I improvised as I went along, and I have to admit wasn't completely from scratch, had some help with some red thai curry paste

but it took ages. Used:
Red thai curry paste (use however many teaspoons you want, it gets hotter as you add)
Lime leaf
lemon grass (again amount is up to you)
whole can of Coconut milk
1Table spoon of fish sauce (doesn't make the curry taste like fish, suprisingly ahha)
I used lots of veg, trying to be a good girl haha including mushrooms, potatoes, peppers, broccoli, onions.
I used 2 chicken breasts chopped which I pre cooked slightly before adding to the Main pot, lightly fried on both sides until not completely raw and pink looking.
Had to use water as I didn't have enough sauce, went too watery so I then had to use cornflower to thicken. So i'd suggest either doing that, or buying extra coconut milk as you don't use all of the red thai paste or it'll get really hot.
I put in a few cumin seeds, tumeric, 3 cloves of garlic (don't need 3 but I like garlic) and a few mini chillies but took the seeds out.
Add the salt and pepper towards the end to taste
I put the chicken in with the sauce first, added the veg shortly after, the veg takes ages to cook, didn't realise I would be in that kitchen for so long! If you just look for a basic red thai curry recipe and improvise, you'll be fine with that

I added a few prawns to mine but that's another personal prefferance.
I cooked it on a low heat as slow cooking makes the chicken really nice and soft, just make sure to check on it now and then to stir, or veg will end up sticking to the bottom of the pan !