Limbo Ladies!!

Morning all.

Im Formula feeding my little one as i cant breastfeed due to the op, and I havnt had any snide comments as of yet, but i know i may get them, like "didnt you want to have the operation after you had children" bla bla bla.

Also, i get to see my boyfriend on friday for the 1st time since like the 14th april, and may i just say, I feel i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to see him if anyone gets me. My 'drive' is very high at the minute. eeeeeeeeeee TMI, but my god am i going to pounce on him!

She really really has been getting to me.
I will give BF my best shot but if it's not meant to be it's not and I don't need OH or his mum giving me crap.
HE'S annoyed me more because he keeps saying stuff like "The baby will have higher IQ if you breast feed" & His mother said "The women who weren't 100% determined to BF were the ones who couldn't do it where as I was determined and was able to, and that shows that it's all in their head."
BAH she also said I looked like popeye in my white trousers and stripy top, and that I barely had any eyebrows, that she hates the name imogen which is my middle name, that I should talk to my baby / child like an adult as it will make her more intelligent, if I talk to her like a baby/ child then she will be stupid.
I really can't imagine how i'll cope with her for years to come. I feel like I can't even bite back because she's very ill physically and also mentally very depressed and so is his father. SO even though they can say what they like, I can't in fear I'll send them into bad depression.

Sorry girlies. It's just really stressed me out more than anything lately. Stupid woman. Stupid boyfriend for not actually knowing what the hell he's on about and just agreeing with her.

Michelle- good luck with the pouncing ;) hehe.

Anyone have nice plans today?
Ugh, the breastfeeding mafia. It's one of the most emotive topics I've ever come across yet one which is such a personal decision it's none of anyone else's business! I'm extremely lucky that my family are ok with whatever happens/whatever I decide (and most of them are probably too scared of me to argue) but I have no idea why some people think they can have an opinion on it. The facts are simple, for some people it just doesn't work. My mum tried with me but nothing happened, despite pressure from midwives etc at the hospital to keep trying. Eventually I was so dehydrated and hungry they caved in and gave me a bottle and hey presto, all was fine! Your baby, your decision - good on her if it worked but without formula I wouldn't be here and neither would my brother. Oh, and for your OH's info - I'm a lawyer, bro is a pilot and our ********, formula-fed minds have not held us back in our professions!

It's all over the news again today as well, I turned it off this morning because it got me so angry! I think any mother is perfectly capable of making the right decision for her own child without intervention from medical studies or whatever. As long as a baby's warm, fed and cared for nobody should be bothered.

Rah! Oh, and WTF with the popeye comment (and all the others) too?! Go and take it out on some cushions!

My plans today are to book afternoon tea at a nice hotel in town for when a few friends are visiting on Saturday and to try not to fall asleep during my work in progress review in half an hour. Yawn. Hope everyone else's plans are more exciting!

Gosh that was a bit ranty. Can tell it's still morning, I only cheer up post-lunchtime!
Your so lucky to still have the drive Michelle, I dont really fancy it... well I do fancy it but when it actually comes to it its so sensitive and awkward that I just cant be bothered. Have fun though :winkwink:

I have no plans today other than working :nope: and trying to sort out my next account. It wont let me log in, keeps saying it doesnt recognise my customer number nor my email and password. I missed my minimum payment last month :blush: I just literally forgot but I have done it before an they have just cancelled my credit until I paid it. So Im on paranoia mode now someone has hacked my next account and changed it all :haha: it probably just a simple mistake though.

So fun times ahead for me, I may even do a spot of washing while Im on my lunch hour, woo my life is exciting

Hope MW goes well for you CeeCee

Ignore your stupid MIL Rach, mine do my head in too and make comments :growlmad: My OH always agrees with mummy too, RAWR!!!!
Ugh, the breastfeeding mafia. It's one of the most emotive topics I've ever come across yet one which is such a personal decision it's none of anyone else's business! I'm extremely lucky that my family are ok with whatever happens/whatever I decide (and most of them are probably too scared of me to argue) but I have no idea why some people think they can have an opinion on it. The facts are simple, for some people it just doesn't work. My mum tried with me but nothing happened, despite pressure from midwives etc at the hospital to keep trying. Eventually I was so dehydrated and hungry they caved in and gave me a bottle and hey presto, all was fine! Your baby, your decision - good on her if it worked but without formula I wouldn't be here and neither would my brother. Oh, and for your OH's info - I'm a lawyer, bro is a pilot and our ********, formula-fed minds have not held us back in our professions!

