Limbo Ladies!!

Its mad Vickie, we bought Phoebe a Recaro car seat and when we got it home realised there was somewhere to plug an Ipod in, the seat is supposed to last until age 11 but still, we were in stitches, we couldnt believe it. I always think the expensive bouncers look crap too, there is one that just looks like a bent piece of wood with a seat on top and its like £150. Poor baby who is stuck in that. We got a fisher price swing chair and it does the job perfect and cost around £40ish and will have lasted two children.
Im now wavering on spending so much money on a changing bag. On one hand Im like well OH offered, he has got his toys and monster trucks etc and then on the other hand Im like but will I really use it that long, is it worth it etc.... choices choices (mummy wants a Pauls Boutique bag :blush:)

CeeCee- Glad MW has gone OK, I have spent my afternoon looking at changing bags but now really must do some work.

Michelle - Have who you feel comfortable with, you will want someone you can trust and can rely on so if you want your boyfriend then have him.

Rach - Hope the house viewings and bank goes ok

I think i want a Yummy mummy bag, my birthday is the 16th august so i may ask for an early present off my Mum, or my friends as they usually get together and buy something nice.

I will have the boyfriend there :) but hes not looking at my bits!!!
Hey ladies!

Me and my usual have forgotten what I've JUST read, I think being shattered today isn't helping any at all :cry: and hubby was out at 630 last night to play football, and tonight he's going out at 530, to play football again. And on thursday he's playing from about 730-1030pm and then again on Sunday afternoon so we can't do anything) it's been like this for weeks and it's really buggin me. But after sunday he won't have anymore games so thats not too bad, cos I'm now going into the 3rd tri (officially lol) I'm getting bigger and more tired again.

Sorry, I will try and catch up more, you all must think I'm a selfish witch :haha: I'll get a pen and paper when I get a minute xxx
Lol barbles work isn't as fun as this!! I've been pushed to my brains limits today and now I need to chat to you lovely ladies to restore my sanity! I say if you like the bag then go for it :) Perhaps you could use it afterwards as something else? My sister now uses her changing bag as her cleaning products bag lol she puts it over her shoulder and goes around armed with her polishes and dusters all in the same bag lol.
Hey ladies!

Me and my usual have forgotten what I've JUST read, I think being shattered today isn't helping any at all :cry: and hubby was out at 630 last night to play football, and tonight he's going out at 530, to play football again. And on thursday he's playing from about 730-1030pm and then again on Sunday afternoon so we can't do anything) it's been like this for weeks and it's really buggin me. But after sunday he won't have anymore games so thats not too bad, cos I'm now going into the 3rd tri (officially lol) I'm getting bigger and more tired again.

Sorry, I will try and catch up more, you all must think I'm a selfish witch :haha: I'll get a pen and paper when I get a minute xxx

You're not selfish you silly billy!! I take notes as I go through to catch up and reply lol works wonders. Thats a bit sucky on the football front hun :( as you said fingers crossed it will be better after his last match sunday and you can start doing more things together. :hugs: XXX
Just having a meltdown right now :cry: Jayden's acting up so I threatened to take him to bed and he started crying, when I asked him why he was crying he said 'cos you were shouting at me :(' and now I feel like the worst mummy in the world. I'm so tired and I'm taking it out on him which isn't fair and I can't catch my breath, and I won't get the chance to nap or rest either when alan comes in cos I'll be making dinner etc. I just want to bury my head under my duvet and not come out for the rest of the night :cry: xxx
Just having a meltdown right now :cry: Jayden's acting up so I threatened to take him to bed and he started crying, when I asked him why he was crying he said 'cos you were shouting at me :(' and now I feel like the worst mummy in the world. I'm so tired and I'm taking it out on him which isn't fair and I can't catch my breath, and I won't get the chance to nap or rest either when alan comes in cos I'll be making dinner etc. I just want to bury my head under my duvet and not come out for the rest of the night :cry: xxx

Aww hun. My niece used to do that lol its great at making you feel bad isn't it? You are not the worst mummy in the world - far from!! In fact I've not seen many mothers with the dedication and love for their child that you have for Jayden so please don't feel bad. We all have our breaking points and especially whwn we're tired and in pain its hard to keep our emotions in check. Jayden will have forgotten all about it in an hour my lovely so chin up and just get a big hug from him and you'll feel smiles better. Why don't you have a duvet evening after dinner? Some nights I do that!! I cook dinner and as soon as it's finished I cuddle up on the sofa (doesn't even have to involve a duvet lol) and just watch something that I want to watch for an hour and it's amazing how chilled out you can get. Obvioulsy you'll probs have to wait til Jayden's in bed but please try to get some time for yourself this evening, it really sounds like you need it sweetie XXX
I will have the boyfriend there :) but hes not looking at my bits!!!

Sorry Michelle this really made me laugh!

