Wow, plenty to catch up on as always!!
Rachy- I'm sorry that you're still struggling with the renting situation. That really sucks, especially when you and your OH are trying so hard to get the deposit together. I hope you'll be in your place together soon, ready for your baby girl's arrival.
On the subject of crushes, mine is fairly predictable but I'm totally in love with Bradley Cooper. It really started when watching The Hangover (of all things!) but I even agreed to see The A Team film with OH last year, just so I could get a fix

I do totally get the Robert Pattinson thing (he's rather scrummy) but I agree Claire- I totally fell in love with his character 1000x more when reading the books. Hmm, I feel in the mood to reread them all now!
No baby shower happening here. What with my family being 5 hours away from here and a lot of my closest friends scattered around the country, it would be a pretty poor turn out I think
All of this hospital bag talk is scaring me slightly. I feel like I'm beginning to get relatively organised with things but I have no clue at all what I'm doing with my hospital bag. I don't even know which bag to take, let alone what I'll be packing in it! Clearly, I need to be stealing a list from one of you
CeeCee- you'll have us all on alert now, knowing that Jess might be making an early appearance! I think our boy will be the opposite. He keeps switching from transverse to breech- basically any position that isn't head down. I think he's going to be trouble!
I had a trip to the docs this morning as I was having sharp pains under my bump. Thankfully, it's nothing bad- I just have pelvic ligament issues

So, it's just one of those things I have to put up with but I don't mind as long as it's not affecting bubba. My doctor was lovely too, telling me to go in and see him any time I was worried about anything at all. Come to think about it, he was a rather young, cute doctor. My hormones seem to be rather excitable today
Had a mini splurge on Amazon this afternoon- bought a baby monitor and movement mat, a Yummy Mummy changing bag and a few other bits. My credit card bill is going to be bad next month