It's all over the news again today as well, I turned it off this morning because it got me so angry! I think any mother is perfectly capable of making the right decision for her own child without intervention from medical studies or whatever. As long as a baby's warm, fed and cared for nobody should be bothered.

Rah! Oh, and WTF with the popeye comment (and all the others) too?! Go and take it out on some cushions!

My plans today are to book afternoon tea at a nice hotel in town for when a few friends are visiting on Saturday and to try not to fall asleep during my work in progress review in half an hour. Yawn. Hope everyone else's plans are more exciting!

Gosh that was a bit ranty. Can tell it's still morning, I only cheer up post-lunchtime!

Oh I know I've just had enough. I go there to make the effort, they're always glad to see me apparently but they really never say the right things, and it ends up me biting my tongue for hours, then when I leave and get in the car I cry my eyes out and get anxious and my breathing goes funny because I'm so stressed. I've decided not to go there again for a while.
A comment from the father also upset me. He told me to only have one baby, I laughed it off thinking he was joking and he snapped back "no i'm serious, we are glad we had 3 but it's made us ill and our lives were so hard. We should've stuck to one"
I was furious, I haven't had this baby yet and i'm already being told just to have one. Yet they've had three, and my OH is still suffering the affects of the fact that his father was never a good father, leaving and having breakdowns infront of the children, etc etc, not knowing how to communicate with the kids. I'm so fed up of these people who have done alot of wrong judging me. And not even realising what they're doing!! and they honestly don't, they sit there and laugh it off and make comments and then call me "love" and ask my OH when they will see me next. Thankyou for seeing where i'm coming from. I'm just so fed up of them. I have had to make the decision that I will not let them babysit, however do not know how to tell them. The mother is on 24 different medications including morphine for her illnesses, and can hardly look after herself. They've only very recently quit smoking weed, and I just don't trust them. Sounds awful but I can't leave my baby with them.

Hope you enjoy Saturday, sounds lovely! Stressful afternoon for me, I'm going to the bank to see If I can get an overdraft, which I'm feeling I wont qualify for. Then we have 2 viewings this afternoon. But If I can't get an overdraft then there's no way we can move out in time for baby. So lots of worry. Fingers crossed.

Your so lucky to still have the drive Michelle, I dont really fancy it... well I do fancy it but when it actually comes to it its so sensitive and awkward that I just cant be bothered. Have fun though :winkwink:

I have no plans today other than working :nope: and trying to sort out my next account. It wont let me log in, keeps saying it doesnt recognise my customer number nor my email and password. I missed my minimum payment last month :blush: I just literally forgot but I have done it before an they have just cancelled my credit until I paid it. So Im on paranoia mode now someone has hacked my next account and changed it all :haha: it probably just a simple mistake though.

So fun times ahead for me, I may even do a spot of washing while Im on my lunch hour, woo my life is exciting

Hope MW goes well for you CeeCee

Ignore your stupid MIL Rach, mine do my head in too and make comments :growlmad: My OH always agrees with mummy too, RAWR!!!!

Well i have this drive now, i dont know about when he gets here. It may have vanished by then lol. But i like to make an effort with him so he doesnt go home thinking 'well this is fun going out with a girls whose 7 months pregnant....not'

Rach i'm practically in the same position as you, looking for somewhere to live, I wont be claiming DSS as i get a maternity allowance of about £600 from the NHS as part of my training, but i dont get that untill the baby is here so i cant prove to Estate Agents anything, so why they would chose me as a tenant over a working couple is beyond me. We will just have to keep our fingers crossed :) xxxxxxx
Michelle I have a crazy drive but bf is put off by the fact i'm pregnant. I'm terrible at the moment.