Barbles, totally know what you mean with the bent-bit-of-wood bouncer. How boring must that be to sit in for a baby?! Looks nice and everything but I want one with dangly animals and colourful things for them to look at and be stimulated by (I am going to be one of those awful mothers). I've found some on Kiddicare for about £40-£50 which is more than enough. I much prefer the play gyms. Decided against the iPod dock (!), I can simply put on the radio perhaps?! Plus about 3 different people have offered to give me theirs although some of them are a bit boring for my must-be-stimulated child. I don't know about anyone else but I'm finding that where I'm being offered items by lots of different people it's because they found them a complete waste of space and want them out of their house! I've so far been offered 4 top-and-tail bowls - I don't even have a baby yet and even I can tell it's useless.

Onto the changing bag debate, if you want a Radley changing bag then go for it! Especially if you're not paying for it! Not paying for it = not having to justify it. I've decided I want a Pacapod but bearing in mind the price this is one I'm funding myself... He cannot buy a monster truck (:wacko: Men!) and not give his side of the bargain. And anyway, you'll probably end up using it forever as a handbag etc too. A pal of mine bought a Coach changing bag for her first at a cost of about £300, turned out it didn't fit over the Quinny's handlebar so she bought one from John Lewis for about £30 instead and uses the Coach as a handbag!
Ceecee, you always know what to say to make me feel better lol! He's already forgotten about it so we're lying on the couch watching ben and holly lol I've decided to wait for my dinner and make it when jayden's in bed and freeze half (gonna make a stir fry) and alan can feed himself and Jayden while I take myself to bed for an hour. I promise ladies I will take notes tonight and respond when I can lol xxxx
I will have the boyfriend there :) but hes not looking at my bits!!!

Sorry Michelle this really made me laugh!

Barbles, totally know what you mean with the bent-bit-of-wood bouncer. How boring must that be to sit in for a baby?! Looks nice and everything but I want one with dangly animals and colourful things for them to look at and be stimulated by (I am going to be one of those awful mothers). I've found some on Kiddicare for about £40-£50 which is more than enough. I much prefer the play gyms. Decided against the iPod dock (!), I can simply put on the radio perhaps?! Plus about 3 different people have offered to give me theirs although some of them are a bit boring for my must-be-stimulated child. I don't know about anyone else but I'm finding that where I'm being offered items by lots of different people it's because they found them a complete waste of space and want them out of their house! I've so far been offered 4 top-and-tail bowls - I don't even have a baby yet and even I can tell it's useless.

Onto the changing bag debate, if you want a Radley changing bag then go for it! Especially if you're not paying for it! Not paying for it = not having to justify it. I've decided I want a Pacapod but bearing in mind the price this is one I'm funding myself... He cannot buy a monster truck (:wacko: Men!) and not give his side of the bargain. And anyway, you'll probably end up using it forever as a handbag etc too. A pal of mine bought a Coach changing bag for her first at a cost of about £300, turned out it didn't fit over the Quinny's handlebar so she bought one from John Lewis for about £30 instead and uses the Coach as a handbag!

Haha, i dont want the poor boy to be scarred for life bless him. He can stay strictly waist high holding my sweaty hand and letting me bite him if necessary.

Claire i agree with Ceecee, try and get some time to yourself, and if getting a full nights sleep will make you feel better then use your belt trick. We are here for support too. Also, if you can, buy some Jammie Dodgers, i bought some after seeing the advert and i forgot how lovely they are. xxxxx
Lol Michelle you joke about the biting but my sister nearly drew blood as she bit my dad's hand so hard when she was in labour lol.

Claire - tis my job!! :hugs: And I so want to come to your house for dinner - stir fry sounds lush!! xxx
Hi everyone! Nearly the end of the wroking day... am soooo tired and back is aching!

So I have decided not to do much work in the last hour... I have Desperate housewives on (4OD) and my headphones in :)
I so envy you yasmin! I'm not even allowed a radio in my office :( 5.30pm cannot come soon enough! Enjoy Desperate Housewives!!

Just tried to book a tour of the maternity ward at the hospital I want to give birth at and apparently the no longer do them :( bit gutted about that! Wanted to see what facilities were available etc but can't now!
Lol Michelle you joke about the biting but my sister nearly drew blood as she bit my dad's hand so hard when she was in labour lol.

Claire - tis my job!! :hugs: And I so want to come to your house for dinner - stir fry sounds lush!! xxx

Ohhhhhhhh im not joking. Im 100% going to bite him, even if i dont need to bite, im biting. xxx
Mnnnnn stir fry. I havent eaten enough today, Ive tried to eat healthy but Ive obviously got to eat in in higher volumes coz I am starving!! We got sausages and mash for tea and Im so not looking forward to it, I dont even like mash. Could murder a KFC though haha.

I know, I always said I was going to get myself a nice expensive changing bag as I wasnt getting a new pram but I managed to blag a new pram off him too :blush: but I do really need a nice bag to match haha.

