Limbo Ladies!!

Just wanted to say you're all fabulous, gorgeous ladies! And I know alot of us are unhappy with our weight, and I have no doubt we'll be support to eachother when we are on the mission to lose weight after baby.

Yasmin- I hope 5;15 comes quickly for you! & also what you said earlier about friends, Since i've become pregnant everyone has left me. Yep everyone pretty much. The only person I see are my parents and boyfriend. And the only people who bother to stay in touch are some girls in work. Life long friends have vanished. Not really friends hey!

Ceecee- How is the GD going hun?

Claire- I have to agree, you have great legs!!. Good luck with the chat later xx

Kim- I've also yoyo'd for a while. Finally got it undercontrol and lots a tonne of weight and became pregnant! Take that PCOS.

Vicki- Thankyou! cutest shoes ever!

Samira- welcome back! can't wait to see this magazine.! xx

GD is ok thankfully - had a bit of stressful week and had a few high results but saw the diabetes team yesterday and they didn't seem concerned in the slightest :) And thanks for asking as you've just reminded my I need to check my blood sugar lol oops! xxx
You should find out if there are colleges nearby that need models for massage courses. I used to do a massage course and used my friends all the time.

DH complains how he has a masseuse wife and doesnt get any massages!

Lol this is how good my husband is - he actually asks to massage me lol. He says "I can see you're in pain - please can I rub your feet/back/legs?" Lol he's brilliant - he even paints my toenails for me, the first few attempts were shoddy but he's getting pretty darn good at it now lol. And bless your hubby, he'll start having massages after your gorgeous bubba is here and until then he can massage you!! xxx
Lol this is how good my husband is - he actually asks to massage me lol. He says "I can see you're in pain - please can I rub your feet/back/legs?" Lol he's brilliant - he even paints my toenails for me, the first few attempts were shoddy but he's getting pretty darn good at it now lol. And bless your hubby, he'll start having massages after your gorgeous bubba is here and until then he can massage you!! xxx

Can we say JEALOUS. Glad your levels are ok! I had a funny week too but they settled down. So far so good!x x
The last few 'close' friends I've had seemed to get jealous when I met my DH, to the extent where she tried to cause problems between us and excluded me from the group :( Anyways I'm better off without people like that.
Ceecee you are so lucky! Lol I should say that mine does try but he forgets that I like a gentle touch. He's too rough for me!
Update on me-

Had hospital appointment this morning
. Measured my bump, all seems fine, but routine scan in a fortnight to see if she's not too big.
. I'm weighing less than I did two months ago, but the baby is gaining weight i'm just eating healthier due to GD. So they aren't concerned
.GD seems fine, they don't want to put me on meds

Biggest news of all
My father just handed me £1000
lent to him by my Nana..
Looks like We'll have a house/flat after all
:'( I'm so in shock and so greatful!
Oh Rachy, that's wonderful news!!! You must be SO relieved :) Sounds like you've got a good dad and nana there. You can look forward to being in your own home now for when your princess arrives :D Glad to hear that it all went well at the hospital too.

CeeCee and Claire- sounds like I definitely went to the wrong meeting! I think I'm going to see how I feel once bubba is here and maybe look for another meeting. I'm sure there's tons around here.
Thankyou Yasmin & Kim :hugs: It's a massive relief , it's lifed instantly. I'm so lucky. I didn't want to ask anyone for money so I didn't, Jeff even started selling his guitars bless him.. and it's made me realise just how much my parents care for me. Close to tears! me and OH will now be going to as many viewings as possible, as we don't want to settle for the first one we saw, and now we have the money ready for when we need it. Oh god it's such a weight lifted, it really is. Thankyou to all you ladies, you were right, it turned out ok in the end!
Just had a quick read though and Rach, I'm so happy for you!!!!!! You'll have a little house and be away from your brother (I think I remember reading it, sorry if I have it wrong)

Back to tidying! xxx
Thankyou Claire! yes away from the little brat! I know he's my brother, and I do care about him, but the thing is he doesn't give a shite about me, or my belongings. So I'd rather leave him think about what he's done (if he has a concience) to me for years before I start being all nicey to him.! So relieved, he would've stressed me out too much!
Have fun tidying!
Lol this is how good my husband is - he actually asks to massage me lol. He says "I can see you're in pain - please can I rub your feet/back/legs?" Lol he's brilliant - he even paints my toenails for me, the first few attempts were shoddy but he's getting pretty darn good at it now lol. And bless your hubby, he'll start having massages after your gorgeous bubba is here and until then he can massage you!! xxx

Can we say JEALOUS. Glad your levels are ok! I had a funny week too but they settled down. So far so good!x x

Lol bless him he's a keeper :) and I'm a very lucky girl XXX

Ceecee you are so lucky! Lol I should say that mine does try but he forgets that I like a gentle touch. He's too rough for me!