I'll be on 370 for six weeks then down to 120 I think is it? But my earnings are poor, and OH lives in his overdraft so I really need to get one. I know it'll end up me being worse off but we need the money right now.! Big good luck to you, its really stressful isn't it :( I have to be out of my parents house when baby gets here. I can't stay here, my brother and I really don't get on, he steals my things and goes through my room and i'm horrified to just discover reading my emails, they've already been read, i've had password requests sent to my email accounts, not by me, and it's freaked me out. I have a feeling it's my brother. Grrrr. Going to have to change my passwords everywhere now.xx
Michelle I have a crazy drive but bf is put off by the fact i'm pregnant. I'm terrible at the moment.

I'll be on 370 for six weeks then down to 120 I think is it? But my earnings are poor, and OH lives in his overdraft so I really need to get one. I know it'll end up me being worse off but we need the money right now.! Big good luck to you, its really stressful isn't it :( I have to be out of my parents house when baby gets here. I can't stay here, my brother and I really don't get on, he steals my things and goes through my room and i'm horrified to just discover reading my emails, they've already been read, i've had password requests sent to my email accounts, not by me, and it's freaked me out. I have a feeling it's my brother. Grrrr. Going to have to change my passwords everywhere now.xx

Rach thats crazy! How awful for your own brother to do that, i dont know how to put this in the right way (which is mad as ive basically just qualified as a mental health nurse) but does he have any mental health problems?

I need to be out of my house too, at first i was ordered to get out by my step dad "were not taking care you your baby" bla bla bla, but now i couldnt imagine being at home with the baby.

Could you get any financial support from anyone else in your family?

I am so hoping my boyfriend still finds me attractive this week, 4 weeks is a long time my bump has got a lot bigger, so heres hoping. I plan to just get him drunk and take advantage hahaha ;) xxxxxx
Haha don't worry, he doesn't that we know of, and my mum's a psychiatric nurse. However He's been such a little git for years now that I recon there's something more going on. He refuses to go to school and he goes through my room and takes things without asking, then lies about having them and I find them in his room months later. He's even stolen gifts i've had from my boyfriend, (60 quid headphones) when I asked him if he had them he lied for about 6 months, then I found them all effed up on his floor. All I know is i can't cope with him. He goes through my room and my drawers and that's bad enough. He's 17 now, so there's no excuse anymore. He should know better. My parents don't even tell him off. They tell me not to start an arguement. So infuriating. Can't live here much longer. Changing my passwords now.
The only person who can lend me money is my nan but I don't want to ask because she already gave us 500 towards stuff for bubs. And I just couldn't ask her. I just hope when I go to the bank in a few hours I can get an overdraft.

& I wish you luck! Seems to be my bf will only do it when it suits him. 6am the other morning, I wasn't even in the mood but went for it as I knew I probably wouldn't get the chance to again. When I'm in the mood he turns me down. BLAH. He also said "I can't wait for you to get your belly back after baby" :/ I just about hate everyone lately apart from you girls! hahah. xx
Oh god thats a bloody pain and a half isnt it. I hope you sort it. Im sure if you were desperate your nan may help? But i know how you feel, my nan and grandad keep saying 'tell us if you need anything' but i just feel guilty for saying 'well actually i need this' lol.

Luckily, even though my parents are divorced and have not been amicable to each other for the past 10 years, this pregnancy has made them speak more, and they are now helping me with the deposit and first months rent etc. I just cant wait for about 4 months time, when im settled with the baby and i know where i stand with money etc. Cant wait to be able to spend more time with the boyfriend, and let him bond with the baby.

This is what i had to ask, you all know my boyfriend isnt the FOB, is it silly to have him at the birth? He wants to be there to support me, but i dont know if people will think im being silly. xxxxx
Oh god thats a bloody pain and a half isnt it. I hope you sort it. Im sure if you were desperate your nan may help? But i know how you feel, my nan and grandad keep saying 'tell us if you need anything' but i just feel guilty for saying 'well actually i need this' lol.

Luckily, even though my parents are divorced and have not been amicable to each other for the past 10 years, this pregnancy has made them speak more, and they are now helping me with the deposit and first months rent etc. I just cant wait for about 4 months time, when im settled with the baby and i know where i stand with money etc. Cant wait to be able to spend more time with the boyfriend, and let him bond with the baby.

