You talk so much sense ceecee, you seem to have all the knowlegde about relationships and will give great advice, whereas I love helping people sort out issues they have with their babies or children, cos that's what I'm good at (see, I can compliment myself

He texted back and said 'I'm sorry baby that you dont feel like a wife, that really upsets me as I want you to always be happy, we need to spend more time together, that I know. You prob feel like a housekeeper as ur always in the house, I've said before I don't mind you doing things, going out, you need to spend more time with adults xxxxxxx'
The thing is, and I've told him, I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do. I'm over 6 months pregnant and, to be honest, I have hardly any friends. The ones I do have, have their own lives and kids and no time for me, which I totally get, cos I have Jayden and know how hard it is. I just know it's going to get worse when baby comes and thats why we have to sort it now. Thank you for listening