Lol yeah I thought hubby was trying to knead bread when he first tried it but thankfully he's much better now and I actually feel better after a massage rather than feeling like I've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson lol xxx

Update on me-

Had hospital appointment this morning
. Measured my bump, all seems fine, but routine scan in a fortnight to see if she's not too big.
. I'm weighing less than I did two months ago, but the baby is gaining weight i'm just eating healthier due to GD. So they aren't concerned
.GD seems fine, they don't want to put me on meds

Biggest news of all
My father just handed me £1000
lent to him by my Nana..
Looks like We'll have a house/flat after all
:'( I'm so in shock and so greatful!

Yay on the GD front - I haven't had a growth scan... should I be??! And even bigger massive yay on the £1000!!! What fab news hun :) :hugs: xxx

Oh Rachy, that's wonderful news!!! You must be SO relieved :) Sounds like you've got a good dad and nana there. You can look forward to being in your own home now for when your princess arrives :D Glad to hear that it all went well at the hospital too.

CeeCee and Claire- sounds like I definitely went to the wrong meeting! I think I'm going to see how I feel once bubba is here and maybe look for another meeting. I'm sure there's tons around here.

It took me 20 mins to walk into my first Rosemary Conley class lol I kept walking up to the door and looking in then walking away lol eventually the leader came out to me and said "Would you like to come in or would you rather just watch from outside?" Lol quite comical really!! xxx
Ceecee- I get seen by diabetics team every two- three weeks, then after them I get seen by a consultant. Who gives me a quick scan (she didn't today however)
Last time she saw baby was a tiny bit small on the quick scan so reffered me for a growth scan for the following fortnight.. They measured my bump today and said as it was measuring average they didn't want to scan me today as there is only one ultrasound machine which i'd have to wait hours for, but if my bump had measured big I would've had to be seen and scanned. So they've given me another growth scan appointment for two weeks time.
I assumed you got scanned every few weeks with GD but that's because i've always had them! so I'm not sure if it's the norm. Maybe ask about it? When was your last scan? xxx
Ceecee- I get seen by diabetics team every two- three weeks, then after them I get seen by a consultant. Who gives me a quick scan (she didn't today however)
Last time she saw baby was a tiny bit small on the quick scan so reffered me for a growth scan for the following fortnight.. They measured my bump today and said as it was measuring average they didn't want to scan me today as there is only one ultrasound machine which i'd have to wait hours for, but if my bump had measured big I would've had to be seen and scanned. So they've given me another growth scan appointment for two weeks time.
I assumed you got scanned every few weeks with GD but that's because i've always had them! so I'm not sure if it's the norm. Maybe ask about it? When was your last scan? xxx

I've only seen the diabetes team 3 times now over a space of 4ish weeks so maybe its because I haven't seen a consultant? But they haven't mentioned an actual consultant to me? They don't even measure my bump... Hmmm. Last scan was 20 weeks and my MW said they'd scan me around 34 weeks but the actual diabetes team have mentioned nothing. The tale gets curiouser and curiouser lol glad your measurements are coming out ok though hun :) xxx
I saw a consultant from the beginning because of my PCOS. I would just ask them next time you see them something like "Could my Gd affect my baby's size? is there need for me to have a scan to have a check of the growth of her?"
Etc, better to ask I suppose, I'm thinking they should have scanned you! we usually develop GD at about 20 weeks. So seeing as you could've had GD for 12 weeks I recon you should've been scanned. Don't take my word for it, I just thought it would be common sense. Veeery curious haha.xxxx
I saw a consultant from the beginning because of my PCOS. I would just ask them next time you see them something like "Could my Gd affect my baby's size? is there need for me to have a scan to have a check of the growth of her?"
Etc, better to ask I suppose, I'm thinking they should have scanned you! we usually develop GD at about 20 weeks. So seeing as you could've had GD for 12 weeks I recon you should've been scanned. Don't take my word for it, I just thought it would be common sense. Veeery curious haha.xxxx

Hmmm I might take hubby along to the next appointment as he's brilliant at asking for things lol We got our sky+ box free because he just asked for it in a very serious manner lol Thanks hun XXX
Haha that's a very handy trait to have!
I would ask hun, I've been scanned 24th March, 28th april, growth scan beggining of may, 12th may,(today) and another growth scan on the 19th.
I'm just very curious as to why you haven't even had one. Maybe it's because your levels are fine they're assuming you don't need a scan, but my levels have also been ok. Or maybe hospitals are just different everywhere. Anyway I wish you luck hope you have a scan so you can see your lovely girly =D xx
Haha that's a very handy trait to have!
I would ask hun, I've been scanned 24th March, 28th april, growth scan beggining of may, 12th may,(today) and another growth scan on the 19th.
I'm just very curious as to why you haven't even had one. Maybe it's because your levels are fine they're assuming you don't need a scan, but my levels have also been ok. Or maybe hospitals are just different everywhere. Anyway I wish you luck hope you have a scan so you can see your lovely girly =D xx

Thanks hun me too. As far as I know midwife says she's measuring fine but would just like a scan to know for sure :) XXX
Yep it's always lovely to hear some reassurance and to see your baby girly :) xx
I'm so bored in work lol trying to look up on twitter the names of the stars behind these super injunctions but can't seem to find it... lol I know its sad but hey gossip is gossip!!

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