This is what i had to ask, you all know my boyfriend isnt the FOB, is it silly to have him at the birth? He wants to be there to support me, but i dont know if people will think im being silly. xxxxx

I'm glad it's made them speak more, it's great that they're helping out too.
We'd be ok it's just the timing, my boyfriend doesn't get paid in enough time, we just need the money this week really. Especially if we like somewhere today.

Do you mean you want your bf there? or the FOB? xx xx xx
My boyfriend. The FOB doesnt want to be involved so he wont be there. And i havnt seen him since christmas, seeing him will just upset me. I didnt realise how much you could hate someone.

Are you looking today then? xxxx
Good luck Rachyroux with your bank and the hunting - nothing's ever easy is it? You definitely need to get away from your brother, what a nightmare.

Michelle - have whoever you want there! If you think your boyfriend will give you the support etc then definitely have him, especially if he wants to be there for you. I think that's lovely and definietly not silly. People have their mums there and they're not the fathers either!
Michelle I think it would be great for you to have him there. You have whoever you want there to help you through. It's not silly and if anyone thinks that then they're not worth your time. :flow:
We will be viewing two places later on at about half four.. going to have a bath soon then go bank, citizens advice, then to view places.

Vicki - Thankyou lovely! I know, he's definately not what I need to be around right now

Yo yo girlies!!

Rachyroux - totally agree! Hope you find something and it all works out so that you can escape your evil brother! XXX

Michelle - My sisters birth partners were my mam and dad but a friend of mine ended up having a vicar as her birth partner lol. Very long story but it worked out well!! Have who you want there hun XXX

Midwife went well this morning and miracle of miracles I've actually had work to do!! I've now finished the work though so can indulge my obsession with bnb lol
Yo yo girlies!!

Rachyroux - totally agree! Hope you find something and it all works out so that you can escape your evil brother! XXX

Michelle - My sisters birth partners were my mam and dad but a friend of mine ended up having a vicar as her birth partner lol. Very long story but it worked out well!! Have who you want there hun XXX

Midwife went well this morning and miracle of miracles I've actually had work to do!! I've now finished the work though so can indulge my obsession with bnb lol

Helllooooo Ceecee, ive done my one task for today and thats going to the bank. Now im bored again. Bring on the baby thats what i say! xxxx
Has anyone seriously bought a baby bouncer thing for £140?! I nearly fell off my chair at lunchtime when I was looking online at the prices of a few! They'll only sit in it for 6 months, if that - and some of them don't even have any dangly toys, how boring is that?! Is it just me or are the prices of these things completely way off the mark! Some of them have MP3 sockets!!! :-O I've only just scraped myself off the ceiling at the nursery furniture prices, haha!
Ive seen a couple i like for about £30, on toysrus and kiddicare xxxx
Bring on the bubbas indeed Michelle. Can't believe my little princess is a max of 8 weeks away tomorrow! Crazy!!

I know what you mean Vicki, some of the prices are unreal. For bedroom furniture we bought a wardrobe and chest of drawers from Ikea for the grand total of £100. As for baby bouncer I'm quite lucky and am inheriting one from my sister but some of the prices are crazy!
Its mad Vickie, we bought Phoebe a Recaro car seat and when we got it home realised there was somewhere to plug an Ipod in, the seat is supposed to last until age 11 but still, we were in stitches, we couldnt believe it. I always think the expensive bouncers look crap too, there is one that just looks like a bent piece of wood with a seat on top and its like £150. Poor baby who is stuck in that. We got a fisher price swing chair and it does the job perfect and cost around £40ish and will have lasted two children.
Im now wavering on spending so much money on a changing bag. On one hand Im like well OH offered, he has got his toys and monster trucks etc and then on the other hand Im like but will I really use it that long, is it worth it etc.... choices choices (mummy wants a Pauls Boutique bag :blush:)

CeeCee- Glad MW has gone OK, I have spent my afternoon looking at changing bags but now really must do some work.

Michelle - Have who you feel comfortable with, you will want someone you can trust and can rely on so if you want your boyfriend then have him.

Rach - Hope the house viewings and bank goes ok

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