you.
What gets me is my OH's comments about my pain threshold. He has only ever seen me in labour so how does he actually know I was rubbish and couldnt handle it. Yes I screamed a few times and had a few drugs and cried but I was in labour, it bloody well hurts. But he seems to think I was rubbish and couldnt handle labour and doesnt know how I will do it this time

My OH is one of those who doesnt have mych sympathy for others, he thinks people should man up and get on with things rather than moaning just because that is what he does. My hips were killing me last night, the first time I have had proper pain with them this pregnancy but he was like 'well you got 11 more weeks, better get used to it'
So I have started the healthy eating, just had a nutri-grain bar (not all that healthy but uber yummy) and now going to start on the strawberries, super yummy mummy Amanda on the way