CeeCee your sister is brave, I wouldnt have my dad anywhere near me in labour and he wouldnt come any where near me, too much leakage and things :haha:

And have a nice chilled evening Claire, thats what i intend to do, my brother is looking after Phoebe today as my mum has got a bad back so he has had his strict orders to keep her awake and when I last spoke she was drinking milkshake and eating Jellytots so hopefully that will keep her going til bed time lol.
Well I’m kinda listening to it only at the moment. My director is in the office behind me and can see my screen… why can’t she go back to her desk??!

I had a tour last week… I kept thinking wow I’m going to be here in a couple of months!
Just got off the phone with the bank and my request for overdraft has been declined because of my awful income and the fact that i'm on maternity leave. I'm crying like a stupid fool. Hope everyone's ok. Going to take a quick nap to try and calm down a bit. Really upset, don't even want to tell boyfriend. These viewings will now be pointless and I'll be stuck in this house with my brat of a brother and my parents who sit back and let him get away with it all. Think a trip to citizens advice is in order tommorow. Take care ladies, i'll talk to you all
Ahhh I just realised that 30/05/11 is a bank holiday!! So now I only have 14.5 working days left! Yay!!!!
Just got off the phone with the bank and my request for overdraft has been declined because of my awful income and the fact that i'm on maternity leave. I'm crying like a stupid fool. Hope everyone's ok. Going to take a quick nap to try and calm down a bit. Really upset, don't even want to tell boyfriend. These viewings will now be pointless and I'll be stuck in this house with my brat of a brother and my parents who sit back and let him get away with it all. Think a trip to citizens advice is in order tommorow. Take care ladies, i'll talk to you all

Oh rach i hope your ok and things start looking up for you. It will all work out in the end xxxx
Just got off the phone with the bank and my request for overdraft has been declined because of my awful income and the fact that i'm on maternity leave. I'm crying like a stupid fool. Hope everyone's ok. Going to take a quick nap to try and calm down a bit. Really upset, don't even want to tell boyfriend. These viewings will now be pointless and I'll be stuck in this house with my brat of a brother and my parents who sit back and let him get away with it all. Think a trip to citizens advice is in order tommorow. Take care ladies, i'll talk to you all

Sorry to hear that! Isn’t there anything the council can do to help you if you told them about your current living situation?
Lol Michelle you joke about the biting but my sister nearly drew blood as she bit my dad's hand so hard when she was in labour lol.

Claire - tis my job!! :hugs: And I so want to come to your house for dinner - stir fry sounds lush!! xxx

Ohhhhhhhh im not joking. Im 100% going to bite him, even if i dont need to bite, im biting. xxx

Haha I read this and spat my water out over my computer monitor. Lol you make me laugh love! xxx

Mnnnnn stir fry. I havent eaten enough today, Ive tried to eat healthy but Ive obviously got to eat in in higher volumes coz I am starving!! We got sausages and mash for tea and Im so not looking forward to it, I dont even like mash. Could murder a KFC though haha.

I know, I always said I was going to get myself a nice expensive changing bag as I wasnt getting a new pram but I managed to blag a new pram off him too :blush: but I do really need a nice bag to match haha.

CeeCee your sister is brave, I wouldnt have my dad anywhere near me in labour and he wouldnt come any where near me, too much leakage and things :haha:

And have a nice chilled evening Claire, thats what i intend to do, my brother is looking after Phoebe today as my mum has got a bad back so he has had his strict orders to keep her awake and when I last spoke she was drinking milkshake and eating Jellytots so hopefully that will keep her going til bed time lol.

Lol My sister didn't have much choice she'd split up with her now ex-husband by that point and and when my dad went to leave the room as the pushing started my sister grabbed him and refused to let go lol we're a very close family lol no amount of bodily functions is enough to put us off such occasions it would seem ha ha Xxx

Just got off the phone with the bank and my request for overdraft has been declined because of my awful income and the fact that i'm on maternity leave. I'm crying like a stupid fool. Hope everyone's ok. Going to take a quick nap to try and calm down a bit. Really upset, don't even want to tell boyfriend. These viewings will now be pointless and I'll be stuck in this house with my brat of a brother and my parents who sit back and let him get away with it all. Think a trip to citizens advice is in order tommorow. Take care ladies, i'll talk to you all

I'm sorry to hear that hun :( :hugs: maybe it's worth asking if they'll give you a smaller overdraft capacity? If not it might be worth thinking about a 0% credit card so that you could pay it off with your maternity pay and also has the added bonus of boosting your credit score? Iwould definitely go and see the CAB tomorrow though hun and I truly hope you get a solution somewhere XXX

Ahhh I just realised that 30/05/11 is a bank holiday!! So now I only have 14.5 working days left! Yay!!!!

that feeling is fabulous when you realise you don't have long left isn't it? Even better feeling when you realise you actually have less days than you thought lol. I'm going to try and take two days leave this month which means I am in single figures on working days now... Come on yasmin - we can do this lol xxx

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